Bedienungsanleitung Cyklos KSL 435 Rillmaschine

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This creasing machine has been designed for the final processing of graphic materials of up to
A3 folio size. The creasing machine can also be used to process paper with a special surface
treatment, such as that laminated on both sides.
The creasing machine allows for the easy folding of wedding cards, invitations, menus, annual
reports, promotional materials, and the like. The special features of this machine include its
practical design, user-friendly operation, and working accuracy.
This creasing machine has an adjustable stop that can be adjusted with a millimeter scale
located on both sides of the base. This scale is used to level the shifting stop with the aid of
creasing strips. The specific, adjusted position is maintained with two bolts.
The machine is also fitted with an ancillary stop that can be used for creasing operation under
a 45° angle.
After unpacking the machine, place it on a firm and even surface. Attach and secure the crank,
and set the stop to make the machine ready for operation.
Setting the machine for a 1.2 mm crease:
The machine is equipped with an upper strip (4), and a lower strip (5) which occupies the
position of an 1.8 crease after assembly. After unscrewing the lid (1) -from the two screws in
position 3- pull out the lower strip (5) and turn it 180°, by which you will set the crease width to
1.2 mm. In the event that the crease depth varies on both sides of the paper after creasing, it is
possible to balance the upper (4) and lower (5) strips as follows: Unscrew the bolts (6), remove
cover (2), and loosen bolt (7) with four turns. Then, while pressing the crank and having
inserted the carton in between the creasing strips, tighten up bolt (7).
When the machine’s service life has been used up, dispose of the machine as a recyclable
material. All of the machine’s parts can be recycled.
Technical data:
Maximum working width 435 mm
Maximum paper weight 400 g/m2
Creasing angle 45° and 90°
Crease width 1,2/1,8 mm
Machine dimensions 95 x 505 x 505 mm
Machine weight 13,5 kg
1. Lid
2. Cover
3. Bolt
4. Upper strip
5. Lower strip
6. Bolt
7. Bolt
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Marke Cyklos
Modell KSL 435
Kategorie Rillmaschinen
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.15 MB

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Bedienungsanleitung Cyklos KSL 435 Rillmaschine

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