Bedienungsanleitung Russell Hobbs 18331-56 Platinum Mill and Brew Kaffeemaschine

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coffee beans
16 Remove the lid from the coffee mill.
17 Fill the mill with coffee beans.
18 Replace the lid.
19 Turn the knob till the 3 is next to the setting you require – fine h coarse.
20 Close the drawer, then replace the carafe on the hotplate.
, Don't use the appliance just as a coffee grinder. If you don't let it run its full cycle from
grinding to coffee making, you'll break it.
switch on
21 Put the plug into the power socket. The display will light up.
22 If you don’t touch the controls for 1 minute, the lights will go out, to save electricity.
23 To wake the appliance, press any button.
coffee now
24 Ignore the clock.
25 If you’re using coffee beans, use the J 2-10 button to set the number of cups you want. This
determines the length of time the mill operates.
26 If you’re using coffee beans, use the e f g button to select the coffee strength M = mild,
N = medium, O = strong.
27 Press the Y button if you’re using ground coffee.
28 Press and release the [ button. “CHECK BASKET” will blink on the display.
29 Press and release the [ button again. “J” will blink on the display.
30 If you’re using coffee beans, the mill will operate.
31 Shortly afterwards, coffee will start to drip into the carafe.
32 When it’s done, the hotplate will keep the carafe warm.
33 J“ will show on the display.
auto shut-off
34 About 2 hours after brewing, the coffee maker will shut down.
35 Unplug, and let the appliance and carafe cool down fully before cleaning, or for about 10
minutes before refilling.
36 If left for much more than an hour, chemical changes in the coffee liquor start to affect the
flavour. Its best to pour it away and make a fresh pot.
coffee later
37 Set the clock to the correct time:
a) Press and release the h button until the correct hour is shown.
b) Press and release the min button until the correct minute is shown.
c) It’s a 24 hour clock.
d) The clock will retain its settings until the coffee maker is unplugged. It will reset to 12:00
next time you plug it in.
38 Set the timer to the time you want to start brewing.
a) Press the T button and hold it for 3 seconds.
b) T” will blink on the display.
c) If you’re using coffee beans, use the J 2-10 button to set the number of cups you want.
This determines the length of time the mill operates.
d) If you’re using coffee beans, use the e f g button to select the coffee strength M =
mild, N = medium, O = strong.
e) Press the Y button if youre using ground coffee.
f) Press and release the h button until the correct hour is shown.
g) Press and release the min button until the correct minute is shown.
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Marke Russell Hobbs
Modell 18331-56 Platinum Mill and Brew
Kategorie Kaffeemaschinen
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.52 MB

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Welche Auswirkungen hat der Mahlgrad auf den Kaffee? Verifiziert

Der Mahlgrad wirkt sich massiv auf den Geschmack des Kaffees aus. Ein feinerer Mahlgrad bedeutet generell einen stärkeren, und ein gröberer Mahlgrad einen milderen Geschmack. Ein extrem feiner Mahlgrad kann bitteren Kaffee verursachen.

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Wie wird Kaffee am besten aufbewahrt? Verifiziert

Kaffee wird am besten in einer sauberen und luftdichten Dose aufbewahrt.

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Bedienungsanleitung Russell Hobbs 18331-56 Platinum Mill and Brew Kaffeemaschine

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