Bedienungsanleitung TUSA M3001 Freedom Tri-Quest Tauchmaske

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2. To loosen the strap
As shown in illustratoin 4, pull the
strap on the inside in the direction
shown by the arrow while pinching
buckle buttons.
When water enters the mask while swimming on the surface,
water can be easily drained by simply lifting the mask from the
face. However, when swimming under water, it is necessary to
perform the “mask clearing” by sending air into the mask through
the nose.
Clearing an Ordinary Mask
For ordinary masks, tilt your head back and slightly lift only the
bottom of the mask while exhaling air into the mask through the
nose in order to purge water.
Water will not drain properly if air is blown into the mask with
excessive force. Take care to send air into the mask slowly at a
measured pace.
Clearing a Mask with Purge Valve
Since the purge valve is located at the lowest point of the frame,
tilt the head slightly to the front or left (M-21) to collect water
around the purge valve, and send a stream of slow and steady air
through the nose. It is not necessary to lift the mask while purging
with this procedure, however slightly pressing the mask against
the face while blowing will assist the purge process.
When putting on the mask, brush away hair caught between the
silicone skirt and face. Hair trapped
under the skirt is the most frequent
cause of water leakage.
Adjusting the Strap Length
1. To tighten the Strap
As shown in illustration 1, pull the
strap toward the outside in the
direction shown by the arrow.
2. To loosen the Strap
As shown in illustration 2, pull the
strap on the inside in the direction
shown by the arrow while pulling the
buckle lever with your fingertip.
Adjusting the Strap Length
(M-17, M-28)
1. To tighten the strap
As shown in illustration 3, pull the
strap toward the outside in the
direction shown by the arrow.
( Illustration 1 )
( Illustration 2 )
( Illustration 3 )
( Illustration 4 )
Attaching the Snorkel to the Mask
Insert the mask strap while pushing the
bottom of the snorkel adapter upward
from the inside. Make sure that the strap
is not twisted.
To remove the snorkel from the mask,
follow the steps in reverse
order.(Photograph 1)
( Photograph 1 )
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Marke TUSA
Modell M3001 Freedom Tri-Quest
Kategorie Tauchmasken
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.54 MB

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Bedienungsanleitung TUSA M3001 Freedom Tri-Quest Tauchmaske

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