Bedienungsanleitung Plastimo EVO 165 Rettungsweste

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Plastimo offers a complete range of inflatable lifejackets to suit all types of uses.
Those models are equipped with a manual, automatic or hydrostatic firing head. Each lifejacket can also be manually inflated if
These lifejackets have been designed for a people weighing over 40 kg and with a waist measurement between 60 and 130 cm
or between 130 and 170cm depending on the model.
Lifejackets only reduce the risk of drowning; they are not a life-saving guarantee.
Inflatable lifejackets are available with or without safety harness.
CAUTION : The deck safety harness and its tether are intended to prevent the wearer from falling overboard, they do not
provide protection against falls from a height. It is dangerous to wear this harness not tightened correctly. Also, harness must be
adjusted to be efficient.The deck harness and the tether may transmit very large forces to the anchorage point. Only fasten to
anchorage points or strong jacklines.
Anchorage points shall be able to withstand forces of more than 2 tons.
The harness should be used in conjunction with an EN ISO 12401 approved tether.
To be used for offshore navigation, this enables to wear stormy weather clothing.
When inflated, it will turn most users face up, even unconscious. Never wear a lifejacket without adjusting the fit : we
recommend you to try out your lifejacket in order to practice adjusting it and obtain a proper fit.
Do not sit down on the lifejacket. Do not use as a cushion.
The performances of your lifejackets can be altered when using some kind of waterproof clothing or in other circumstances. Do
not wear an inflatable lifejacket under any clothing or safety harness.
1- Inspection before use
Perform a visual inspection prior to using:
M Check the lifejacket is not damaged. Make sure the CO2 cylinder is full and firmly screwed and ensure the firing handle is
visible outside the lifejacket cover.
M Check the colour of the firing indicator.
16 juin 2015
M Check also the expiry date on the automatic cartridge or the hydrostatic firing system. If the expiry date is exceeded, the
inflation system is out of order. The automatic cartridge or the hydrostatic firing system must be replaced (refer to § Rearming
2 - Donning instructions
Put on the lifejacket like a jacket.
Fasten the buckle in front.
Tighten and adjust the belt.
3 - Inflation
Inflation can be triggered in 3 different ways:
3a - Manual inflation: pull the activating handle sharply downward.
3b - Automatic inflation (Available only for lifejackets with automatic or hydrostatic firing head): Inflation starts automatically
after the lifejacket comes in contact with water.
3c - Oral inflation: open the top cap and blow in the oral inflation tube. Oral inflation can be used as a back-up or as an
emergency method of inflation.
Warning: Never activate the firing system if the lifejacket is already partially or fully inflated.
4 - Re-arming instructions
Before re-arming your lifejacket, clearly identify which firing head is fitted on.
4a - Manual lifejacket
After manual inflation, fold back the firing lever into normal position until the “clic”. Unscrew the used CO2 gas bottle. Firmly
The status indicator
should be green. If
not the system
should be rearmed
(see § II-4a)
The status
indicator should
be green. If not
the system
should be
changed (see
§ II-4c)
The status indicator should be
green. If not the system should
be changed (see § II-4d)
1d - Hydrostatic inflation
1a - Manual inflation
1c - Automatic inflation
lifejacket – yellow model
1b - Automatic inflation
lifejacket – grey model
The two status
indicators should
be green. If one
of them is red,
the system
should be
rearmed (see §
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Marke Plastimo
Modell EVO 165
Kategorie Rettungswesten
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 5.96 MB

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Wie oft sollte ich meine Schwimmweste ersetzen? Verifiziert

Die Lebensdauer einer Rettungsweste hängt von Faktoren wie der Art der Weste, der Häufigkeit der Verwendung und den Lagerbedingungen ab. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie Ihre Schwimmweste regelmäßig auf Anzeichen von Abnutzung oder Beschädigung überprüfen. Schwimmwesten aus Schaumstoff werden sich mit der Zeit verschlechtern, daher wird empfohlen, sie alle 5-10 Jahre auszutauschen, während aufblasbare Schwimmwesten alle 3-5 Jahre oder nach Empfehlung des Herstellers ausgetauscht werden sollten.

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Bedienungsanleitung Plastimo EVO 165 Rettungsweste

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