Bedienungsanleitung Clas Ohlson VE704 HDMI adapter

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customer service tel: 08545 300 9799 e-mail: [email protected]
Ver. 20130617
VGA to HDMI Adaptor 38-4705 Model VE704
Please read the entire instruction manual before using the product and save it for future reference.
We reserve the right for any errors in text or images and any necessary changes made to technical data.
If you have any questions regarding technical problems please contact our customer services.
1. Power LED indicator is lit when the adaptor is connected and
has power.
2. Active LED indicator is lit when there is an existing incoming signal.
3. HDMI outlet (HDMI lead sold separately)
4. USB plug (receives power from the mains adaptor)
5. 3.5 mm stereo plug
6. VGA plug
Connection example:
Make sure the devices are turned off before connecting.
Laptop connection
Ordinarily, one needs to activate an extra display in order for the adaptor to work. There are several different ways of doing this. For instructions
concerning your particular operating system, see below.
Note: These are only general examples. Settings for individual computers and their graphics card may vary.
Windows XP
Right click on an open area of your desktop and select Properties. Click on the Settings tab and select Advanced. Click on the tab with settings
for your graphics card. Go into display settings to configure several displays and set the desired settings for your extra display.
Windows Vista
Hold down the [Windows] button on your keyboard, then press [X]. This will open the Windows Mobility Centre on your computer. Click Connect
display in the external display box. A dialogue box will appear asking how you wish to use the external display. Select Mirrored.
Windows 7
Hold down the [Windows] button on your keyboard, then press [P]. A dialogue box will appear asking how you wish to use your external display.
Select Mirrored.
Check the following if no image appears on your TV after connecting all cables:
Make sure that the drive routine for your graphics card is up to date. If your drive routine isn’t up to date you may experience bad image quality or
noimage at all.
Follow local ordinances when disposing of this product. If you are
unsure about how to dispose of this product contact your municipality.
HDCP compatible
Supported operating systems Windows XP/Vista (32/64)
and Windows 7 (32/64)
Supported screen resolution 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×768
Make sure your screen supports the stated resolutions before
connecting the device to the adaptor.
Plugs and connections
• Male VGA plug
• 3.5 mm stereo plug
• USB plug (receives power from the adaptor)
• Female HDMI socket (HDMI A)
• Connects computers with a standard VGA output to modern TVs,
projectors or monitors with a HDMI input.
• Supports HD video and audio via the HDMI output.
• Connects to both VGA and 3.5 mm audio outputs from your
computer. No drive routines required.
HDMI lead sold separately.
Download Bedienungsanleitung auf Deutsch (PDF, 2.84 MB)
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Marke Clas Ohlson
Modell VE704
Kategorie HDMI adapter
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 2.84 MB

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Was bedeutet HDMI? Verifiziert

HDMI ist die Abkürzung für High Definition Multimedia Interface. HDMI ist eine Schnittstelle zur Übertragung von hochauflösenden Video- und Audio-Daten von einem Gerät auf ein anderes.

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Bedienungsanleitung Clas Ohlson VE704 HDMI adapter

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