Bedienungsanleitung Clas Ohlson 32-3383 Rauchmelder

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Ver. 20131031
Smoke detector
Art. no. 32-1988, 32-3381, 32-3382,
Placing of smoke
Do not put asmoke detector in the
following places
• Do not place asmoke detector in akitchen
with poor ventilation. Smoke and fumes from
thepreparation of food and baking can trigger
• Do not place smoke detector near fans or
ventilation conduits. Smoke could drift in their
direction instead of toward thesmoke detector.
• Do not place asmoke detector in agarage.
A car’s exhaust may trigger analarm.
• Do not place asmoke detector in very damp
spaces or aspace exposed to broad temperature
variations. A smoke detector should not be placed
in anarea where thetemperature is below 5 °C or
above 40 °C.
A smoke detector should not be painted.
Test and care
1. Test thesmoke detector at least once every
month, and preferably once per week, e.g.,
when you house clean.
2. Always test thesmoke detector after returning
from holidays or after being away for aprolonged
period. The smoke detector can be tested with
thetest button or by blowing alittle smoke
toward thesmoke detector.
3. The smoke detector sounds as long as thetest
button is pressed down or as long as there is
smoke in it.
4. Make sure thebattery is correctly positioned. Replace
battery if thesmoke detector makes no noise.
5. Below thetest button is ared diode that blinks
1–2 times per minute. It shows that thesmoke
detector is working.
6. Wipe thesurface of thesmoke detector with
amoist cloth when needed. When cleaning
house, thesmoke detector may be vacuumed
slightly as you do house cleaning.
Switching off thealarm sound
(model 32-3383)
When asmoke detector is placed in, say, akitchen
thealarm may be sometimes set off unintentionally.
The alarm sound can then be shut off for about ten
minutes by pressing on thetest button. Two signals
are heard when thesmoke detector returns again to
its normal state.
Changing batteries
A battery lasts for about one year. About one month
before thebattery is completely discharged, thesmoke
detector will start to emit short signals at about
one-half minute intervals. It is then time to replace
thebattery. Once this is done thedetector will start
working again.
Battery: 9 V standard or alkaline battery, e.g.,
Duracell MN 1604, Eveready no. 522, 1222 or 216,
Gold Peak 1604 P.
Always test smoke thedetector after replacing
1–2 times/
Alarm signal +
blinks once per
Blinks + Alarm
signal once/min
The smoke detector has a5-year guarantee
calculated from day of delivery. The guarantee covers
material and manufacturing flaws and is limited to
new for old or repairs. The guarantee is valid provided
only that theinstructions are followed. Return
adefective smoke detector to vendor or importer
(address below) with indication of defect and battery.
Announcement from (Finnish)
Radiation Safety Centre
(Does not apply to optical smoke detector model
This smoke detector contains asmall amount of
radioactive substance – americium 241.
The Finnish Radiation Safety Centre has investigated
and approved theradiation safety of this type of
smoke detector. In said test, normal use of thesmoke
detector does not expose humans to doses harmful
to thehealth.
Normal use entails:
• Correct choice of where to place thedetector.
• Smoke detector is used in frequented places.
• Proper care of smoke detector, e.g., instructions
for replacing battery and for cleaning are followed.
• The smoke detector must not be used by
children. The smoke detector may be disposed of
with thehousehold rubbish.
• The approval number of theFinnish Radiation
Safety Centre and theimporters address are on
thelabel on thesmoke detector.
Place in ceiling 50 cm
from wall
On wall 15–20 cm
from ceiling
• The smoke detector should bee placed in
theceiling near bedrooms
• If thebedrooms are in different parts of
thedwelling, asmoke detector should be placed
in each room.
• In abuilding with several flats there should be
asmoke detector in every flat.
• Make sure thesound from thesmoke detector is
distinctly heard.
• The earlier your family is warned thegreater
thechance of saving family members and
salvaging property.
1. Remove
thebottom plate
by turning it
2. Insert battery
and attach
3. Press thetest
button and hold
down afew
seconds to test
thealarm sound.
4. Next check that thered light diode is blinking afew
times per minute.
5. Attach thebottom plate to theceiling with
theenclosed screws. Then screw thesmoke
detector tightly to thebottom plate.
Connecting function
Pull cable (e.g. oval wire SKF 2×0.75 mm²) between
thesmoke detectors that shall be connected.
The smoke detectors should be connected in parallel.
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Marke Clas Ohlson
Modell 32-3383
Kategorie Rauchmelder
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.35 MB

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Wo sollte ich meinen Rauchmelder anbringen? Verifiziert

Das ist situationsabhängig, in Ihrem Zuhause sollten Sie vorzugsweise mindestens einen Rauchmelder in jedem Stockwerk anbringen. Es empfiehlt sich, die Rauchmelder im Flurbereich oder in anderen Zwischenbereichen anzubringen, die verschiedene Zimmer miteinander verbinden. Außerdem sollten die Rauchmeldern nie direkt neben der Küche oder dem Badezimmer angebracht werden. Halten Sie außerdem zwischen dem Rauchmelder und Lampen mindestens 30 cm Abstand.

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Kann ich Kerzen verwenden, wenn ich einen Rauchmelder habe? Verifiziert

Das hängt zu einem gewissen Grad von der Empfindlichkeit des Rauchmelders ab. In vielen Fällen kann eine Kerze verwendet werden, sofern sie nicht in unmittelbare Nähe des Rauchmelders gestellt wird. Beim Ausblasen der Kerzen kann sich Rauch entwickeln, der den Rauchmelder auslösen kann.

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Ist ein Rauchmelder dasselbe wie ein Kohlenmonoxid-Melder? Verifiziert

Nein! Ein Rauchmelder funktioniert nicht als Kohlenmonoxid-Melder und umgekehrt.

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Bedienungsanleitung Clas Ohlson 32-3383 Rauchmelder

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