Bedienungsanleitung Tasco 49076525 Space Station Teleskop

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2. 3.
Your Tasco telescope can bring the wonders of the universe to your eye. While this manual
is intended to assist you in the set-up and basic use of this instrument, it does not cover
everything you might like to know about astronomy. Although SpaceStation will give a
respectable tour of the night sky, it is recommended you get a very simple star chart and a
flashlight with a red bulb or red cellophane over the end. For objects other than stars and
constellations, a basic guide to astronomy is a must. Some recommended sources appear
on our website at Also on our website will be current events in the sky
for suggested viewing. But, some of the standbys that you can see are:
The Moon
a wonderful view of our lunar neighbor can be enjoyed with any magnification.
Try viewing at different phases of the moon. Lunar highlands, lunar maria (lowlands called
“seas for their dark coloration), craters, ridges and mountains will astound you.
even at the lowest power you should be able to see Saturns rings and moons.
This is one of the most satisfying objects in the sky to see simply because it looks like it
does in pictures. Imagine seeing what you’ve seen in textbooks or NASA images from your
the largest planet in our solar system is spectacular. Most noted features are its
dark stripes or bands both above and below its equator. These are the north and south
equatorial belts. Also interesting are Jupiter’s four major moons. Pay close attention to their
positions from night to night. They appear to be lined up on either side of Jupiter.
The Great Red Planet appears as a reddish-orange disk. Look at different times of
the year and try to catch a glimpse of the white polar ice caps.
Venus—just like the moon, Venus changes phases from month to month. At times Venus
appears brilliantly in the night sky, just as if you were looking at a distant crescent moon.
The Great Orion Nebula is a very well known night sky object. This and many
others are brought to you by this telescope.
Star Clusters
View millions of stars densely packed in a cluster that resembles a ball.
Galaxies—One of the greatest and most interesting galaxies is our neighbor the Andromeda
Galaxy. Enjoy this and many others.
Congratulations on the purchase of your Tasco SpaceStation Goto Telescope! It is our sincere hope
that you will enjoy this telescope for years to come!
3-4 6/1/05 10:58:04 AM
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Marke Tasco
Modell 49076525 Space Station
Kategorie Teleskope
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 3.72 MB

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