Bedienungsanleitung Exibel HP086B Tastatur

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GREAT BRITAIN - CUSTOMER SERVICE contact number: 020 8247 9300 e-mail: internet:
2 3
Ver. 20150422
Bluetooth LED Keyboard 18-8429 Model HP086BUK
38-6997, 38-6998 HB086B, HB086BDE
Please read theentire instruction manual before using theproduct and then
save it for future reference. We reserve theright for any errors in text or images
and any necessary changes made to technicaldata. In theevent of technical
problems or other queries, please contact our Customer Services.
Do not subject thekeyboard to knocks andblows.
Do not place thekeyboard where there is arisk that it may fall into water or
other liquids.
Do not plug in or unplug theUSB cable with wethands.
Do not place thekeyboard close to strong heat sources or expose it to direct
sunlight for prolonged periods.
Never attempt to tamper with, repair or modify thekeyboard in anyway.
Thebuilt-in battery cannot be replaced.
Use only theincluded USB cable for charging thekeyboard.
Buttons and functions
Establishing a Bluetooth connection with a computer, tablet
or mobile phone
1. Switch thekeyboard on using theon/off switch (1) on thebottom of
thekeyboard. Thestatus indicator will come on for afew seconds.
2. Press [ Fn ]+[ c ] simultaneously to make thekeyboard detectable for other
Bluetooth devices. Thestatus indicator will begin toflash.
3. Activate Bluetooth on thedevice you intend to connect to thekeyboard.
4. Thekeyboard will now appear on your device as “Bluetooth 3.0 Keyboard”,
5. Apassword will now appear on your device. Writethepassword on
thekeyboard and press [ ENTER ].
6. Thestatus indicator will now stop flashing to indicate that thedevices are
now connected.
Thekeyboard can only be paired with one device at atime. If, for example,
you have thekeyboard paired with your iPad and then decide to pair it with
your mobile phone or computer instead, you can’t just reactivate theprevious
connection to youriPad. Youwill have to delete thekeyboard (Bluetooth 3.0
Keyboard) from thelist of Bluetooth devices connected to your iPad and then
carry out anew Bluetooth device search to re-establish theconnection.
Thekey backlight only works when thekeyboard is connected to aBluetooth
Thebacklight goes off after about 1 minute of inactivity and comes on again
when any of thekeys is pressed.
Thebacklight is controlled by thebacklightkey.
Press thekey repeatedly to select in
Switch thebacklighton
Increase light intensity
Switch thebacklightoff
To change the colour of the backlight
Hold in thebacklight key whilst simultaneously pressing [ ] or [ ] until
thedesired colour has been chosen.
The Fn key
You must hold in theFn key at the same time as you press one of thefunction
keys [ ll ] (play/pause), [ l◄◄ ] (change track)etc. inorder for them towork.
The @ sign in iOS
Power save mode
Thekeyboard will enter power save mode if it is switched on but has been
inactive for more than 15 minutes.
Holding down any button for 3 seconds will wake thekeyboardagain.
Care and maintenance
Wipe thekeyboard clean with adry cloth as and when required.
Troubleshooting guide
won’t turnon.
Thebattery in thekeyboard might be discharged,
Make sure that theBluetooth connection has been
properly established. Referto theEstablishing
aBluetooth connection... sectionabove.
Make sure that no other wireless devices are
interfering with thewireless keyboard connection.
If thedevice that you are attempting to connect
thekeyboard to is already connected to another
Bluetooth device, this may impair or prevent
thekeyboard from pairing with thedevice.
Disconnect theother (disrupting) wireless device.
Certain special
character keys
do notwork.
If theany of thekeys do not seem to work when
using thekeyboard, it could mean that thelanguage
setting in your smartphone or tablet is not
correctlyset. Checkthesettings in your device.
This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
Ifyou are unsure how to proceed, contact your local council.
Bluetooth 3.0
Range Max 10m
Battery 800mA Lithium
Charginginput ≥ 200mA
Time to full charge Approximately 5hours
Operating time with backlight < 5 hours
Operating time without backlight < 300days
Operating temperature −10 to 55°C
Size 28.1×13.5×0.5 cm (1.4 cm on back edge)
1. On/off switch
2. Status indicator
3. Micro-USB port for connecting
4. Charging indicator
Operating instructions
Note: Thekeyboard should be charged for at least 4 hours before it is used for
thefirst time and even when it is used again after along period of disuse.
1. Connect theincluded charger lead to theMicro-USB port (3) on thebattery
pack and to acomputer or other USB charger.
2. Thecharging indicator (4) will shine red while thebattery is charging and go
out when thebattery is fully charged.
3. Thestatus indicator light (2) flashes when thebattery needs charging.
Swedish, Finnish Norwegian
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Marke Exibel
Modell HP086B
Kategorie Tastaturen
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.79 MB

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Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Die Buchstaben auf der Tastatur befinden sich nicht auf den gewohnten Tasten. Warum ist dies der Fall? Verifiziert

Die meisten Tastaturen verwenden eine QWERTZ-Belegung. Diese Bezeichnung steht für die ersten sechs Buchstaben auf der Tastatur. Es gibt jedoch zahlreiche verschiedene Tastaturbelegungen, je nach Bedarf der jeweiligen Sprachen. Es ist auch möglich, dass einzelne Tasten ausgetauscht wurden. Insbesondere bei älteren Tastaturen ist dies leicht möglich.

Das war hilfreich (1231) Mehr lesen

Wie lässt sich meine Tastatur am besten reinigen? Verifiziert

Stecken Sie nie Objekte in die Zwischenräume an den Rändern der Tasten, da damit vor allem Schmutz hineingedrückt wird, was die Tastatur beschädigt. Am besten reinigt man die Tastatur mit Druckluft, während sie mit der Oberseite nach unten gehalten wird. Die Tastenoberseite kann mit einem leicht feuchten Lappen gereinigt werden.

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Bedienungsanleitung Exibel HP086B Tastatur

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