Bedienungsanleitung Kobra +1 SS4 Aktenvernichter

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All models in the series kobra +1 are shredders suitable for destroying single
pages as well as 91/2” computer printouts.
For shredding capacity and features see table on page 10
For machines with a detachable plug, use a socket which is easy to access
and located nearby the machine.
Place the head of the machine (1) on the Stand (4).
Fully insert the waste paper bin (2) into the Stand (4).
The machine is ready for use.
To empty the paper bin (2), extract it from the Stand (4), empty out the paper
content and then replace the container in the metal stand.
ATTENTION: If the paper bin is NOT inserted correctly, the machine cannot
The paper bin (2) has a transparent blue window on the front so that at all
times it is possibile to check the level of shredded paper in the bin and so
facilitate emptying.
Once the machine has been plugged in, put the switch (A) in the “FWD”
on for a few seconds and then, if the machine is not being used, it will go off,
leaving the machine in STAND-BY mode with virtually zero power
Now documents can be shredded at any time.
With the switch (A) at “0”, all functions are off.
With the switch (A) at “REV” it is possible to interrupt shredding and extract
the document at any time and with any paper.
This function is also possible with the OPTICAL INDICATOR LIGHT (B)
switched off.
When sheets of paper are introduced into the throat (D), the OPTICAL
INDICATOR LIGHT (B) comes on (if off) and the machine automatically
begins shredding thanks to two photocells (C) located inside the throat which
detect the passage of the paper and then, after a few seconds, automatically
stop the cutting blades once the shredding is completed
If a quantity of paper which exceeds the shreddng capacity of the machine is
introduced, the machine itself will stop and reverse the rotation of the rollers
for a few seconds and then come to a halt.
Remove the unshredded paper from the throat (D) to free the photocells and
then insert a smaller amount of paper into the throat (D) and the machine will
automatically restart and shred the paper.
It is recommended to limit blockages due to insertion of excessive
quantities of paper and operate the machine below its maximum shredding
capacity in order to prolong the life of the mechanical parts and the
machine itself.
ENERGY SMART Function: about 12 seconds after shredding, the
electronic photocells will put the machine in Energy Saving mode.
itself off and reduces power consumption to almost zero.
This function gives an annual energy saving of around 10 kWatt.,
reducing carbon dioxide emissions (the cause of the ozone hole) by
about 65 kg.
As soon as any sheets of paper are inserted into the throat (D), the
photocells (C) will automatically reactivate all machine functions. The
reactivation of machine functions is signalled by the ENERGY SMART
All the models in the series kobra +1 come with the following automatic
- PHOTOCELLS (C) so the shredder starts up automatically as soon
as any paper is inserted into the throat.
- AUTOMATIC STOP if the paper bin (2) is taken out of the stand (4).
- MOTOR SAVER which stops the shredder if it overheats.
( if the motor saver cuts in, allow the shredder to cool down for at least
10/15 minutes and it will then restart automatically).
ATTENTION. If the motor saver protection mechanism has cut in, the
shredder may not be used even if the OPTICAL INDICATOR LIGHT
(B) is on.
- AUTOMATIC RETURN anti-jamming function if by accident the
amount of paper inserted exceeds the maximum capacity of the model.
The power to the electric motor is switched off, the machine goes into
reverse for a few seconds to free the cutting blades and then it stops.
To resume shredding, unblock the photocells by removing the paper
from the throat and then insert a smaller amount of paper into the
- ENERGY SMART SYSTEM automatically reduces power
consumption to virtually zero when the machine is in STAND-BY mode
or about 12 seconds after the last automatic shredding cycle.
kobra +1 shredders do not require any particular care or maintenance.
However, when cutting capacity in the kobra+1 particle shred range
drops notably, it is recommended to lubricate the cutting blade
shredding a sheet of paper sprinkled with the oil supplied with the
NEVER use synthetic oil, benezene-based products or aerosol lubricants
of any kind inside the machine or anywhere in the vicinity. Fire
If you have any problems with your shredder, check the symptoms and solutions below.
If this fails to solve the problem, contact your nearest Kobra dealer.
Do not open the head of the shredder to try to repair it yourself. You could expose yourself to the risk of serious electrical shock and also invalidate your
The shredder does not start
indicator light (B) does not come
indicator light (B) comes on.
The machine fails to start when
paper is inserted into the throat;
Switch is in (A) position.
Waste paper bin (2) not
positioned properly on the
STAND (4).
Motor in overheat protection
Cable not connected properly.
No electrical power.
Change switch to FWD position.
Push the paper bin fully into the stand.
Wait 15 minutes for the motor to cool
Check that the plug is plugged into the
socket correctly.
Check that there is power to the socket.
The shredder never stops .
Optical Indicator Light (B) is on,
blades operating.
Material and/or dirt deposited
on photocells (C).
Remove deposit from photocells.
Notable reduction in
shredding capacity (only
on kobra +1C4).
Reduced capacity compared
with oiled cutting blades.
Cutting blades not oiled. Oil the cutting blades.
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Marke Kobra
Modell +1 SS4
Kategorie Aktenvernichter
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.82 MB

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Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Warum hört mein Aktenvernichter nach einem bestimmten Zeitraum auf zu schreddern? Verifiziert

Aktenvernichter müssen sich nach einer Weile abkühlen, um ein Überhitzen zu verhindern. Der Zeitraum, für den ein Gerät arbeiten kann, bevor es sich abkühlen muss, variiert von Marke zu Marke und Modell zu Modell.

Das war hilfreich (821) Mehr lesen

Wie oft sollte ich meinen Aktenvernichter ölen? Verifiziert

Bei gelegentlichem Gebrauch ist es ausreichend, den Aktenvernichter alle zwei Monate zu ölen. Bei (sehr) regelmäßigem Gebrauch stellen Sie möglicherweise fest, dass die Maschine Schwierigkeiten beim Zerkleinern hat oder dass das Papier leicht hängen bleibt. Dies sind Anzeichen dafür, dass die Maschine geölt werden sollte.

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Bedienungsanleitung Kobra +1 SS4 Aktenvernichter

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