Bedienungsanleitung CombiSteel 7491.0040 Crêpes Maker

Benötigen Sie ein Bedienungsanleitung für Ihren CombiSteel 7491.0040 Crêpes Maker? Unten können Sie das PDF-Bedienungsanleitung kostenlos auf Deutsch ansehen und herunterladen. Für dieses Produkt gibt es derzeit 0 häufig gestellte Fragen, 0 Kommentare und 0 Stimmen. Wenn dies nicht das von Ihnen gewünschte Bedienungsanleitung ist, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.

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This manual describes the installation, operation and maintenance of the unit and serves as an important source
of information and reference. The knowledge of all safety instructions and handling instructions creates the
conditions for the safe and proper operation of this machine. Moreover you have to respect the norms for the
application of the instrument applicable to local safety regulations and general safety rules.
The manual is part of the product and has to be available in the immediate vicinity of the device for the
installation, operation, maintenance and cleaning personnel at all times.
Liability and Warranty
All information and instructions in this manual have been compiled in accordance with applicable regulations
and our many years of knowledge and experience. The translations of the manual are also provided in good faith.
A liability for errors in translations or inaccuracies is excluded.
Please take the time to read the manual carefully before using the equipment. The device may only being used
if knowing the users manual. For loss and damage arising from failure to follow operating instructions, the
manufacturer accepts no liability.
We reserve the right to make technical changes to the product in the context of improving the performance
characteristics and the development. The graphic illustrations in this manual may be able to vary slightly from
the actual version of the device.
All The operating instructions and the text of which contained, drawings, images or other illustrations are
copyright protected. Copies in any kind and form, also only in part, and the further exploitation is not permitted
without written approval of the manufacturer. Damages and other claims remain reserved.
Declaration of conformity
We certify in the EC declaration of conformity, that our product complies with current standards and directives
of the EU. If required we will be glad to send you this document.
Transport, Packaging and Storage
Upon delivery, you must check immediately for completeness and transit damages. If an external damage is
detected do not accept the delivery or just under reserve. The extent of damage is to be noted on the delivery-
note of the transporter. The damage or complaint has to be reported immediately to your supplier. Otherwise
complaints or claims for damages are excluded.
Download Bedienungsanleitung auf Deutsch (PDF, 1.03 MB)
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Wir verstehen, dass es schön ist, ein gedrucktes Bedienungsanleitung für Ihr CombiSteel 7491.0040 Crêpes Maker zu haben. Sie können das Bedienungsanleitung jederzeit von unserer Website herunterladen und selbst ausdrucken. Wenn Sie ein Originalhandbuch wünschen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, CombiSteel zu kontaktieren. Möglicherweise können sie ein Originalhandbuch bereitstellen. Suchen Sie das Bedienungsanleitung Ihres CombiSteel 7491.0040 Crêpes Maker in einer anderen Sprache? Wählen Sie auf unserer Homepage Ihre bevorzugte Sprache und suchen Sie nach der Modellnummer, um zu sehen, ob wir sie verfügbar haben.


Marke CombiSteel
Modell 7491.0040
Kategorie Crêpes Maker
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.03 MB

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Bedienungsanleitung CombiSteel 7491.0040 Crêpes Maker

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