Bedienungsanleitung Brawa 0612 BR 65 (HO) Modellbahn

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Operating Instructions
Direct current model 0612
Alternating current model 0613
From 1951 onwards Deutsche Reichsbahn – the German State Railway
of the GDR (former East Germany) – planned the long-term renewal
of its stock of locomotives. The old stock was also to be comple-
mented with steam engines. In 1952 a programme was set up that
envisaged seven different types of locomotives.
Four types from this programme were actually built. The 65
tank locomotive was based on the former Prussian P 8 and T 18
performance class.
The first locomotive, the 65 1001, left the LEW Hennigsdorf works in
1954. It was given a Borsig factory number because its design was
based on a concept of the Borsig company dating back to 1946. Series
production at Lokomotivbau “Karl Marx” in Babelsberg proceeded
parallel with the trial runs of the first prototypes. This situation made
it more difficult to eradicate design-based “teething problems”.
A total of 93 locomotives were built up to 1957. At this point a struc-
tural change towards electrical and diesel traction became apparent
in the GDR.
With a few exceptions all locomotives remained in service right up to
1975. On account of their excellent acceleration characteristics, they
were often used on commuter routes where the distances between
the individual stations were short. The locomotive’s maximum speed
was 90 km/h, and it had a service weight of 113 t. Only three models
of this series have survived to this day. The Brawa version was directly
modelled on the basis of the BR 65 1016 concept.
Instructions de service
Modèle à courant continu 0612
Modèle à courant alternativ 0613
Les Chemins de fer allemands (Deutsche Reichsbahn) de l’ex-R.D.A.
avaient prévu à partir de 1951 le renouvellement à long terme de leur
parc de locomotives qui était vétuste. Ce faisant, on pensait compléter
également le vieux parc de locomotives à vapeur. Un programme de
construction a été élaboré en 1952. Il se composait de sept types de
locomotives différentes.
Quatre types du programme ont abouti et furent réalisés. Dans la
catégorie des anciennes locomotives prussiennes P 8 et T 18, on
créa la locomotive-tender de la série de fabrication 65
La première locomotive 65 1001 quitta en 1954 les halles d’usine de
LEW Hennigsdorf. Puisque sa construction partait d’un plan issu de
l’entreprise Borsig de l’année 1946, elle reçut un numéro d’usine
Borsig. Parallèlement aux essais effectués sur les premiers prototypes,
la construction en série commençait déjà dans l’usine de construction
de locomotives “Karl Marx” à Babelsberg. Cette situation compliqua
considérablement l’élimination des “défauts de jeunesse” dus à la
On construisit 93 locomotives au total jusque 1957. C’est alors que
le changement structurel s’annonça en R.D.A. aussi, on passa à la
traction électrique – et au moteur à diesel.
Les locomotives furent mobilisées, à part quelques exceptions, jusque
Locomotive BR 65
– H0
Locomotive BR 65
– H0
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Marke Brawa
Modell 0612 BR 65 (HO)
Kategorie Modellbahn
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.71 MB

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