Bedienungsanleitung Bushnell 119519 Surveillance Camera Action-cam

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Before you begin learning how to use your Surveillance Cam, you will first
need to install a set of batteries and insert an SD card. Although that may
only take you a minute, there are some important notes about both batteries
and SD cards you should be aware of, so please take the time to read the
following directions and cautions:
Loading Batteries
After opening the two latches on the right side of
the Surveillance Cam and viewing the control
panel side, you will see that the Surveillance
Cam has four battery slots. Be sure to insert each
battery with correct polarity (positive tip at the "+"
mark of each battery slot).
Bushnell recommends using four new lithium AA
brand) or alkaline AA batteries. NiMh
rechargeable AA batteries are not recommended,
as the lower voltage they produce can cause
operational issues. When the batteries become
weak, the low-battery indicator LED will glow
blue, indicating the batteries should be changed
(pg. 4, “Front View”). When using the Eye-Fi card, always connect the
AC adapter (also included), as WiFi operation requires a high capacity,
continuously available power source.
Inserting the SD Card
The Surveillance Cam has 20MB (not GB) of internal memory, which can
hold only about 37 photos (at the default 4MP resolution). This is handy for
testing and getting familiar with the camera, but you will no doubt want to
leave the camera unattended for a long period of time, so using an SD card
is recommended. Insert the SD card (with the camera’s power switch in
the OFF position) before beginning to operate the camera. Don’t insert or
remove the SD card when the power switch is in the ON position.
The Surveillance Cam uses a standard SD (Secure Digital) memory card
to save photos (in .JPG format) and/or videos (in .AVI format). SD and SDHC
(High Capacity) cards up to a maximum 32GB capacity are supported. The
camera only works with FAT formatted SD cards, so if the card you are using
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Marke Bushnell
Modell 119519 Surveillance Camera
Kategorie Action-cams
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.78 MB

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Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Was ist ein Megapixel? Verifiziert

Ein Megapixel (MP) entspricht einer Million Pixel. Megapixel werden u.a. zur Angabe der Auflösung von Digitalkameras und Camcordern verwendet. Eine Kamera, die z.B. Bilder mit einer Auflösung von 1280 x 960 Pixeln erzeugt, hat eine Auflösung von etwa 1,3 MP. Obwohl es viele Faktoren gibt, die die Qualität eines Bildes beeinflussen, kann man verallgemeinern, dass ein Bild umso besser ist, je mehr Megapixel es hat.

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Bedienungsanleitung Bushnell 119519 Surveillance Camera Action-cam

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