Bedienungsanleitung Klipsch KW-120-THX Lautsprecher

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yhole mount for use in hanging the speaker on the wall.To use the keyhole, all you need
is a screw or nail of the a
ppropriate size protruding slightly from the wall. If possible,the
nail or screw should be driven into a wall stud; if not, be sure to use appropriate anchors in
the drywall or plaster.Additionally, the KS-525-THX is configured for use with OmniMount
20.0 Series wall-and ceiling-mount brackets (Figure 3). Refer to the OmniMount manual for
detailed installation instructions.
Surround Back Loudspeakers
In addition to the left and right surrounds,THX Ultra2 7.1-channel system specifications call
for two forward-radiating surround back loudspeakers behind the listening area, preferably
spaced no more than a few feet apart.These would be KL-650-THX or KL-525-THX LCR’s,
either placed on stands, or ideally mounted on the back wall. Like the left and right
surrounds, they should be slightly above seated ear level – about five to six feet off of the
floor. In some installations, it may be preferable to use KS-525-THX’s for the surround back
channels due to their smaller size.Their WDST design works very well in this application.
You will probably want to space the KS-525-THX surround back pair somewhat farther
apart than you would the LCR’s.
Two KW-120-THX subwoofers and a KA-1000-THX amplifier are required to meet THX
Ultra2 maximum output requirements.This specification assumes a very large room,
however, and in many installations a single KW-120-THX will be completely adequate.
Although the KW-120-THX will perform well in a wide variety of locations, you will get the
most out of it by following some simple guidelines:
Although the subwoofer’s orientation is not at all critical, avoid placing the front (driver)
side of the cabinet up against a wall.
The subwoofer’s output will increase as it is moved closer to walls, with maximum output
when it is placed in a corner. If practical, always place the subwoofer against or near a
In most rooms, a subwoofer will deliver smoothest bass response when placed in a
corner away from room openings, such as doors.So if possible, that’s the place to start.
If you are using more than one subwoofer, you usually will get best performance by
placing them together in the same location rather than by spacing them apart.
Naturally, there are exceptions to the general rules, since no two rooms or systems are
exactly alike. Once you have the subwoofer connected to your system and adjusted at
least roughly (see the KA-1000-THX manual for details), you may want to experiment to
see if you can do better.
Note: Proper connection of your speakers to your amplifier or receiver is vital to obtaining
good sound quality. Please follow these directions carefully. Sloppy connections can cause
amplifier malfunction or damage.
Klipsch THX Ultra2 loudspeakers are internally wired with multiple gauges of high-purity
copper wire, carefully selected and wound to ensure optimum signal transfer at all frequen-
cies.You will obtain best performance from your speakers if you connect them to your
amplifier or receiver with similar high quality wire available from your dealer. (The KW-120-
THX comes with a 20-foot length of THX Ultra-certified speaker cable terminated in profes-
sional-grade connectors that mate with the jacks on the subwoofer and the companion KA-
1000-THX amplifier.) At minimum, we recommend that you use 16-gauge or heavier
stranded copper wire. Use lower-gauge (heavier) wire for long runs to maintain correct fre-
quency response and minimize power loss.
On the back of each KL-650-THX, KL-525-THX and KS-525-THX speaker are two sets of
binding posts, one feeding the tweeter and the other the woofers. For conventional wiring,
these sets are connected together with gold-plated metal straps, which can be removed for
bi-wiring or biamping.We will explain ordinary single-wiring first and then the alternatives.
All the information regarding single-wiring also applies to bi-wiring.
Bare wire. Pull the two conductors apart for about an inch and strip approximately 1/4-
inch of insulation from the end of each. (A wire stripper will simplify this, but you can use
an ordinary pocket knife to cut around and through the insulation down to the wire.) Twist
the strands of wire on each individual conductor tightly together. Loosen the nuts on a pair
smaller size.
Their WDST design works very well in this application. Two KW-120-THX
subwoofers are necessar
y to achieve THX Ultra2 maximum output requirements.This
specification assumes a very large room, however, and in many installations a single
KW-120-THX will be completely adequate.The companion KA-1000-THX subwoofer amplifier
can drive either one or two subwoofers. In dual-subwoofer systems, it is usually best to place
them right next to each other rather than spaced apart.
Front LCR Loudspeakers
Normally the array would be either all KL-650-THXs or all KL-525-THXs, but the center
speaker can be different from the left and right speakers. (For example, you might combine a
pair of KL-650-THXs for the front left and right with a KL-525-THX for the center.) The
center-channel speaker should be centered along the width of the TV screen, directly above
or below it or, in the case of an acoustically transparent front-projection screen, behind it.The
left and right speakers should be placed equal distances out from the edges of the TV screen.
Exactly how far out depends on the size of the screen.A reasonable starting point is to place
the left and right speakers so that they and your listening position form an equilateral triangle.
Since the center speaker helps anchor the sound to the screen, it usually is better to have the
left and right speakers spread a little too wide than to have them too close together.The left
and right speakers should be aimed inward towards the listening position as shown in figure
2. In some installations, it may be desirable to wall-mount the front LCR speakers rather than
to put them on stands or in a cabinet.To accommodate this, the KL-650-THX and KL-525-
THX are both configured for use with OmniMount
60.0 Series wall-and ceiling-mount brack-
ets (Figure 3). Refer to the OmniMount manual for detailed installation instructions.
Surround Left and Right Loudspeakers
In a 5.1- or 7.1-channel installation, the left and right surround speakers will be KS-525-
THX’s placed to the sides of the listening area, typically on or against the walls.They should
be elevated slightly above seated ear level – five or six feet above the floor is a good target. If
desired, the speakers can be moved back along the wall to as much as 20 degrees behind
the listening position, especially in a 5.1-channel system.The KS-525-THX’s Wide Dispersion
Surround Technology design gives you a great deal more latitude if you need it, delivering
good results in configurations that depart significantly from the ideal.The KS-525-THX has a
Figure 2
Figure 3
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Marke Klipsch
Modell KW-120-THX
Kategorie Lautsprecher
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 3.47 MB

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Ich möchte einen Lautsprecher mittels HDMI mit meinem Fernseher verbinden. Welchen Anschluss soll ich verwenden? Verifiziert

Sie müssen den HDMI-ARC-Anschluss verwenden, welcher speziell für den Anschluss von Audiogeräten konzipiert wurde.

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Was sagen die Frequenzen über meinen Lautsprecher aus? Verifiziert

Sie zeigen den Frequenzbereich an, den der Lautsprecher erzeugen kann. Ein größerer Frequenzbereich sorgt für eine größere Variation des Klangbilds und sorgt für eine höhere Klangqualität.

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Wann ist meine Musik zu laut? Verifiziert

Lautstärken über 80 Dezibel (dB) können zu Hörschäden führen. Töne über 120 dB schaden dem Gehör sofort. Wie ernst der Schaden ist, hängt davon ab, wie oft und wie lange die Lautstärke vorherrscht.

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Funktioniert Bluetooth durch Wände und Decken? Verifiziert

Ein Bluetooth-Signal kann durch Wände und Decken empfangen werden, es sei denn diese bestehen aus Metall. Je nach Dicke und Material der Wand kann das Signal schwächer werden.

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Welcher maximale Geräuschpegel ist für Kinder sicher? Verifiziert

Kinder erleiden schneller einen Gehörschaden als Erwachsene. Daher ist es wichtig, Kinder niemals einem Geräuschpegel von mehr als 85 dB auszusetzen. Bei Kopfhörern gibt es spezielle Modelle für Kinder. Bei Lautsprechern oder in anderen Situationen sollten Sie darauf achten, dass der Geräuschpegel diesen Wert nicht überschreitet.

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Bedienungsanleitung Klipsch KW-120-THX Lautsprecher

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