Bedienungsanleitung Hoover HCV61C Dunstabzugshaube

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The appliance must be installed by a qualified person in compliance with the instructions provided.
WARNING: Failure to install the screw or fixing device in accordance with these instructions may result in
electrical azard.
Only for hoods with electronic control:
The 4th speed (intensive) is automatically lowered to 3rd speed after 5 minutes of operation to optimise energy consumption;
in hoods with voltage 120V/60Hz this function is not active and the 4th speed is indicated by the letter b (Booster).
- If the hood is left on (lights and/or motor), after 10 hours in the absence of commands from the user, it will automatically
switch to OFF condition with all services switched off. In hoods with voltage 120V/60Hz this function is not active.
- The Buzzer emits a “beep” each time that a command is set from the keyboard or remote control (optional).
- In the event of interruption of power during the hood, if you restore the hood in the OFF state, then the engine must
be reactivate manually.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons
in order to avoid a hazard.
Wear gloves when carrying out installation and maintenance operations.
The unit can be found in filtering hoods, exhaust hoods or in hoods with an outside motor. In the Filtering hoods
(Fig. 1) the air and steam taken up by the unit are purified with charcoal filters and returned to the environment
through the aeration grids on the side of the flue. WARNING: When using filtering hoods, both charcoal filters
and an air deflector (A) must be used. Located in the lower part of the flue, this deflector recycles the air to
the environment. The charcoal filters are not supplied. In the Exhaust hoods (Fig .2) an exhaust duct conveys
the steam and cooking odors directly outside through the wall/ceiling. Therefore they do not require charcoal filters.
In the hoods with an outside motor (Fig. 3), a vacuum suction unit must be connected; this exhaust will operate separately,
conveying the exhaust air through the unit. Only use vacuum units suggested in the original catalogue.
To facilitate installation, before starting remove the grease filters: press inward on the clamp at the handle and
pull the filter downward (Fig.4).
Wall fitting (Fig.5): making use of the appropriate drilling jig, apply the supplied blocks into the wall, and remember
the distance between the hood and the cooktop must be at least 65 cm. Insert two of the supplied screws so
that the apparatus can be hooked onto these ones by means of the holes provided on the appliance (use the
holes A; if the hood have the holes A and C, use only the holes C). Once the apparatus is hooked, fix it definitively
to the wall using the two other screws and the holes made at its bottom (B). To avoid damage make exclusive
use of the holes already prepared on the hood.
Securing the telescopic flue: Basic installation requirements: – Set the electrical power supply within the space
covered by the decorative flue. – If your unit is installed in an Exhaust hood or in a hood with outside motor,
prepare the air exhaust hole.
Place bracket (W) 50 mm from the ceiling and position this on the vertical of your hood, with the aid of the notches
on the centre of the bracket (Fig.6); using a pen, mark the 2 holes on the wall and then make the holes and
fit the screw anchors provided and proceed to secure the bracket using the 2 screws (provided).
Exhaust hoods and hoods with outside motors: connect the disposal duct to the air evacuation pipe of the hood;
use a flexible pipe and lock it to the air evacuation pipe of the hood with a metal hose clamp (pipe and clamp
are not provided).
Only for models with outside motor (Fig. 7): plug the hood into the outside control unit using the special terminal block:
remove wire clamp A and lid B from the wiring junction box. Secure the wire connecting the control unit to terminal C.
Then replace wire clamp A and lid B on the wiring junction box. The other end of the wire is secured to the terminal block
on the outside control unit.
Make all power connections to the hood by means of the power cable. Take 2 assembled flues and place these
on the upper surface of the hood. Raise the upper flue as far as the ceiling and secure it to the bracket using
the 2 screws (Fig.8).
Filtering hood: make all power connections to the hood using the power cable. Fasten the air baffle to the lower
flue as shown in Figure 9, using the 2 screws. Take 2 assembled flues and place these on the upper surface
of the hood. Raise the upper flue as far as the ceiling and secure it to the bracket using the 2 screws (Fig.8).
Also remember that charcoal filters must be used in the case of the filtering version; check to see whether such
filters are already fitted; if necessary, proceed to fit as follows, depending on the model type purchased:
- if the hood features round charcoal filters (Fig. 10), fit the charcoal filter by turning anti-clockwise.
- if the hood features a panel type charcoal filter (Fig. 11), remove the two metal filter retainers (M) and position
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Marke Hoover
Modell HCV61C
Kategorie Dunstabzugshauben
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.27 MB

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Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Wie viel Platz sollte zwischen meiner Kochplatte und meiner Dunstabzugshaube sein? Verifiziert

Verschiedene Modelle und Marken benötigen unterschiedlich viel Platz, im Allgemeinen sollte eine Dunstabzugshaube jedoch mindestens 65 Zentimeter über einem Gasherd und mindestens 50 Zentimeter über einem Elektro- oder Induktionsherd angebracht werden. Dadurch wird die Brandsicherheit verbessert.

Das war hilfreich (1213) Mehr lesen

Benötige ich eine Dunstabzugshabe mit oder ohne Motor? Verifiziert

Dunstabzugshauben mit Motor sind dafür gedacht, die Luft direkt nach draußen zu befördern. Eine Dunstabzugshaube ohne Motor ist geeignet, wenn eine zentrale Lüftungsanlage vorhanden ist. Verbinden Sie eine Dunstabzugshaube mit Motor niemals mit einer zentralen Lüftungsanlage!

Das war hilfreich (635) Mehr lesen
Bedienungsanleitung Hoover HCV61C Dunstabzugshaube

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