Bedienungsanleitung Cyborg F.L.Y 9 (for PlayStation 3) Controller

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ENGLISH Cyborg F.L.Y. 9 Wireless Flight Stick
Thank you for purchasing the Cyborg F.L.Y. 9 Wireless Flight Stick for use with the PlayStation 3 video game system. Be sure to register your product
online at and check out our full line of other quality video game accessories.
IMPORTANT! Before using the PlayStation 3 system with this product, read the PlayStation 3 system instruction manual for safety, health, and other
information regarding the use of the PlayStation 3 system.
All questions regarding the console should be directed to the manufacturer.
Up to four controllers, wired and wireless, can be actively connected to a PlayStation 3 console at one time. Each connected controller is assigned a
player indicator number. To connect a wireless controller, a player indicator number must be free (unlit).
1. Insert 2 (two) AA batteries into the battery compartment.
2. Insert the USB receiver into any available USB port on the PS3 – the receiver’s Red LED will flash.
3. Power ON the Wireless Flight Stick – the 4 (four) controller port indicator LEDs located at the top of the Flight Stick will rapidly flash while the
Flight Stick is searching for a signal.
4. Once a connection has been established, the 4 (four) LEDs will flash less rapidly and the receiver’s LED will turn solid.
5. Press the Home Button (located between Start and Select) on the Flight Stick. The PS3 will automatically assign a player number – from 1 (one) to 7 (seven).
6. The assigned player number will be indicated by the LEDs at the top of the Flight Stick:
a. Player 1 (one) – the LED above the # 1 (one) position will be lit.
b. Player 6 (six) – the LEDs above the # 2 (two) and # 4 (four) positions will be lit. Refer to your PS3’s instruction manual for more information.
A. Attach the Flight Stick handle to the base by inserting it into the base collar and tightening the securing screw.
B. Remove the adjustment tool from the compartment on the Flight Stick base.
C. Press the locking switch (c1) and move the Flight Stick up or down to adjust the height.
D. Insert the adjustment tool in the locking nut (d2) and turn counter-clockwise. Press the locking pin (d1) in and move the stick forward or backwards
to the required angle. Lock by turning locking nut (d2) clockwise.
E. Insert the adjustment tool into the locking nut (e1) and turn counter-clockwise. Move to the desired angle and lock by turning the locking nut clockwise.
To make it easier to use your Flight Stick on your lap, we have added 4 (four) lap-mount brackets. To attach the brackets, turn the Flight Stick over.
Each bracket will display the letter L or R. The L brackets will attach onto the left side and the R brackets will attach onto the right side. To attach,
push the brackets into the securing holes (f1) and with all brackets in place, slide the lock catches (f2) into place.
Your Flight Stick has two modes which configure controls for specific flying games. You can switch between modes by sliding the switch on the right
side of the Flight Stick base to either mode M1 or M2. In mode M1, all controls will have the default labeled function - please see your game manual.
Mode M1 (Page 4) - Your Flight Stick buttons and controls are configured to play IL-2 Sturmovik, Tom Clancy: HAWX, or any future flight simulation games.
Mode M2 (Page 5) - Your Flight Stick buttons and controls are configured to play Blazing Angels 1 and 2.
QUESTION: When I have the Cyborg F.L.Y. 9 Flight Stick plugged into my PS3, I cannot navigate the XMB (XrossMediaBar) menu correctly.
ANSWER: Ensure the throttle is set to the “0” (neutral) position. If the throttle is engaged all the way up or down, you may experience the XMB menu
moving unexpectedly. When the Flight Stick is in mode 2, the throttle emulates the analog stick on a standard gaming controller used to navigate the
XMB menu.
QUESTION: My Flight Stick is not functioning at all. The LEDs surrounding the Home button are flashing, but there is no response in the XMB menu or game.
: Ensure fresh batteries are in the Flight Stick. If the battery level is too low, you may experience loss of connection to the USB dongle and console.
Pair again (synchronize) the USB dongle with the Flight Stick:
1. Insert USB dongle into PS3 console.
2. Power ON Flight Stick by pushing Home button.
3. Simultaneously hold down both the Home button and the L3 (left stick button) for 5-10 seconds.
4. If successfully paired, the player indicator LEDs surrounding the Home button will no longer flash, and one of those LEDs will stay lit.
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Marke Cyborg
Modell F.L.Y 9 (for PlayStation 3)
Kategorie Controller
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.46 MB

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Häufig gestellte Fragen zu Cyborg F.L.Y 9 (for PlayStation 3) Controller

Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Eine der Batterien in meinem Gerät ist oxidiert. Kann ich es dennoch sicher verwenden? Verifiziert

Ja, das Gerät kann weiterhin sicher verwendet werden. Entfernen Sie zunächst die oxidierte Batterie. Tun Sie dies niemals ohne Handschutz. Reinigen Sie daraufhin das Batteriefach mit einem Wattestäbchen, das Sie in Essig oder Zitronensaft getränkt haben. Lassen Sie es trocknen und setzen Sie neue Batterien ein.

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Kann ich das Kabel nach Gebrauch um das Gerät wickeln? Verifiziert

Es ist besser, dies nicht zu tun, da es zu Beschädigung des Kabels führen kann. Am besten wickeln Sie das Kabel so auf, wie das Produkt verpackt wurde.

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Bedienungsanleitung Cyborg F.L.Y 9 (for PlayStation 3) Controller

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