Bedienungsanleitung Wood's SW42FW Luftentfeuchter

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Operating Instructions
The dehumidifier is fitted with a hose
connection. By attaching a hose to the
dehumidifier the condensed water can be
drained directly away.
Using the hose:
1. Disconnect the dehumidifier from the
power source and remove the water
reservoir to give access to the drip tray.
2. Attach the hose coupling to the thread on
the dehumidifier and lead the hose to a
drainage outlet. Check that the hose is not
above the level of the drip tray.
3. Connect the dehumidifier to the power
Without hose, direct to a drain outlet:
1. Disconnect the dehumidifier from the
power source and remove the water
2. Place the dehumidifier directly over the
drain so that the dehumidified water can
drip through the hole at the base of the
dehumidifier and into the drain.
3. Connect the dehumidifier to the power
Wood’s dehumidifier is fitted with a built
in humidity control, which is set to the
desired level of humidity. The control
registers the current level of humidity and
ensures that the dehumidifier is turned on
and off automatically.
How to set the humidity control:
1. Set the humidity control knob to the
maximum position.
2. Set the fan to position II .
3. When the desired level of humidity is
reached, the hygrostat knob is turned
counterclockwise until the dehumidifier is
turned off.
NOTE: The ambient relative
humidity is most simply measured
with a Wood’s hygrometer, and the most
suitable range is between 50% and 60%.
When the water reservoir is full, the
dehumidifier is shut off automatically.
The indicator light at the front of the
dehumidifier will switch to red to show
that the water reservoir should be
1. Disconnect the dehumidifier from the
power source.
2. Empty the water reservoir.
3. Put the empty water reservoir back and
check that the float moves freely. See the
section on the Float.
4. Connect the dehumidifier to the power
The air filter at the rear of the
dehumidifier ensures that the cooling
coils are kept free from dust. It is
important that the filter is kept clean
so that air can flow freely through the
dehumidifier. The filter should thus be
changed when required.
Your dehumidifier is equipped with a
SMF-filter that enhances the capacity
of the dehumidifier and cleanses the air
further. Please refer to the separate filter
leaflet for installation and maintenance
Wood’s dehumidifiers are fitted with
a control unit which ensures that the
cooling coils are defrosted automatically
when needed. The control shuts down
the compressor, which causes the cooling
of the coils to stop. The fan continues
to draw the air at room temperature
through the dehumidifier and thus melts
the ice, and the water runs down into
the reservoir. This defrosting system
means that the dehumidifier works at
temperatures as low as +C.
The fan ensures that air flows through the
dehumidifier. Moist air is sucked in from
the rear and goes via the cooling coil and
the vaporizer to come out dry and warm
at the front of the dehumidifier. Wood’s
dehumidifiers are fitted with two fan
Position II – gives a high air flow with
maximum dehumidifying of air.
Position I – gives a lower air flow
which causes quieter operation and
somewhat lower dehumidifying
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Marke Woods
Modell SW42FW
Kategorie Luftentfeuchter
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 2.39 MB

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Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Wood's SW42FW Luftentfeuchter

Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Kann ich meinen Luftentfeuchter direkt nach dem Kauf anschalten? Verifiziert

Nein. Genau wie bei einem Kühlschrank oder einer Gefriertruhe sollte das Gerät mindestens 2, vorzugsweise 24 Stunden aufrecht stehen, bevor es zum ersten Mal eingeschaltet wird.

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Was ist die ideale Luftfeuchtigkeit für einen Wohnraum? Verifiziert

Die ideale Luftfeuchtigkeit in einem Haus liegt zwischen 40-60%. Bei einer höheren oder niedrigeren Luftfeuchtigkeit entwickeln sich mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit Pilze, Bakterien und Viren, und es kann zu persönlichen Beschwerden kommen.

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Wie sollte ich meinen Luftentfeuchter transportieren? Verifiziert

Luftentfeuchter sollten immer in einer aufrechten Position und gut geschützt transportiert werden. Jede andere Art des Transports kann das Gerät beschädigen.

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Bedienungsanleitung Wood's SW42FW Luftentfeuchter

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