Bedienungsanleitung Kiddycare Chloe Babybett

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Club Way,
Cygnet Park,
Cambridgeshire PE7 8JA
Customer Care: [email protected]
Warning: Do not use the cot if any part is broken, torn or missing and use only spare parts
approved by the manufacturer.
Warning : Do not leave anything in the cot or place the cot close to another product, which could
provide a foothold or present a danger of suocation or strangulation, e.g. strings, blind/curtain
cords, etc.
Warning: Do not use more than one mattress in the cot.
Warning: Be aware of the risk of open res and other sources of strong heat, such as electric bar
res, gas res, etc.near the vicinity of the cot.
The base can be adjusted in height in cot mode, but the lowest position is the safest and
should always be used in that position as soon as the baby is old enough to sit up.
This product is suitable for a mattress of 1200mm in length and 600 in width.
The length and width of the mattress shall be no less to ensure the gap between the
mattress and the sides and ends does not exceed 30mm.
The thickness of the mattress shall be such that the internal height (surface of the mattress
to the upper edge of the cot frame) is at least 500 mm in the lowest position of the cot base
and at least 200 mm in the highest position of the cot base.
Children are likely to play, bounce, jump and climb on beds, therefore the child’s bed should
not be placed too close to other furniture or windows, blind cords, curtain pulls or other
strings or cords. It should be placed either tight to any wall or have a gap of 300mm
between the wall and the side of the bed.
To prevent injury from falls the cot should no longer be used for the child once they are able
to climb out of the cot.
This product conform to : BS EN 716-1 : 2008 + A1: 2013
All assembly ttings should be tightened properly and should be checked regularly and
re-tightened as necessary.
Your cot can be cleaned by wiping with a damp cloth and drying with a soft clean cloth.
Do not use abrasives, bleach, alcohol or ammonia based household polishes.
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Marke Kiddycare
Modell Chloe
Kategorie Babybetten
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.35 MB

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Ab welchem Alter kann mein Kind in einem Gitterbett schlafen? Verifiziert

Dies hängt von der Größe des Kindes ab. Das Gitterbett ist groß genug, wenn in Längsrichtung noch 20 cm frei bleiben.

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Bedienungsanleitung Kiddycare Chloe Babybett