Bedienungsanleitung Exibel 38-4251 Handyhalterung

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1. Line the lug on the cradle’s arm attachment (4) up with the slot in the arm’s swivel
attachment (5) and push the two pieces together.
2. Clean the surface of the glass where the suction cup (10) is to be mounted and
remove the plastic film from the base of the suction cup.
3. Lift the locking lever (7) and press the suction cup against the clean glass surface.
Press down the locking lever completely until the suction cup is attached to
the glass surface.
4. Bend the flexible arm to the desired position. Adjust the holder’s horizontal angle
by twisting the holder.
5. Push the clamp release button (3) to open the side clamps.
6. Place the mobile phone (max. width 110 mm) in the middle of the holder and
carefully close the side clamps until the mobile phone is securely fastened.
The feet can be opened out to support the bottom of the phone if desired.
7. To remove the phone: Hold the phone with one hand whilst pushing the clamp
release button (3).
8. Remove the arm from the surface of the glass by pushing in the cup release
button (8) and then pulling the tab (9) up until the suction cup comes free.
Follow local ordinances when disposing of this product.
If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your local authority.
Length of arm 16 cm (38-4250)
27 cm (38-4251)
Max phone width 110 mm
Operating temp. -20–70 ºC
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Marke Exibel
Modell 38-4251
Kategorie Handyhalterungen
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.18 MB

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