Bedienungsanleitung Bushnell Neo+ GPS Sportuhr

Benötigen Sie ein Bedienungsanleitung für Ihren Bushnell Neo+ GPS Sportuhr? Unten können Sie das PDF-Bedienungsanleitung kostenlos auf Deutsch ansehen und herunterladen. Für dieses Produkt gibt es derzeit 1 häufig gestellte Frage, 1 Kommentar und 2 Stimmen mit einer durchschnittlichen Produktbewertung von 50/100. Wenn dies nicht das von Ihnen gewünschte Bedienungsanleitung ist, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.

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Care and Maintenance
The Neo
Watch is durable and waterproof. To help ensure reliable operation, the following care and
maintenance guidelines are recommended :
• Avoid exposing the watch to extreme environmental conditions for a prolonged period of
• Avoid severe impacts on the watch.
• You may clean the watch occasionally with a soft and damp cloth.
• Brush the clip contacts at the bottom of the watch regularly. Dirt build-up on the surface of
the contact points may aect normal charging and data transfer. (*Note: Use a soft-bristled
brush. Hard bristles or wire brushes may leave scratches on the watch).
• DO NOT expose the watch to strong chemicals such as gasoline and alcohol, as they will
damage the watch.
• Store the watch in a dry place when it is not in use.
Do not attempt to open the Neo+ Watch.
Risk of explosion if battery is replaced with incorrect type.
• Do not attempt to open, disassemble or service the internal battery. The battery must be
replaced by a qualied technician.
• Do not crush, puncture or short the battery’s external contacts. Do not expose to
temperatures above 140o F (60o C).
• Properly recycle or dispose of the battery. Do not dispose in re or water.
Legal Disclaimer
By using this product, you agree that Bushnell Outdoor Products will not be held legally responsible
for any injury or damage to you or any person or property caused by the user’s improper operation
and/or poor judgment while using this product.
Note: See Limited Warranty for other limitations to our liability.
Additional Information
The Global Positioning System (GPS), a network of 32 satellites orbiting Earth, is operated and
maintained by the U.S. government. This GPS device requires at least 3 satellites to be acquired to
accurately determine your position. Any change made to the system by the government could aect
the accuracy and performance of this product.
Bushnell Golf GPS Website is the best online resource for all our Golf GPS product
owners, including product support, FAQs, etc. It also serves as a portal to access iGolf.
com GPS course les to use with these Bushnell products. Registering your Neo+ Watch
via is not required, but will ensure you have access to the
latest updated GPS course data.
Download Bedienungsanleitung auf Deutsch (PDF, 2.2 MB)
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JC.TURIBE 13-09-2022
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Marke Bushnell
Modell Neo+ GPS
Kategorie Sportuhren
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 2.2 MB

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Um genug Bewegung zu bekommen, sollten täglich mindestens 10.000 Schritte gegangen werden. Für Menschen, die älter als 65 Jahre sind, beträgt die Anzahl 8.000 Schritte.

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Bedienungsanleitung Bushnell Neo+ GPS Sportuhr

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