Bedienungsanleitung Home Essentials ST-126768 Kontaktgrill

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ST-126768 EN
1. Red power light
2. Green control light
3. Non-stick cooking plates
4. Handle
5. Catch
1. Remove all packaging.
2. Clean the toasting surfaces with a soft damp cloth and then dry them.
3. Unwind the mains cable completely.
NOTE: When your appliance is heated for the first time, it may emit slight smoke or odor. This is normal with
many heating appliances. This does not affect the safety or your appliance.
1. Connect the appliance to an appropriate socket. The red power light will glow to indicate when the
appliance is switched on.
2. The green control light will turn off during heating. Once the temperature is reached, then the green control
light will turn on. This means the appliance is ready for use.
3. The appliance must be heated up before you toast a sandwich. In the meantime prepare your sandwich.
4. Open the appliance at the handle by unlocking the catch.
5. Put the slices of bread on the lower toasting surface. Ensure that the buttered sides are facing outwards.
6. Now put the filling on the bread slices (e.g. cheese, ham, pineapple, etc.) and cover this with the second
slice of bread. Once again, ensure that the buttered sides are facing outwards.
7. Close the appliance making sure the catch is engaged.
8. Caution: If the slices of bread have too much filling on them, it will not be possible to close the appliance.
Take some of the filling off. Never use force to close the appliance.
9. During toasting the temperature regulating thermostat switches off and on again. The green control light
also switches off and on again.
10. After completion of the toasting process (approx. 2-4 minutes) open the appliance and remove the
sandwiches with the help of a flat wooden or plastic spatula. Never use sharp or metal objects (e.g. knives,
metal spatulas, etc.) as this will damage the non-stick coating.
11. If you wish to toast more sandwiches, close the appliance again and wait until the toasting surfaces have
reheated sufficiently.
12. When the control light illuminates again you can repeat the toasting process as described above.
13. After completion of the toasting process disconnect the mains plug immediately. With the appliance open
allow it to cool down.
1. Allow the appliance to heat up completely before you begin toasting.
2. Lay the buttered side facing outwards.
3. All kinds of spiced butters and lards can be used.
4. With fruit fillings the toasted bread will be crispier if you sprinkle a little sugar on the buttered side.
5. The following ingredients are particularly recommended: cheese, ham, pineapple, tomatoes, cooked meat,
onions, herbs and spices.
Download Bedienungsanleitung auf Deutsch (PDF, 12.92 MB)
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Marke Home Essentials
Modell ST-126768
Kategorie Kontaktgrills
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 12.92 MB

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