Bedienungsanleitung Plastimo EVO 165 Rettungsweste

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Fig. 1
screw on the new CO2 gas bottle.
4b- Automatic inflation lifejacket – grey model
After manual inflation, fold back the firing lever into normal position until the “clic”. Unscrew the used CO2 gas bottle. Firmly
screw on the new CO2 gas bottle.
IAfter automatic inflation, re-arm it as follows:
Unscrew the automatic water dissolving cartridge. Refit the new automatic water dissolving cartridge. Unscrew the used CO2
gas bottle. Firmly screw on the new CO2 gas bottle.
4c- Automatic inflation lifejacket – yellow model
After manual inflation :
Fold back the firing lever into normal position until the “clic”. Replace the green locking clip to secure the lever. Unscrew the
used CO2 gas bottle. Firmly screw on the new CO2 gas bottle.
After automatic inflation, re-arm it as follows:
Unscrew the automatic water dissolving cartridge. Refit the new automatic water dissolving cartridge. Unscrew the used CO2
gas bottle. Firmly screw on the new CO2 gas bottle.
4d - Hydrostatic inflation lifejacket
- Insert the opener (supplied in the rearming kit) between the black locking ring and the labelled yellow cap of the hydrostatic
cap, then turn it anti-clockwise (fig.1).
- Now turn black locking ring anti-clockwise.
- Lift off the used cap and dispose of it.
- Take out the black inner body with CO2 gas bottle.
- Throw the black inner part and the used CO2 cylinder away.
- Put the black inner part of the mechanism with the new CO2 cylinder back inside
the inflatable bladder.
- Check the indicator is green. Do not turn the inner ring.
- Press the replacement hydrostatic cap firmly onto the black inner body (the
activating handle must point in the opposite direction of the CO2 gas bottle) and
turn the black ring clock-wise.
- When the cap is in correct final position, the CO2 gas bottle and the activating handle must be parallel.
- Orally inflate the lifejacket and check it as described in the Maintenance and care section.
5 - Repacking instructions
Deflate the lifejacket by pushing down the valve located on the top of the tube.
Ensure that your lifejacket is completely dry and deflated.
Place your lifejacket on a flat surface.
Fold the sides of the lifejacket as shown on the diagram page 46-49.
Place the velcro tapes correctly and check the firing handle is visible outside the lifejacket cover.
After each use dry your lifejacket thoroughly and keep it clean and free from oil and sand. Store it away from direct sunlight.
Your lifejacket shall be serviced at least every year (and more frequently in case of intensive use):
Rinse the lifejacket with fresh water (especially if it has been used in maritime environment), then dry it before folding it (never
expose a lifejacket to excessive heat, this could damage it).
Attention: on automatic models, remove the automatic cartridge before rinsing the lifejacket.
Check the general condition of the lifejacket and in particular the inflatable bladder, the outer cover, the
buckles, the straps, the seams, the whistle and the retro reflective tapes. Check that your lifejacket is
free from abrasion marks. Pay particular attention to the seams and straps of the lifejackets with
integrated harness.
Check your lifejacket waterproofness : orally inflate it and check that it stays inflated for at least 12 hours.
If the bladder leaks or if your lifejacket is damaged in any way, return it imperatively to Plastimo.
Check the CO2 cylinder is full, firmly screwed and has no corrosion. Warning: the gas cylinders are hazardous materials which
must be kept away from children and used with caution. Check the colour of the firing indicator and the expiry date of the
automatic cartridge or the hydrostatic firing system. Replace the automatic cartridge or the hydrostatic firing system before the
expiry date. Imperatively use Plastimo re-arming kits in case of replacement.
Fold and repack the lifejacket (refer to § Repacking instructions).
In the absence of regulation determining the servicing period, it is recommended to have the lifejacket fully serviced in factory
or approved stations every 2 years. It is recommended to have the lifejacket fully serviced every year in case of intensive use.
Always use Plastimo rearming kits.
Refer to page 54.
Refer to page 50-53
Lifejackets: NF EN ISO 12402-3/A1 2010 : CE 0501 - CRITT Sport & Loisirs – Z.A. du Sanital - 86100 Châtellerault - FRANCE
Harnesses: NF EN ISO 12401/2009 : CE 0082 - APAVE SUDEUROPE SAS - 8 rue Jean-Jacques Vernazza - Z.A.C. Saumaty-Séon –
CS-60193 – 13322
16 juin 2015
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Marke Plastimo
Modell EVO 165
Kategorie Rettungswesten
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 5.96 MB

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Wie oft sollte ich meine Schwimmweste ersetzen? Verifiziert

Die Lebensdauer einer Rettungsweste hängt von Faktoren wie der Art der Weste, der Häufigkeit der Verwendung und den Lagerbedingungen ab. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie Ihre Schwimmweste regelmäßig auf Anzeichen von Abnutzung oder Beschädigung überprüfen. Schwimmwesten aus Schaumstoff werden sich mit der Zeit verschlechtern, daher wird empfohlen, sie alle 5-10 Jahre auszutauschen, während aufblasbare Schwimmwesten alle 3-5 Jahre oder nach Empfehlung des Herstellers ausgetauscht werden sollten.

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Bedienungsanleitung Plastimo EVO 165 Rettungsweste

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