Bedienungsanleitung Basetech LS-40S Gepäckwaage

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Version 03/13
LS-40S Luggage Scale
Item no. 40 45 54
1. Intended use
Use these luggage scales for weighing items of luggage. Once the reading has stabilised, the display indicates
the weight. The maximum weight weighable is 40 kg and must not be exceeded. Use the integrated 75 cm-long
measuring tape to measure the circumference or side lengths of the item of luggage. It is intended for indoor use only.
Do not use it outdoors. Contact with moisture, e.g. in bathrooms, must be avoided under all circumstances.
For safety and approval purposes (CE), you must not rebuild and/or modify this product. If you use the product for
purposes other than those described above, the product may be damaged. In addition, improper use can cause
product available to third parties only together with its operating instructions.
2. Delivery content
• Luggage scale
• 2 x Button cell battery
• Operating instructions
3. Safety instructions
Read the operating instructions carefully and especially observe the safety information. If you
do not follow the safety instructions and information on proper handling in this manual, we
assume no liability for any resulting personal injury or damage to property. Such cases will
invalidate the warranty/guarantee.
Persons / Product
• Caution! High weight loads can cause bodily harm. Take good care.
• Store the product in a cool, dry location protected from sunlight.
• Electromagneticelds(e.g.mobilephones)canimpactontheaccuracyoftheproduct.
• The device is not a toy. Keep it out of the reach of children and pets.
• Do not leave packaging material lying around carelessly. These may become dangerous playing material for
• Protecttheproductfromextremetemperatures,directsunlight,strongjolts,highhumidity,moisture,ammable
gases, vapours and solvents.
• Do not place the product under any mechanical stress.
• If it is no longer possible to operate the product safely, take it out of operation and protect it from any accidental
use. Safe operation can no longer be guaranteed if the product:
- is visibly damaged,
- is no longer working properly,
- has been stored for extended periods in poor ambient conditions or
- has been subjected to any serious transport-related stresses.
• Please handle the product carefully. Jolts, impacts or a fall even from a low height can damage the product.
(Rechargeable) batteries
• Correct polarity must be observed while inserting the (rechargeable) batteries.
• (Rechargeable) batteries should be removed from the device if it is not used for a long period of time to avoid
damage through leaking. Leaking or damaged (rechargeable) batteries might cause acid burns when in contact
with skin, therefore use suitable protective gloves to handle corrupted (rechargeable) batteries.
• (Rechargeable) batteries must be kept out of reach of children. Do not leave (rechargeable) batteries lying around,
as there is risk, that children or pets swallow them.
• All batteries should be replaced at the same time. Mixing old and new batteries in the device can lead to leaking
of the batteries and to damage to the device.
• (Rechargeable) batteries must not be dismantled, short-circuited or thrown into re. Never recharge non-
• Consult an expert when in doubt about operation, safety or connection of the device.
• Maintenance,modicationsandrepairsaretobeperformedexclusivelybyanexpertorataqualiedshop.
• Ifyouhavequestionswhichremainunansweredbytheseoperatinginstructions,contactourtechnicalsupport
service or other technical personnel.
4. Operating elements
1 Display (LCD)
2 Button /T (on/off, tare)
3 UNIT button
4 Measuring tape
5 Strap
6 Battery holder
5. Operation
Activate or insert/replace batteries
If the batteries have already been inserted when using the product for the rst time, remove the
protective strip to enable the power supply.
1. Pullthebatteryholder(6)throughthesemi-circularngerrecessoutwards.Ifnecessary,useasuitableandblunt
tool for this.
2. Insert two batteries (button cell type CR2032) into the battery holder. Ensure the positive (+) terminal of both
batteriespointsupward(note positive (+)terminalicon on batteryholder!).Pushthe battery holderinuntilit
engages (positive (+) terminal icon on battery holder must point towards the display (1)).
The following icons/indicators can show up on the display (1) during use:
Display Meaning
“00000“ Weight indicator. “0“ stands for a number.
“kg“, “lb“, “g“, “Oz“ Weight unit.
“Err“ Weighing range (max. 40 kg) exceeded.
“Tare“ Tare function switched on.
“−“ Negative weight indication.
“Hold“ Stabilised and frozen weight indication.
“Lo” Batteries depleted. Replace batteries immediately.
Switching the device on and off
1. Press the /T (2) button to switch the product on. The display lights up and, after a short while, the product is
ready for operation.
2. Press and hold the
/T button for approx. three seconds to switch the product off. When the product is not in
operation for approx. 90 seconds, it turns itself off automatically.
1. Guide the strap (5) around the handle of an item of luggage.
2. Close the strap with the lock. Ensure the lock engages to avoid injuries through falling items of luggage.
3. Switch the product on. Set the weight unit using the UNIT (3) button. The units are set/displayed in the following
order: g > Oz > kg > lb > g (gramme > ounce > kilogramme > pound > gramme).
4. Hold the product securely with a tight grip. Now lift the item of luggage until the item is suspended in the air.
5. When the reading has stabilised, the indicator “Hold” shows up in the display and the result of the measurement
6. Tare function: With the tare function you can now measure the content of the item of luggage. Hang up the empty
item of luggage and let its weight be displayed. Press the /T (2) (tare) button. “Tare” lights up on the display and
7. Measuring tape: The measuring tape (4) allows you to measure the circumference or the side length of an item
of luggage. Pull out the measuring tape. The measuring tape is self-retracting, so be careful not to injure yourself
or other persons. Do not extend the measuring tape for more than 75 cm.
8. Afterweighingwipetheproductoffusingamoistenedcloth.Neversubmergetheproductinwater!
6. Disposal
Electronic devices are recyclable waste and must not be disposed of in the household waste.
At the end of its service life, dispose of the product according to the relevant statutory regulations.
Remove any inserted (rechargeable) batteries and dispose of them separately from the product.
(Rechargeable) batteries
You astheenduser are requiredbylaw(Battery Ordinance) toreturnall used batteries/rechargeablebatteries.
Disposing of them in the household waste is prohibited.
Contaminated (rechargeable) batteries are labelled with this symbol to indicate that disposal in the
domestic waste is forbidden. The designations for the heavy metals involved are: Cd = Cadmium, Hg =
Mercury, Pb = Lead (name on (rechargeable) batteries, e.g. below the trash icon on the left).
Used (rechargeable) batteries can be returned to collection points in your municipality, our stores or
wherever (rechargeable) batteries are sold.
7. Technical data
Power supply: 2 x 3 V button cell CR2032
Weighing capacity: max. 40 kg
Resolution: 10 g
Measuring tape length: 75 cm
LCD dimensions (W x H): 30 x 17 mm
Operating temperature: 0 to +40 ºC
Operating humidity: <90 % RH
Storage temperature: -10 to +60 ºC
Storage humidity: <90 % RH
Dimensions (W x H x D): 140 x 30 x 30 mm
Weight: 140 g
These operating instructions are published by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Straße 1, D-92240 Hirschau/Germany.
© 2013 by Conrad Electronic SE.
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Marke Basetech
Modell LS-40S
Kategorie Gepäckwaagen
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