Bedienungsanleitung Tunturi R60 Rudergerät

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The rowing machine is shipped in the locked storage
position. Unlock the front tube’s latch under the seat and
push the seat back. Push the front tube folded on the
frame up and forward. Pull the locking pin up and press
the front frame downward simultaneously by the pulley
wheel cover. Release the locking pin and ensure that the
front frame is in locked forward position. Always tighten
the locking pin before you begin to exercise.
Turn the console carefully away from the front frame so
that you can remove the battery compartment cover in
the back of the console. Open the battery compartment
cover carefully from its lower edge. Press in the tab at the
bottom of the cover to unlock it, then lift the cover up. Be
careful not to damage the wires. Set the batteries (4 x C)
in their place according to the markings in the battery
compartment. Reattach the cover and adjust the angle of
the console appropriately for exercise. The clock in the
console uses always batteries, even when the device is
not connected to any power source. Otherwise the clock
would reset to zero.
Adjust the console so that it is in an appropriate angle for
Connect the transformer power cord to a receptacle.
Connect the transformer connector to the plug in the
front frame. Always disconnect the power cord from the
device and the receptacle after you nish. NOTE! Always
remove the mains cable from the tness equipment rst,
and only then remove it from the power source. Always
connect the mains cable to the power source rst, and
only then connect it to the tness equipment. Inverted
order resets the meter clock display.
Make sure the power cord does not run underneath the
IMPORTANT! The device is shipped with a loop and a hook
for securing the rowing machine properly in the storage
position. Choose an appropriate storage site for your
rowing machine next to a wall and attach the hook
tightly to the wall at the right height. Lift the rowing
machine to the storage position in front of the hook.
Thread the loop provided with the rowing machine
around the cross bar and attach the loop to the hook.
Do not climb on the rowing machine when it is in storage
Rowing is a very effective form of exercise. In addition
to strengthening the heart and improving circulation, it
develops the various groups of large muscles: the back,
the abdomen, the arms, the shoulders as well as the pelvis
and the legs. Rowing also develops muscular exibility
without exertion of joints, and it is a recommended form of
exercise for those who suffer from pains in the neck and
shoulder area. Working out using a rowing machine is
excellent aerobic exercise, the principle being that
the exercise should be suitably light, but of long duration.
Aerobic exercise is based on improving the body’s
maximum oxygen uptake, which in turn improves
endurance and tness. The ability of the body to burn
fat as a fuel is directly dependent on its oxygen-uptake
Aerobic exercise should above all be pleasant. You should
perspire, but you should not get out of breath during the
You should exercise at least three times a week,
30 minutes at a time, to reach a basic tness level.
Maintaining this level requires a few exercise sessions each
week. Once the basic condition has been reached, it
is easily improved, simply by increasing the number of
exercise sessions.
Exercise is always rewarding for weight loss, because it
is the only way of increasing the energy spent by the
body. This is why it is always worthwhile to combine regular
exercise with a healthy diet. A dieter should exercise daily
- at rst 30 minutes or less at a time, gradually increasing
the daily workout time to one hour. You should start slowly
and at low resistance, because strenuous exercise may
subject the heart and circulatory system to excessive
strain. As tness improves, resistance and speed can be
increased gradually.
Short sequences at heavy load increase maximum
strength and muscular mass, longer sequences at a lighter
load trim the body and develop stamina. First nd your
maximum heart rate i.e. where the rate doesn’t increase
with added effort. If you don’t know your maximum heart
rate, please use the following formula as a guide:
220 - AGE
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Marke Tunturi
Modell R60
Kategorie Rudergeräte
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.23 MB

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Welche Muskelgruppe wird beim Benutzen einer Rudermaschine trainiert? Verifiziert

Wenn Sie die Rudermaschine korrekt verwenden, werden fast alle Muskelgruppen trainiert. Beim Abdrücken wird die Bein-, Gesäß-, Hüft- und Rumpfmuskulatur beansprucht. Beim Ziehen des Griffs beanspruchen Sie die Rücken-, Schulter-, Arm- und Rumpfmuskulatur.

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Wie hoch ist die maximale Herzfrequenz beim Training? Verifiziert

Im Allgemeinen können Sie eine Herzfrequenz von 220 annehmen und Ihr Alter abziehen. Für eine Person im Alter von 48 Jahren würde die maximale Herzfrequenz also 220 minus 48 betragen, was 172 entspricht. Wenn Sie sich über Ihren persönlichen Zustand nicht sicher sind, konsultieren Sie unbedingt Ihren Arzt.

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Wie viel Bewegung braucht ein durchschnittlicher Erwachsener? Verifiziert

Als Erwachsener ist es sinnvoll, insgesamt mindestens 2,5 Stunden pro Woche mäßig intensiven Sport zu treiben. Idealerweise verteilt sich dies auf mehrere Tage.

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Bedienungsanleitung Tunturi R60 Rudergerät

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