Bedienungsanleitung Compass 02 120 E-Bike Fahrradträger

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item 02 120
MAX 60 Kg
Car manual
Instructions for proper use:
Before installing the carrier, make sure the tow
ball is properly cleaned.
Check that the exhaust is at sucient distance
from the bicycle tyres and safety straps. Hot air
from the exhaust could damage the bicycle or
If your vehicle is equipped with an automatic
trunk door opening system, disable this func-
tion whenever you use the carrier. Open the
trunk door manually only.
When loading bicycles on the carrier, remove
all free parts (tool bags, child seats, pumps,
Always place the largest / heaviest bicycle clos-
est to the vehicle and then place smaller bicy-
The user is responsible for checking regularely,
that all components, straps, screws, lever are
securely tightened, thus ensuring safe opera-
It is possible that you may use extra protection,
for avoiding scratches to bicycles and trunk
Locks used with this carrier are designed to
make theft attempts dicult.
Safety of use:
Make sure, the lights are working properly be-
fore leaving.
The carrier increases the overall length of the
vehicle and the bicycles on it can also increase
the overall width and height of the vehicle.
Keep this in mind when you drive through a
narrowed or reduced space, and especially
when you are parking (reverse).
Any cargo exceeding the dimensions of the ve-
hicle must comply with the applicable regula-
tions and be properly secured.
Load on the carrier aects driving. Do not ex-
ceed the permitted speed limit. Do not exceed
120 km/h (75 mph).
Drive slowly over slowing bumps. Obey the
speed limits and adjust your speed to road
Driving on paved roads is not recommended,
it can cause damage to your vehicle, tow bar,
carrier or bicycles.
If you run on a protrusion or potholes on the
road, stop the vehicle and check the bicycles
and the carrier. If you nd any damage, remove
bicycles and do not use the carrier any longer.
Ensure that there is a safe distance between
bicycles and ground, especially when entering
the road.
Regularely check the carrier, if it wears marks
of excesive use, rust or damage on the mate-
Do not use the carrier, if there is damage on
any of parts. Contact authorized workshop
about repairing those parts, so u can use the
carrier again.
Dismount the carrier before entering the car
To keep the product in the best condition, it is
recommended to dismount the product from
the vehicle when not in use.
Beware, the product is not designed to with-
stand extreme weather conditions, especially
the seaside climate.
Lubricate the screws to prevent rust.
Important warning:
Carefully wipe the tow ball of grease before in-
stalling the carrier.
It is necessary to tighten the nut abutting on
the ball of the towing device so that the entire
carrier is rmly in place and does not move.
Otherwise, he could loosen himself while driv-
For correct mounting, a lever of at least 40 kg
should be applied to the tow ball.
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Marke Compass
Modell 02 120 E-Bike
Kategorie Fahrradträger
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 9.7 MB

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Wie schnell darf ich mit einer Fahrradträger fahren? Verifiziert

Es gibt keine allgemeingültige Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung. Ein Fahrradträger kann das Fahrgefühl jedoch beeinträchtigen. Deshalb wird dazu geraten, eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 130 km/h einzuhalten.

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Bedienungsanleitung Compass 02 120 E-Bike Fahrradträger

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