Bedienungsanleitung Exibel BIX80 Kopfhörer

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GREAT BRITAIN - CUSTOMER SERVICE contact number: 0845 300 9799 e-mail: internet:
Ver. 20140305
Wireless Earphone Headset 38-6205, 38-6206 Model BIX80
Please read theentire instruction manual before using theproduct
and then save it for future reference. Wereserve theright for any
errors in text or images and any necessary changes made to techni-
cal data. Intheevent of technical problems or other queries, please
contact our customer services.
Never subject theheadset to high temperatures, dust, heavy
vibration, impacts, water or moisture.
Do not place theheadset where there is arisk of it falling into
water or other liquid.
Do not expose theheadset to direct sunlight for prolonged periods.
Never attempt to tamper with or modify theheadset in anyway.
Only use thesupplied charger cable.
Do not leave theheadset on charge for longer than necessary
when they are not in use. Discontinue charging during
Check your local regulations regarding mobile phone use in
combination with driving.
Shut off both theheadset and mobile phone in areas where you
are requested to do so, such as hospitals, aircraft or explosive
Buttons and functions
6. Removing thecharging portcover.
7. LED indicator.
Operating instructions
The cord can be adjusted to the desired length using the included clips.
Try theearplug sleeves to find out which ones fit youbest.
3. The LED indicator (7) shines red when charging is in progress.
4. The LED indicator shines blue once thebattery is fully charged.
Charging time: 1hour
5. Stop charging when thebattery is fully charged, overcharging
reduces thebattery capacity.
The LED indicator will flash red when thebattery power is low.
iPhones have anicon on their displays to indicate thebattery status
of theheadset.
Bluetooth connection
1. Hold theheadset and your mobile phone (or other Bluetooth
device) at adistance of no more than 1metre from eachother.
2. Hold down [ ] on theheadset until theLED indicator flashes
3. Activate Bluetooth on your telephone.
4. The headset will appear as “BIX80” on your telephone.
Selectthis as thedevice to be connected. Referto theinstruction
manual of your device for further clarification if you are unsure.
5. When aconnection has been established, theLED indicator will
flash blue every few seconds.
6. Check theplayback on your headset or your telephone.
Referto theButtons and functions section for anexplanation of
theheadset controls.
7. If no connection is established after 2 minutes, theheadset will
switch off automatically.
Note: Ifyou are prompted to enter aPIN code on your telephone,
you should enter 0000 (four zeroes). Certain telephones may also
require you to approve theconnection.
If you have connected amobile phone to theheadset via Bluetooth
and receive acall whilst you are listening to music, themusic will
be switched off automatically. Oncethecall has been ended, music
playback will be resumed (if your phone settings enable this).
Care and maintenance
Clean theheadset using alightly moistened cloth. Useonly mild
cleaning agents, never solvents or corrosive chemicals.
Make sure that thebattery is fully charged if you do not intend to
use theheadset for along time. Thebattery should be charged
every 3 months when theheadset is not being used, in order for
thebattery to maintain full capacity.
Troubleshooting guide
will not
switch on.
Make sure that thebattery is charged. Seethe
Charging section above.
Poor or
Adjust thevolume on both your telephone and
Make sure that aBluetooth connection has been
properly established.
Test theplayback from your telephone before
connecting it.
Try playback using another file or format e.g.
MP3. Thefile you are attempting to play may be
incompatible or corrupted.
Make sure that no other wireless device is
disrupting theBluetooth connection.
Make sure that your telephone is within range
ofthe headset, max 1m.
1. [ Increase volume, next track, and more ]
- Repeated short presses will raise
- Holding thebutton down will select
- Holding thebutton down will transfer
anongoing call between theheadset
and atelephone.
2. [ ]
- Holding this button down switches
theheadset on andoff.
- Activates Bluetooth.
- A short press activates play andpause.
3. [ Decrease volume, previous track, and more ]
- Repeated short presses will lower
- Holding thebutton down will select
theprevious track.
- During acall, holding thebutton down
will temporarily mute theheadset
4. Microphone.
The built-in battery cannot be replaced. Chargethebattery before
using theheadset for thefirsttime. The battery only reaches full
capacity after it has been fully charged 2 or 3times.
1. Connect thesupplied charger cable to aUSB charger.
2. Remove thecharging port cover from theright earphone and
plug thecharger cablein.
This product should be disposed of in accordance with local
regulations. Ifyou are unsure how to proceed, contact your
Bluetooth V 3.0
Frequency 2.402–2.48GHz
Compatible with HSP, HFP, A2DP, AVRCP
Range 10m
Talk time 5hours
Audio playback 4.5hours
Standby 180hours
Charging time 1hour
Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Clas Ohlson AB declares that following product(s):
38-6205, 38-6206
is in compliance with theessential requirements andother
relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC and 2006/95/EC.
Article 3.1a (Health): EMF/SAR 99/519 EC Council
Article 3.1a (Safety) EN 60065
Article 3.1b (EMC): EN 301489-1
EN 301489-17
Article 3.2 (Radio): EN 300328
Insjön, Sweden, Feb. 2014
Klas Balkow,
ClasOhlson, 793 85 Insjön, Sweden
5. [ Manage incoming calls, etc. ]
- Short presses of this button will answer and end
- Pressing thebutton 2 times will call theprevious number
dialled. Theredial function only works when no music is being
played or no call is in progress.
- Holding thebutton down will reject anincoming call.
- If you receive anincoming call during anongoing call, ashort
press of thebutton will answer theincoming call and end
theongoing call.
- If you receive asecond incoming call during anincoming call,
thefirst call can be “parked” and theincoming call answered
by holding down thebutton for 3 seconds.
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Marke Exibel
Modell BIX80
Kategorie Kopfhörer
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.04 MB

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Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Exibel BIX80 Kopfhörer

Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Wenn ich einen Kopfhörer an mein Gerät anschließe, funktioniert er nicht ordnungsgemäß. Was kann ich tun? Verifiziert

Es kann sein, dass sich Schmutz in der Öffnung angesammelt hat, an die der Kopfhörer angeschlossen wird. Dadurch wird kein richtiger Kontakt hergestellt. Druckluft ist die beste Methode, um es zu säubern. Im Zweifelsfall können Sie dies durch einen Spezialisten durchführen lassen.

Das war hilfreich (1079) Mehr lesen

Wann ist meine Musik zu laut? Verifiziert

Lautstärken über 80 Dezibel (dB) können zu Hörschäden führen. Töne über 120 dB schaden dem Gehör sofort. Wie ernst der Schaden ist, hängt davon ab, wie oft und wie lange die Lautstärke vorherrscht.

Das war hilfreich (1005) Mehr lesen

Was bedeutet Noise Cancelling? Verifiziert

Noise Cancelling ist eine Technik, die hauptsächlich in Kopfhörern verwendet wird. Antischall (auch aktive Lärmkompensation) wird eingesetzt, um störende Umgebungsgeräusche zu reduzieren oder zu eliminieren.

Das war hilfreich (558) Mehr lesen

Funktioniert Bluetooth durch Wände und Decken? Verifiziert

Ein Bluetooth-Signal kann durch Wände und Decken empfangen werden, es sei denn diese bestehen aus Metall. Je nach Dicke und Material der Wand kann das Signal schwächer werden.

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Welcher maximale Geräuschpegel ist für Kinder sicher? Verifiziert

Kinder erleiden schneller einen Gehörschaden als Erwachsene. Daher ist es wichtig, Kinder niemals einem Geräuschpegel von mehr als 85 dB auszusetzen. Bei Kopfhörern gibt es spezielle Modelle für Kinder. Bei Lautsprechern oder in anderen Situationen sollten Sie darauf achten, dass der Geräuschpegel diesen Wert nicht überschreitet.

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Kann ich das Kabel nach Gebrauch um das Gerät wickeln? Verifiziert

Es ist besser, dies nicht zu tun, da es zu Beschädigung des Kabels führen kann. Am besten wickeln Sie das Kabel so auf, wie das Produkt verpackt wurde.

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Bedienungsanleitung Exibel BIX80 Kopfhörer

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