Bedienungsanleitung Soleus SF004 Rise Aktivitätstracker

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Thank you for purchasing the Soleus Rise Fitness Tracker. This guide is intended to get you set up and using
your device as quickly possible. For the most updated version of the full-length instruction manual visit
It is recommended that you charge your battery for 3 hours before first use.
Align the prongs on the charging cable to the metal pads on the back of the device. Wrap and clip the
retention band in place. Plug the cable into the USB port of your computer or outlet adaptor.
The fully charged battery should last 15 days under normal use conditions. It is recommended to not let the
battery discharge lower than 10% before re-charging.
Button B1: this button is used to scroll through your daily activity and workout statistics, starting and stopping
the timers and turning the Bluetooth on and off.
Button B2: this button is used to scroll through each mode and starting or stopping the timers and turning
the Bluetooth on and off.
If the screen is OFF pressing either the B1 or B2 button will turn it ON.
The SOLEUS GO! app is available for iPhone and Android smartphones. The SOLEUS GO! app is required for
device setup and will enhance your ongoing fitness tracking. Learn more about the SOLEUS GO! app by
visiting WWW.SOLEUSRUNNING.COM, and download it for free in the App Store or Google Play.
After you have downloaded the SOLEUS GO! app you can pair your Rise to your smartphone.
On your Rise device:
Press the B1 or B2 button to turn the screen on (the current time will be displayed on the screen).
Press-and-hold the B1 or B2 button until the word PAIR and the device ID code appear on the screen (PAIR
will be blinking).
On your smart phone:
(While PAIR is blinking) Open the SOLEUS GO! app and touch the LINK DEVICE button.
Choose the Soleus Rise device with matching ID code and touch “Done”.
For iOS: On the Bluetooth Pairing Request touch “Pair”
For Android: the device will pair automatically
On your Rise device PAIR OK will be displayed - your Rise and smart phone are now paired.
Complete the App registration and you will be auto prompted to setup your Rise device using the app.
On your Smartphone: Open the Soleus GO! app by tapping OPEN APP.
On your Rise: press the B1 or B2 button to turn the screen on and activate the Bluetooth.
On the Soleus GO! app: on the HOME page, tap the SYNC button in the top right corner.
As you wear the Soleus Rise it automatically keeps track of your steps, distance and calorie burn while also
comparing your current stats to your pre-set goals.
To access your daily activity, press the B1 button.
The device will auto-scroll through your current activity statistics or you can press the B1 button repeatedly
to view your current statistics in the following order:
• TIME: this screen shows the current time, date, battery power and Bluetooth status (as indicated by the
pattern of the Bluetooth logo).
- No logo indicates that the Bluetooth is turned OFF.
- A constant logo indicates that the Bluetooth is turned ON and IS connected to your smartphone.
- A blinking logo indicates that the Bluetooth is turned ON but IS NOT connected to your smartphone.
• STEP: this screen will show your current step total for the day and a graph of how you are performing
against your daily goal.
The bar on the left represents your GOAL
The bar on the right represents your PROGRESS
• CALORIE: this screen will show your current total calories burned for the day and a graph of how you are
performing against your daily goal.
• DISTANCE: this screen will show your current accumulated distance for the day and a graph of how you
are performing against your daily goal.
• BATTERY POWER: this screen will show the devices current battery power.
Note: In any Daily Activity screen press-and-hold the B1 or B2 button to turn the Bluetooth ON or OFF.
Rise has a workout timer to enable you to capture your dedicated workout sessions.
To access the workout timer, press the B2 button repeatedly until you get to WORKOUT mode.
To start the workout timer press-and-hold the B1 or B2 button.
Note: when the workout timer is running the human icon will appear on the screen and the device will
default to the workout timer when you turn the display on.
To stop the workout timer press-and-hold the B1 or B2 button.
Note: While the workout timer is stopped or running you can view the current stats of your workout by
pressing the B1 button repeatedly (time, distance, pace, speed, calorie, steps).
To save, press-and-hold the B1 or B2 button. The file will be saved and the timer will be reset to zero.
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Marke Soleus
Modell SF004 Rise
Kategorie Aktivitätstracker
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.36 MB

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Wie viele Schritte sollte ein Erwachsener täglich gehen? Verifiziert

Um genug Bewegung zu bekommen, sollten täglich mindestens 10.000 Schritte gegangen werden. Für Menschen, die älter als 65 Jahre sind, beträgt die Anzahl 8.000 Schritte.

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Wie viel Bewegung braucht ein durchschnittlicher Erwachsener? Verifiziert

Als Erwachsener ist es sinnvoll, insgesamt mindestens 2,5 Stunden pro Woche mäßig intensiven Sport zu treiben. Idealerweise verteilt sich dies auf mehrere Tage.

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Wie hoch ist die maximale Herzfrequenz beim Training? Verifiziert

Im Allgemeinen können Sie eine Herzfrequenz von 220 annehmen und Ihr Alter abziehen. Für eine Person im Alter von 48 Jahren würde die maximale Herzfrequenz also 220 minus 48 betragen, was 172 entspricht. Wenn Sie sich über Ihren persönlichen Zustand nicht sicher sind, konsultieren Sie unbedingt Ihren Arzt.

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Bedienungsanleitung Soleus SF004 Rise Aktivitätstracker

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