Bedienungsanleitung FERM CDM1005 Bohrschrauber

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dots between the figures to define intermediate
settings (16 in total).
You should preferably choose as low a setting as
possible when using the screwdriver. Select a higher
setting if the motor slips.
Set the direction reversing switch (6) to position 'R'
in order to drive screws.
Set the direction reversing switch to position 'L' in
order to remove screws.
Rotate the torque adjustment ring (3) to the drilling
Ensure that the direction reversing switch (6) is
always set to 'R' during drilling.
Fig. A
Depress the on/off switch (1). It regulates the speed
of the appliance by transmitting power to the switch.
Release the on/off switch (1) to halt the drill chuck
immediately which will no longer run on.
Move the direction reversing switch (6) to the centre
in order to lock the appliance in its disabled state.
Only lay down the appliance when it has stopped running
completely. Do not place it on a dusty surface as
particles of dust could get into the mechanism.
Fig. F
The included battery is delivered in non-charged
Only use the battery charger in a temperature range
between +5º to + 40º Celsius.
Only use the battery charger in dry, ventilated
Place the battery holder on a flat table and put the
battery in the battery holder. Pay attention to + and -
pole markings.
Put the adapter plug of the net adapter in the
connector on the side of the battery holder.
Put the net adapter in the socket.
The red charging lamp on the battery holder will
illuminate indicating the battery is being charged.
The charging process of a fully discharged battery will
take approximately 5 hours the first time and
afterwards approximately 3 hours.
After the charging time the red light will not switch
off automatically! Remove the battery within 5
hours from the charger. If the battery is not removed from the
charger after the charging period it may become overheated.
Not only charging batteries is important, dischar-
ging is of equal importance or even greater
When the battery is charged the cordless drill has to
be used until you start noticing that the power of the
drill is diminishing and that the maximum rotational
speed is not reached.
The battery is almost discharged now. Only now you
can start charging the battery.
Charging the battery while it is still charged for say
one-third of capacity, the so-called ‘memory effect’
can occur. Since during charging only the discharged
part of the battery capacity of the battery is being
charged now, the battery can start crystallizing in the
one-third that is still charged. This part of the battery
capacity can never be used afterwards.
Do not discharge the battery to the minimum. As
soon as you notice that the power or the maximum
rotational speed is diminishing, you have to charge
the battery. When you proceed using the drill and
the battery becomes fully discharged, the so-called
‘switch of poles effect’ can occur. The polarity of the
battery poles will be switched: the ‘+’will become ‘-‘
and the ‘-‘ will become the ‘+’. Once this has
occurred the polarity will remain switched during
loading and this will damage the battery irreparable.
When the cordless drill is not being used over a
longer period of time, the battery has to be charged
fully first. The battery has to be stored in charged condition.
These appliances are designed to function without
difficulty for a long time and to require minimum
maintenance. You will prolong the appliance's life by
cleaning it regularly and using it correctly.
Clean the housing regularly with a soft cloth, preferably
every time it is used. Keep the air vents free of dust and
dirt. Remove stubborn dirt with a soft rag moistened in
soapy water. Do not use any solvents such as petrol,
alcohol, ammonia, etc. as such substances can damage
the plastic parts.
The appliance does not need any extra lubrication.
If a fault arises through wear in an element, please
contact the service address shown on the warranty card.
A drawing of the spare parts that may be obtained is
included at the end of these operating instructions.
To prevent damage during transport, the appliance is
delivered in a solid packaging which consists largely of
reusable material. Therefore please make use of options
for recycling the packaging.
Nickel-cadmium batteries can be recycled. Deliver them
to a disposal site for chemical waste so that they can be
recycled or disposed of in an environmentally friendly
Ferm 544 Ferm
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Marke FERM
Modell CDM1005
Kategorie Bohrschrauber
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0 MB

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Wenn ich den Bohrschrauber verwende, kommt es immer wieder zum Abisolieren des Schraubenkopfs. Warum passiert das? Verifiziert

Bei den meisten Bohrschraubern kann eine höhere oder tiefere Stufe (Drehkraft) eingestellt werden. Wenn es immer wieder zum Abisolieren des Schraubenkopfs kommt, sollte wahrscheinlich eine andere Einstellung des Bohrschraubers gewählt werden. Falls es sich um ein kabelloses (Akku-)Gerät handelt, stellen Sie für ein optimales Ergebnis immer sicher, dass der Akku geladen ist.

Das war hilfreich (73) Mehr lesen

Muss ich Gehörschutz tragen, wenn ich eine Bohrmaschine verwende? Verifiziert

Ja, sollten Sie. Auch wenn sich die Lautstärke einer Bohrmaschine möglicherweise je nach Marke und Modell unterscheidet, kann die Langzeitbelastung durch starken Lärm dauerhafte Gehörschäden verursachen. Aus diesem Grund ist es empfehlenswert, Gehörschutz zu tragen.

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Kann ich Elektrowerkzeuge in einem Schuppen oder einer Garage aufbewahren? Verifiziert

Im Allgemeinen können Sie Elektrowerkzeuge in einem Schuppen oder einer Garage aufbewahren, auch wenn es dort manchmal friert. Für die Lebensdauer des Elektrowerkzeugs ist es jedoch besser, es an einem trockenen Ort ohne große Temperaturschwankungen aufzubewahren. In einem Schuppen oder einer Garage kann es aufgrund von Temperaturunterschieden zur Bildung von Kondenswasser kommen, das Rost verursachen kann. Darüber hinaus halten akkubetriebene Geräte kürzer und laden sich bei sehr niedrigen Temperaturen schlechter auf. Um sicherzugehen, wie Ihr Elektrowerkzeug gelagert werden muss, lesen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung immer sorgfältig durch.

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