Bedienungsanleitung Xerox DocuMate 4790 Scanner

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Design © 2013 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox
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Document Version: 05-0820-100 (March 2013)
Information is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Visioneer.
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Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restrictions as set forth in contract subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
Te ch ni ca l D ata a nd Co mp ute r So ft wa re C la us e 52 .2 27 -FAR14. Material scanned by this product may be
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Changes are periodically made to this document. Changes, technical inaccuracies, and typographic errors will be
corrected in subsequent editions.
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Marke Xerox
Modell DocuMate 4790
Kategorie Scanner
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 20.58 MB

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Wofür steht DPI? Verifiziert

DPI steht für "Dots Per Inch" und gibt an, wie scharf das Eingescannte aussehen wird. Mehr DPI führt zu schärferen Scans.

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Bedienungsanleitung Xerox DocuMate 4790 Scanner

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