Bedienungsanleitung Wood's SW42FW Luftentfeuchter

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Operating Instructions
Wood’s dehumidifier products have
been known as market leaders for many
years. Their dehumidifiers are suitable
for use in the most demanding climates,
where dehumidifying capacity is good
even at lower temperatures and humidity
levels. They are used with good results
in premises that become damp such as
cellars, garages or summer house. They
are also excellent for drying washing,
attics, pool rooms and laundry. Being
efficient and low on energy consumption.
Does not wear out clothes.
The amount of humidity that the
dehumidifier removes depends on
temperature, humidity level and
placement. External weather conditions
may also affect the performance of
the dehumidifier. In cold weather the
absolute humidity decreases and thus
the extraction of humidity from the air by
the dehumidifier is reduced. (The relative
humidity might still be on a high level.)
The dehumidifier is suitable for use in the
temperature range +2˚C to +35˚C.
Wood’s dehumidifiers are safe in
operation and intended for continuous
use over many years.
Condensation occurs when water vapour
in the air comes into contact with a cold
surface such as cold window or wall.
When water vapour is cooled down,
condensation occurs, and water-drops are
formed. In high air humidity, the air may
get musty and mould might get formed,
causing damage to a house and its
furnishings. This environment may even
cause illness for the residents. Mites and
spiders also thrive in a damp environment.
A dehumidifier with high performance
creates a good, healthy humidity level. For
greatest efficiency the doors and windows
of rooms that are being dehumidified
should be kept closed. Removes odours,
dries wood and removes moisture from
sportsware outdoors equipment.
A dehumidifier may be used in cellars,
washrooms, garages, crawl spaces,
caravans, summer-houses and on
boats. If the humidifier is kept in colder
environments, you should study the Hints
at the end of the manual.
Wood’s dehumidifiers are easy to move
around, all you need to have is a power
source for 220/240V, but bear in mind the
- The dehumidifier should not be placed
near radiators or other heat sources or
exposed to direct sunlight, as it will reduce
- It is beneficial to use a radiator or heating
fan to keep the temperature above +2˚C.
- The dehumidifier should stand at least
25cm from a wall or other obstruction, for
maximum air flow.
- Ideal is to put it in the center
of the room / area.
NOTE: When placed in a shower or
bathing area, the dehumidifier should
be fixed in place. It is compulsory to
check and respect your local bathroom
electrical regulations before use.
If the dehumidifier is transported
horizontally, oil may have run out of
the compressor and into the closed
piping system. In such a case, let the
dehumidifier stand for a few hours before
being used. It is very important that
the oil runs back into the compressor,
otherwise the dehumidifier may be
seriously damaged.
1. Check that the water reservoir is correctly
placed and the float moves freely in the
reservoir. See the section on the Float.
2. Connect the dehumidifier to an grounded
power source.
3. Select fan speed.
4. Set the desired humidity level by means of
the humidity control. See the section on the
humidity control.
NOTE: When the dehumidifier is
turned off, it will take 5 minutes
before the dehumidifier is restarted,
the built-in automatic functions are
deactivated, during this period.
The float consists of a white plastic
cylinder which hangs on two arms.
The float rests on the surface, so it is
lifted when the water level rises. When
the float reaches a certain height, the
dehumidifier responds to this and shuts
down automatically to prevent flooding
of the tank.
When you have emptied the water
reservoir and are to replace it in the
dehumidifier follow these steps:
1. Push the water reservoir in until it
touches the float.
2. Raise the forward edge of the water
reservoir from below so that the whole
water reservoir is slightly slanted.
3. Push the water reservoir home. The
float should now be in the reservoir
instead of being stuck behind it.
NOTE: It is important that the float
moves freely, since its purpose is to
respond to the water level and ensure
that the dehumidifier is turned off when
it is high. A wrongly placed float may
allow the water reservoir to flood.
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Marke Woods
Modell SW42FW
Kategorie Luftentfeuchter
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 2.39 MB

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Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Wood's SW42FW Luftentfeuchter

Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Kann ich meinen Luftentfeuchter direkt nach dem Kauf anschalten? Verifiziert

Nein. Genau wie bei einem Kühlschrank oder einer Gefriertruhe sollte das Gerät mindestens 2, vorzugsweise 24 Stunden aufrecht stehen, bevor es zum ersten Mal eingeschaltet wird.

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Was ist die ideale Luftfeuchtigkeit für einen Wohnraum? Verifiziert

Die ideale Luftfeuchtigkeit in einem Haus liegt zwischen 40-60%. Bei einer höheren oder niedrigeren Luftfeuchtigkeit entwickeln sich mit größerer Wahrscheinlichkeit Pilze, Bakterien und Viren, und es kann zu persönlichen Beschwerden kommen.

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Wie sollte ich meinen Luftentfeuchter transportieren? Verifiziert

Luftentfeuchter sollten immer in einer aufrechten Position und gut geschützt transportiert werden. Jede andere Art des Transports kann das Gerät beschädigen.

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Bedienungsanleitung Wood's SW42FW Luftentfeuchter

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