Bedienungsanleitung Yamaha CD-S303 CD-player

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En 3
power switch is turned off, as long as the power
cord is not unplugged from the wall AC outlet,
the product is not disconnected from the power
source completely.
If you plan not to use the product for a long
period of time, remove the power cord plug
from the AC outlets.
Otherwise, fire or damage to the product may
be caused.
Do not disassemble
Do not modify or disassemble this product.
Otherwise, fire, electrical shock, injury or
damage to the product may be caused.
Water warning
Do not use this product in damp or wet
conditions, such as a bathroom or rainy outdoor
Do not place on this product any containers
(such as vases or medicine bottles) that contain
If liquid spills into the product, fire, electrical
shock or damage to the product may be caused.
Do not insert the power cord plug into or
remove it from the AC outlet with wet hands. Do
not handle this product with wet hands.
Otherwise, electrical shock or damage to the
product may be caused.
Fire warning
Do not handle open flames near this product.
Otherwise, fire may be caused.
Vision loss
Do not look into the laser beam.
If the laser beam hits your eyes, vision loss may
be caused.
Do not drop this product or apply any strong
impact to the product.
Otherwise, fire, electrical shock or damage to
the product may be caused.
Do not swallow batteries.
Keep batteries away from children.
Otherwise, they may swallow the batteries by
accident. Leaking battery liquid may cause loss
of vision or inflammation. If the battery case on
this product is not completely sealed, stop using
the product and keep it away from children. If
someone has swallowed a battery by accident,
consult a physician immediately. If a battery is
swallowed, it can cause serious chemical burns
or melting of body tissue within two hours, leading
to possible death.
Do not throw batteries into an open fire.
Do not expose batteries to high temperatures,
such as direct sunlight or an open fire.
Otherwise, they may explode, resulting in fire or
If battery liquid is leaking, do not touch the
Otherwise, loss of vision or chemical burns may
be caused. If you touch the battery liquid, wash
it away with water immediately, and consult a
Do not use batteries other than the specified
Do not use old and new batteries together.
Do not use different types of batteries together.
Do not insert batteries in an orientation opposite
from the polarity indication.
Do not break down the battery.
Do not charge non-rechargeable dry cell
Otherwise, they may explode or battery liquid
may leak, resulting in fires, burns, loss of vision,
inflammation, or damage to the product. If you
touch the battery liquid, wash it away with water
immediately, and consult a physician.
Do not carry the batteries in a pocket or bag or
store them along with a piece of metal.
Otherwise, the batteries may short-circuit,
leading to an explosion or leaking liquid, which
could result in fires, loss of vision, or injuries.
If you plan not to use the product for a long
period of time, or if the batteries are completely
discharged, remove them from the remote
Otherwise, battery liquid may leak, possibly
resulting in loss of vision, inflammatory injury, or
damage to the product.
Before you store or discard the batteries, apply
a piece of tape to the connectors to insulate
If the battery connectors come into contact with
other batteries or metallic objects, they may
explode or battery liquid may leak, possibly
resulting in fire, burns, loss of vision, or
inflammatory injury.
Download Bedienungsanleitung auf Deutsch (PDF, 6.27 MB)
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Marke Yamaha
Modell CD-S303
Kategorie CD-player
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 6.27 MB

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Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Kann ich Kratzer auf einer CD selbst reparieren? Verifiziert

Kratzer verhindern, dass der Laser die CD richtig abliest. Wenn die Kratzer nur oberflächlicher Natur sind, ist es möglich, dass Sie sie selbst reparieren können, indem Sie die CD mit einem leichten Schleifmittel polieren. Idealerweise sollten Sie ein professionelles Schleifmittel verwenden, es ist jedoch auch möglich, herkömmliche Zahnpasta zu verwenden. Nach dem Polieren muss die CD gereinigt und getrocknet werden. Es gibt spezialisierte Unternehmen, die so etwas tun können.

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Bedienungsanleitung Yamaha CD-S303 CD-player

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