Bedienungsanleitung PetSafe PBC19-10765 Bark Control Elektronische halsband

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Explanation of Attention Words and Symbols used in this guide
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid
possible injury or death.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION, used with the safety alert symbol, indicates a hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
CAUTION, used without the safety alert symbol, indicates a hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could result in harm to your pet.
Not for use with aggressive dogs. Do not use this product if your dog is
aggressive, or if your dog is prone to aggressive behaviour. Aggressive
dogs can cause severe injury and even death to their owner and others.
If you are unsure whether this product is appropriate for your dog, please
consult your veterinarian or a certi ed trainer.
Please read and follow the instructions in this manual. Proper t of the collar
is important. A collar worn for too long, or made too tight on the pet’s neck
may cause skin damage. This is called bed sores; it is also called decubitus
ulcers or pressure necrosis.
Avoid leaving the collar on the dog for more than 12 hours per day.
• When possible reposition the collar on the pet’s neck every 1 to 2 hours.
• Check the t to prevent excessive pressure; follow the instructions in
this manual.
• Never connect a lead to the electronic collar; it will cause excessive
pressure on the contacts.
• When using a separate collar for a lead, don’t put pressure on the
electronic collar.
• Wash the dog’s neck area and the contacts of the collar weekly with a
damp cloth.
• Examine the contact area daily for signs of a rash or a sore.
• If a rash or sore is found, discontinue use of the collar until the skin has
• If the condition persists beyond 48 hours, see your veterinarian.
For additional information on bed sores and pressure necrosis, please visit
our website.
These steps will help keep your pet safe and comfortable. Millions of pets
are comfortable while they wear stainless steel contacts. Some pets are
sensitive to contact pressure. You may nd after some time that your pet is
very tolerant of the collar. If so, you may relax some of these precautions. It
is important to continue daily checks of the contact area. If redness or sores
are found, discontinue use until the skin has fully healed.
Download Bedienungsanleitung auf Deutsch (PDF, 5.76 MB)
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Alessandro Pagliai 21-02-2023
Hallo zusammen, warum kann das Halsband nicht länger als 12 Stunden getragen werden?

Antworten | Das war hilfreich (0) (Übersetzt von Google)
Alessandro Pagliai 21-02-2023
Hallo zusammen, warum kann das Halsband nicht länger als 12 Stunden getragen werden?

Antworten | Das war hilfreich (0) (Übersetzt von Google)

Mehr zu diesem Bedienungsanleitung

Wir verstehen, dass es schön ist, ein gedrucktes Bedienungsanleitung für Ihr PetSafe PBC19-10765 Bark Control Elektronische halsband zu haben. Sie können das Bedienungsanleitung jederzeit von unserer Website herunterladen und selbst ausdrucken. Wenn Sie ein Originalhandbuch wünschen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, PetSafe zu kontaktieren. Möglicherweise können sie ein Originalhandbuch bereitstellen. Suchen Sie das Bedienungsanleitung Ihres PetSafe PBC19-10765 Bark Control Elektronische halsband in einer anderen Sprache? Wählen Sie auf unserer Homepage Ihre bevorzugte Sprache und suchen Sie nach der Modellnummer, um zu sehen, ob wir sie verfügbar haben.


Marke PetSafe
Modell PBC19-10765 Bark Control
Kategorie Elektronische halsbänder
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 5.76 MB

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