Bedienungsanleitung Barbecook Arena Black Barbecue

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! Important:
Your Barbecook
has an extremely
simple lighting system. Starter fluid or firelighters
should not be used.
Always follow the instructions for use. Please
check before every use if the clips are closed.
The barbecue can not be used when the clips are
A) Safety:
Fill the QuickStop
(8) with water. Release the
upper part of the Barbecook
by loosening the
clips. The water in the QuickStop
makes the
very stable. This watertank also
functions as ashtray and extinguishes the burning
B) Regulating the fire :
The fire intensity can be regulated in a simple way
by opening or closing the ventilation hole (7).
C) Lighting :
Remove the ground grid (5). Take three double
sheets of newspaper and scrumple them up sepa-
rately in the form of a torch. Insert these sheets
of newspaper in the inner tube (6). Put the ground
grid back in place and spread dry charcoal on top
of the ground grid (do not use too much charcoal
when lighting the barbecue).
Open the ventilation hole (7) and light the newspa-
per throught the hole with a long match or lighter.
The burning paper will light the charcoal. The
smoke you see is produced by the humidity of the
charcoal and the newspaper. After at least 15 min-
utes, your Barbecook
is ready for use. (At that
moment, the glowing charcoal is covered with a
fine layer of grey ashes.)
We advise to wait to install the cooking grill on
the barbecue until it is ready for use.
D) Maintenance:
After having used the barbecue, remove the
ground grid and brush the ashes toward the
centre of the bowl. Afterwards, release the Barbe-
from the QuickStop
and pour out the water / ash mixture on an ap-
propriate spot.
E) Moving the Barbecook
In addition to prevent direct contact with the hot
bowl, the accessories brace can also be used as
a handle to move the grill. Remove the cooking
grid first, then pull the brace upright. Do not move
the grill before it has cooled completely.
When using the Barbecook
for the first time,
we strongly recommend to have it burn for 30
minutes without cooking meals. This initial period
is necessary.
1) Do not use indoors!
2) Always install the barbecue on a solid base,
away from inflammable and meltable objects.
3) It is recommended to empty out the Quick-
each time the barbecue has been
4) Make sure that the flames never come in
contact with the lacquered windshield.(Basic
Ceram) Do not use too much charcoal in the
bowl (max. 50%).
5) CAUTION! Do not use spirit or petrol for
lighting or re-lighting! Use only firelighters
complying to EN 1860-3!
6) ATTENTION! This barbecue will become very
hot, do not move it during operation.
7) WARNING! Keep children and pets away,
protect yourselves against the fire.
8) For safety reasons, we advise to keep a
bucket of water or sand in the neighbourhood
of the burning barbecue. Models equipped
with the QuickStop
system shall be filled
with water before use.
Man_Quickstart_BBC110617_A.indd 9 17/06/11 16:58
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Marke Barbecook
Modell Arena Black
Kategorie Barbecues
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 2.77 MB

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Worin besteht der Unterschied zwischen Holzkohle und Briketts? Verifiziert

Briketts werden aus Restmaterial der Holzkohleproduktion hergestellt, das ihm unterschiedliche Eigenschaften verleiht. Holzkohle brennt schneller und kann höhere Temperaturen erreichen. Briketts brennen länger und halten eine gleichmäßigere Temperatur.

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Bedienungsanleitung Barbecook Arena Black Barbecue

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