Bedienungsanleitung Tunturi J4F Laufband

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Connect the wires before you assemble the
handrails. Secure each handrail with four washers
and bolts.
NOTE: Do not tighten these bolts until
the horizontal handlebar and monitor have been
The horizontal handlebar (rod) is tapered on one
side. Insert the tapered end of the rod into the
right handrail before fi tting the rod into the left
NOTE: the left side is secured with the long
bolt while the right ride is secured with the short
bolt. Do not tighten these bolts until the monitor
has been secured.
Connect the wire. After connecting the wire thread
it into the handlebar then push the monitor onto
the handrails. You may have to shake the handrails
from side to side to get the monitor to fi t. Once
you have the monitor in place, secure and tighten
the bolts on the monitor. Tighten all bolts. Remove
the protective fi lm from the display.
Plug the socket end of the power cord into the
treadmill at the left front corner. Before connecting
the device to a power source, make sure that
local voltage matches that indicated on the type
plate. The treadmill operates at 230 V or 120 V.
Turn on the power using the switch next to the
socket on the treadmill. This treadmill must be
grounded. If it should malfunction or breakdown,
grounding provides a path of least resistance for
electrical current to reduce the risk of electrical
shock. This product is equipped with a cord
having an equipment-grounded conductor and a
grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into
an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and
grounded in accordance with all local codes and
ordinances. Do not use extension cables when
connecting the equipment to the power source.
DANGER! Improper connection of the
equipment-grounding conductor can result in
a risk of electric shock. Check with a qualifi ed
electrician or serviceman, if you are in doubt as to
whether the product is properly grounded. Do not
modify the plug provided with the product - if it
will not fi t the outlet, have a proper outlet installed
by a qualifi ed electrician.
If the product is for use on a nominal 120-volt
circuit, it has a grounding plug that looks like
the plug illustrated. Make sure that the product
is connected to an outlet having the same
confi guration as the plug. No adapter should be
used with this product.
The treadmill cannot be used if the tether key
is not properly installed on the meter; if the
key is removed from its place, the treadmill will
immediately stop. Insert the safety tether key into
the key holder at the left side of the meter. Ensure
that the clip of the safety tether key is properly
attached to your clothing; as the cord tightens,
make sure the clip does not detach itself from your
clothing before the safety tether key disconnects
from the user interface. Always hold the handrail
for support when getting off the treadmill. Do not
jump off the running belt while it is moving!
Before you press the Start key, Select key selects the
training modes (Manual / HRC) or programs.
Confi rm your selections (training mode or
program, user set-ups)
Starts the selected training and activates the
running belt at the speed of 1,0 km/h / mph.
TUNTURI_J4F_manual 3 31.10.2002, 15:34:25
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Marke Tunturi
Modell J4F
Kategorie Laufbänder
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.93 MB

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Welche Muskelgruppe wird beim Benutzen eines Laufbands trainiert? Verifiziert

Wenn Sie das Laufband korrekt verwenden, trainieren Sie Ihre Rücken-, Bauch-, Gesäß- und Beinmuskulatur.

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Der Riemen meines Laufbandes rutscht, was soll ich tun? Verifiziert

Wenn der Riemen am Laufband durchrutscht, könnte das ein Zeichen dafür sein, dass er zu locker ist und festgezogen werden muss. Sehen Sie in der Bedienungsanleitung Ihres speziellen Laufbands nach, um zu erfahren, wie Sie den Riemen Ihres Modells spannen.

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Wie viel Bewegung braucht ein durchschnittlicher Erwachsener? Verifiziert

Als Erwachsener ist es sinnvoll, insgesamt mindestens 2,5 Stunden pro Woche mäßig intensiven Sport zu treiben. Idealerweise verteilt sich dies auf mehrere Tage.

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Mit welcher Art von Schmiermittel sollte ich mein Tunturi-Laufband einölen? Verifiziert

Tunturi empfiehlt die Verwendung eines Sprays auf Teflon-Basis (T-Lube).

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Wie hoch ist die maximale Herzfrequenz beim Training? Verifiziert

Im Allgemeinen können Sie eine Herzfrequenz von 220 annehmen und Ihr Alter abziehen. Für eine Person im Alter von 48 Jahren würde die maximale Herzfrequenz also 220 minus 48 betragen, was 172 entspricht. Wenn Sie sich über Ihren persönlichen Zustand nicht sicher sind, konsultieren Sie unbedingt Ihren Arzt.

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Bedienungsanleitung Tunturi J4F Laufband

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