Bedienungsanleitung Clas Ohlson W-SQB-916 Selfie stange

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Selfie Stick with Shutter Button 38-7118 Model W-SQB-916
Please read theentire instruction manual before using theproduct
and then save it for future reference. We reserve theright for any
errors in text or images and any necessary changes made to
technical data. In theevent of technical problems or other queries,
please contact our Customer Services.
Never expose thedevice to heavy vibrations, shocks,
rain or moisture.
Do not let children play with theproduct.
Product description
Bluetooth connection
Connect theselfie stick to aBluetooth-enabled smartphone.
1. In off mode: Hold thebutton in for 5 seconds to make
theselfie stick detectable for other Bluetooth devices.
Theblue LED will start to flash.
2. Activate Bluetooth on thesmartphone to be paired with
theselfie stick.
3. Theselfie stick will appear on your smartphone as Winnersun,
select it and it will pair with your device. Theblue LED shines
steadily and theselfie stick is ready to use.
Taking photographs
1. Activate thecamera on your smartphone, adjust theangle
of theholder and fit your smartphone into it. Ensure that
thesmartphone is firmly secured.
Reconnect to thelatest connected smartphone
Depress thebutton for 3 seconds to switch theselfie stick on.
Theblue LED will shine for two seconds.
Theselfie stick will automatically reconnect with thelast
smartphone it was paired to, if thesmartphone is on and its
Bluetooth function is activated. Theblue LED will then come on.
Care and maintenance
Clean theselfie stick by wiping it with adamp cloth. Use only
mild cleaning agents, never solvents or corrosive chemicals.
Troubleshooting guide
Theselfie stick
won’t turn on.
Thebattery might be flat. Charge thebattery;
refer to theCharging section above.
release doesn’t
Make sure that theBluetooth
connection has been properly
established. Refer to theBluetooth
connection section above.
Is thesmartphone in camera mode?
This product should be disposed of in accordance with local
regulations. If you are unsure how to proceed, contact your
local council.
Charging port USB, 5V, 120mA
Battery capacity 60 mA
Charging time 30min
Operating time 20 hours
Contracted length 18.5cm
Phone gripping range 58–80mm
Telescopic handle 26–80cm
Weight 148g
1. Button for on/off, Bluetooth
connection and shutter release.
Note: When you have used thebutton
for one command you must wait 5 seconds
before you can give thenext command
(except for taking photos).
2. Charging indicator
3. Micro-USB port for connecting acharger cable
Operating instructions
1. Connect theincluded charger lead to thecharging port (3)
on theselfie stick and to acomputer or other USB charger.
2. Thecharging indicator shines red while thebattery is
charging and goes out when thebattery is fully charged.
2. Extend thestick to thedesired length and take pictures by
pressing theshutter release button.
Note: Since theselfie stick is aBluetooth input device, you
cannot write messages when your smartphone is connected to
theselfie stick. Theselfie stick must be switched off in order for
you to regain full functionality of your smartphone.
Switching off
Depress thebutton for 4 seconds to switch theselfie stick off.
Theblue LED will flash quickly three times and then goes out.
Automatic shut-off
Theselfie stick will switch off automatically after 5 minutes
of inactivity.
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Marke Clas Ohlson
Modell W-SQB-916
Kategorie Selfie stangen
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.4 MB

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