Bedienungsanleitung Kiwi KHB 4430 Stabmixer

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KHB 4430 / 4420 User Manual
• Always remove the plug from the socket when the device will be cleaned. • Clean the appliance
with a damp cloth. Never use harsh and abrasive cleaners, scouring pad or steel wool, which
damages the device. • Never immerse the device in water or any other liquid. The device in not
dishwasher proof. • CAUTION! The knives in the chopper and in the bowl are very sharp, never
try it yourself to undo the chopper blade and be careful cleaning it. Avoid all bodily contact with
the blades, they can seriously injure you. • The components are not suitable for cleaning in a
dishwasher. If exposed to heat or caustic cleaners they might become misshapen or discolored.
• Blending fluids, e.g. dairy products, sauces, fruit juices, soups, mixed drinks and shakes. •
Mixing soft ingredients, e.g. pancake batter or mayonnaise. • Pureeing cooked ingredients, e.g.
for making baby food. • Put the S/S stick on the base until it clicks. • Immerse the blade guard
completely in the ingredients to avoid splashing. • Press and hold the normal or turbo speed
button to switch on the appliance When you use the normal speed button, you can adjust
the speed with the speed controller. The higher the speed, the shorter the processing time
required. To select a different speed setting, turn the speed selector to the preferred setting
before or while you press the normal speed button. • When you use the turbo speed button,
the appliance operates at maximum speed. In this case, you can’t adjust the speed with the
speed controller. • Blend the ingredients by moving the appliance slowly up and down and in
circles. • Press the release buttons to disconnect the base of the S/S stick.
Using the hand mixer
• The mixer is intended for stiring minor ingredients such as egg white, cream, instant desserts
and eggs and sugar for cakes. Do not beat thicker mixtures such as margarine and sugar, this
may damage the mixer. Use the S/S stick. Put the mixer base on the base until it clicks and place
the mixer into the mixer base. • Press the release buttons to disconnect the base of the mixer
base. • Immerse the whisk completely in the ingredients. To avoid splashing, start processing
at normal speed by pressing the normal speed button. To select a different speed setting, turn
the speed selector to the preferred setting before or while you press the normal speed button.
Continue with turbo speed after approx. 1 minute by pressing the turbo speed button.
Using the blender
• The chopper is intended for chopping ingredients such as nuts, meat, onions, hard cheese,
boiled eggs, garlic, herbs, dry bread etc. • The blades are very sharp! Be very careful when you
handle the blade unit, especially when you remove it from the bowl, when you empty the bowl
and during cleaning. • Place the knife at the pivot point in the middle of the bowl. • Attention!
The knife is very sharp. Screw the lid clockwise to the bowl. Place the base on the lid until it
clicks. • Press and hold the normal or turbo speed button to switch on the appliance When you
use the normal speed button, you can adjust the speed with the speed selector • The higher
the speed, the shorter the processing time required. To select a different speed setting, turn
the speed selector to the preferred setting before or while you press the normal speed button.
• When you use the turbo speed button, the appliance operates at maximum speed. In this
case, you can’t adjust the speed with the speed selector. • After processing, release the normal
or the turbo speed button to switch off the appliance and wait until the blade has stopped
rotating. • Press the lid release buttons and turn the lid anti-clockwise to remove it
This appliance should not be put into the domestic garbage at the end of its durability, but must
be offered at a central point for the recycling of electric and electronic domestic appliances.
This symbol on the appliance, instruction manual and packaging puts your attention to this
important issue. The materials used in this appliance can be recycled. By recycling of used
domestic appliances you contribute an important push to the protection of our environment.
Ask your local authorities for information regarding the point of recollection.
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Marke Kiwi
Modell KHB 4430
Kategorie Stabmixer
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.4 MB

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Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Kiwi KHB 4430 Stabmixer

Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Wie kann ich einen Handmixer am besten reinigen? Verifiziert

Die meisten Handmixer verfügen über einen abnehmbaren Teil, der in der Geschirrspülmaschine gereinigt werden kann. Dies sollte im Handbuch entsprechend erläutert sein. Die Reinigung per Hand kann erfolgen, indem der Handmixer mit den Klingen in einer Schüssel mit warmem Wasser platziert und eingeschaltet wird. Fügen Sie bei Bedarf etwas Spülmittel hinzu. Trocknen Sie die Klingen niemals ab. Sie können dadurch stumpf werden.

Das war hilfreich (141) Mehr lesen

Wie verwende ich verschiedene Geschwindigkeiten? Verifiziert

Am besten ist es, mit der niedrigsten Geschwindigkeit zu beginnen und graduell zur höchsten Geschwindigkeit überzugehen. So erzielen Sie die besten Resultate und die wenigsten Spritzer.

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Kann ich das Kabel nach Gebrauch um das Gerät wickeln? Verifiziert

Es ist besser, dies nicht zu tun, da es zu Beschädigung des Kabels führen kann. Am besten wickeln Sie das Kabel so auf, wie das Produkt verpackt wurde.

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Bedienungsanleitung Kiwi KHB 4430 Stabmixer

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