Bedienungsanleitung Revamp CL-2250 Lockenstab

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Separate each layer of hair into sections of 3 cm wide. Smooth each section of hair by
brushing or combing through the section (from scalp to hair ends) prior to curling.
For extra protection, apply a heat protection spray.
VERY IMPORTANT - When curling your own hair, be sure to hold the device with the
buons facing towards you, see (A). If curling a friend’s hair for them, have the buons
facing towards them. Always make sure that the control
buons with the REVAMP logo located on the front of the
product are facing you or your friend’s face.
Thread the hair through the small recess at the front of
the product, then down through the deeper apeure
at the back of the product as shown in (C). Hold the
appliance around 50-75mm away from your head. (A)
Choose the direction of the curl by pressing the right
or le curling buon (feature 2) as shown in diagram D.
Work on one side of the head at a time. When you move
on to the other side, press the opposite direction curling buon so that your curls are
symetrical (D).
VERY IMPORTANT - Please do not put your fingers in the deep apeure at the back of
the product or try to touch the hot barrel.
Press and hold the curling buon and the hair will be automatically wrap around the
heated barrel.
Keep holding the buon while the hair is wrapped around the barrel and until you hear
the beep.
The curling system stops and a beep is heard aer 10 seconds which is sufficient time
to curl normal hair.
Aer hearing the beep, release the buon and wait for the barrel to stop rotating
before lowering the appliance from the hair to release your curl.
Caution! When the curling mechanism has stopped, always pull the product downwards
to release the curl.
Repeat for each hair section, allowing each curl time to cool in between.
Aer use, switch off the appliance, unplug and allow to cool before storing away.
product will automatically shut off. Simply pull the product down to release the hair and
turn back on again to continue using.
Follow us on for the latest hair tips and advice.
Please note:
Avoid over-use of styling products as this may deteriorate the coating on the barrel.
The heated barrel and top end of the appliance get very hot during use. To avoid burns,
keep the barrel away from direct contact with the head and only hold the appliance by
the handle.
While heating, during use and cooling, place on the REVAMP heat-resistant mat. Only
hold the product by the cool handle.
Do not scratch the suace of the curl barrel as this will deteriorate the effectiveness of
the coating.
The product reaches a very high temperature during operation, please style with
caution when using. Make sure to keep away from the scalp and skin to avoid burns.
Download Bedienungsanleitung auf Deutsch (PDF, 2.15 MB)
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Marke Revamp
Modell CL-2250
Kategorie Lockenstäbe
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 2.15 MB

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Es ist nicht ratsam, einen Hairstyler bei nassem Haar zu verwenden. Um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen, sollte das Haar vollständig trocken sein.

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Es ist besser, dies nicht zu tun, da es zu Beschädigung des Kabels führen kann. Am besten wickeln Sie das Kabel so auf, wie das Produkt verpackt wurde.

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Bedienungsanleitung Revamp CL-2250 Lockenstab

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