Bedienungsanleitung Clas Ohlson MP611 Mp3 player

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GREAT BRITAIN • customer service
tel: 0845 300 9799 e-mail: [email protected] internet:
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Ver. 20140424
4 GB MP3 Player 38-6208 Model MP611
Please read theentire instruction manual before using theproduct and
then save it for future reference. We reserve theright for any errors in
text or images and any necessary changes made to technical data.
In theevent of technical problems or other queries, please contact our
Customer Services.
Never expose theMP3 player to constant sunlight, heat sources,
moisture or rain.
Do not expose theMP3 player to hard knocks or blows.
Do not place theMP3 player in your pocket together with other
objects such as keys.
Operating instructions
Note: Protect your hearing. Listening on high volume for prolonged
periods can lead to permanent hearing loss.
Volume limiter
TheMP3 player is equipped with avolume limiter which prevents
thevolume from being raised above 85 dB. This is because
listening to continuous loud music for extended periods can cause
permanent hearing loss.
Thevolume limiter can, however, be temporarily disabled in order to
raise thevolume above 85 dB. Method:
Turning theMP3 player on
Hold in [ ll ] until theLED indicator starts to flash.
After amoment, thefirst music file will be played. TheLED indicator
flashes slowly when theMP3 player is in play mode.
Otherwise, play is controlled using thecontrols described in
theButtons and functions section above.
Hold in [ ll ] again to switch theMP3 player off.
Care, maintenance and storage
Wipe off theMP3 player with adry cloth.
If theMP3 player is not used for along time, thebattery should
be fully charged every 3rd month in order to maintain its capacity.
Store theMP3 player in acool, dust-free place if it is not to be
used for along time.
Troubleshooting guide
does not start.
Thebattery might be flat. Recharge thebattery.
Turn theplayer on by pressing [ ll ].
Files cannot be
transferred to
Check theconnection between theplayer
and computer.
Check that thefiles that you wish to transfer
are compatible with theplayer.
No sound. Check thevolume.
Make sure that theheadphones are intact and
connected properly.
Is theMP3 player in play mode?
Is thefile undamaged and compatible with
Thebuttons do
not work.
Reset theplayer to factory default settings
by carefully pressing [ Reset ] on theback of
theplayer with asuitable, pointed object.
This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council.
Memory capacity 4 GB
Size 5×3.5×1.5cm
Do not wear headphones when driving avehicle of
any kind. Doing so could constitute atraffic hazard.
Protect your hearing. Listening on high volume for
prolonged periods can lead to permanent hearing loss.
Buttons and functions
1. 3.5 mm headphone socket
2. LED indicator
3. [ + ] Increase thevolume
4. [ ll ] On/off, play/pause.
5. [ - ] Decrease thevolume
6. Mini USB port for charging and music file transfer
7. [ l◄◄ ] Previous track, hold in for fast rewind
8. [ ►►l ] Next track, hold in for fast forward
9. [ Reset ] Reset theMP3 player to its factory default settings
1. Press [ + ] and raise thevolume until you hear
3 quick beeps (thebeeps will be repeated if
thebutton is held in too long once you have
come to thevolume limit). Wait until thelast 3
beeps have stopped.
2. Press [ ll ] using two short presses.
Theplayer will emit two beeps to confirm that
you can raise thevolume above 85 dB.
3. Press [ + ] to raise thevolume.
Note: If after having completed the3 steps
above then lower thevolume below 85 dB or
switch theMP3 player off, thevolume limiter will
be re-enabled. All 3 steps of thelimiter disabling
procedure must be performed again in order to be
able to raise thevolume above 85 dB once more.
Charging thebuilt-in battery
Fully charge thebattery before using theMP3 player for thefirst time.
Thebattery should also be fully charged before using theMP3
player again after along period of disuse.
If theMP3 player is not used for along time, thebattery should be
fully charged every 3rd month in order to maintain its capacity.
1. Connect theMP3 player to acomputer (or other USB charger)
using thesupplied USB lead. TheLED indicator will show asteady
red to indicate that charging is in progress.
2. Full charge is achieved after about 5 hours. TheLED indicator will
show asteady blue when thebattery is fully charged.
Transferring files
1. Connect theMP3 player to acomputer using thesupplied USB lead.
2. Transfer files from thecomputer to theMP3 player in thenormal
way for your operating system.
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Fat 05-01-2021
Ich hatte einen Fehler Ich habe meine MP3 in die Waschmaschine geworfen, funktioniert sie nicht mehr und ist sie kaputt?

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Marke Clas Ohlson
Modell MP611
Kategorie Mp3 player
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.38 MB

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Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Clas Ohlson MP611 Mp3 player

Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Wenn ich einen Kopfhörer an mein Gerät anschließe, funktioniert er nicht ordnungsgemäß. Was kann ich tun? Verifiziert

Es kann sein, dass sich Schmutz in der Öffnung angesammelt hat, an die der Kopfhörer angeschlossen wird. Dadurch wird kein richtiger Kontakt hergestellt. Druckluft ist die beste Methode, um es zu säubern. Im Zweifelsfall können Sie dies durch einen Spezialisten durchführen lassen.

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Worin besteht der Unterschied zwischen Mp3, WAV, AIFF und FLAC? Verifiziert

Der Unterschied besteht darin, dass WAV, AIFF und FLAC verlustfreie Dateitypen sind, wobei Mp3 ein „verlustbehafteter“ Dateityp ist. Das bedeutet, dass beim Erstellen eines Mp3 eine höhere Komprimierungsstufe angewendet wird. Dies macht die Dateien kleiner, führt aber auch zu einem Qualitätsverlust.

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Wofür steht mp3? Verifiziert

Mp3 ist eine Abkürzung für MPEG3. Das steht für Moving Picture Experts Group Layer-3 Audio. Mp3 ist das am häufigsten verwendete Dateiformat für das Speichern und Abspielen von Musik und anderen Audioformen.

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Wie viel sind ein Kilobyte, ein Megabyte, ein Gigabyte und ein Terabyte? Verifiziert

Ein Kilobyte besteht aus 1000 Bytes. 1 Megabyte = 1000 Kilobyte. 1 Gigabyte = 1000 Megabyte. 1 Terabyte = 1000 Gigabyte.

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Bedienungsanleitung Clas Ohlson MP611 Mp3 player

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