Bedienungsanleitung Bushnell 119519 Surveillance Camera Action-cam

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About the Surveillance Cam
The Bushnell Surveillance Cam is a digital security camera. It can be
triggered by any movement of humans or animals in a location, detected by
a highly sensitive Passive Infra-Red (PIR) motion sensor, and then take high
quality pictures (up to 6MP still photos), or video clips.
The Surveillance Cam consumes very little power (less than 0.3mA) in a
stand-by (surveillance) state. This means it can deliver up to six months stand-
by operation time. Once motion in the monitored area is detected, the digital
camera unit will be triggered at once (typically within one second) and then
automatically take photos or videos according to previously programmed
settings. The Surveillance Cam is equipped with built-in infrared LEDs
that function as a flash, so that it delivers clear photos or videos (in black &
white) even in the dark, and it can take color photos or videos under sufficient
daylight. The Surveillance Cam is designed for outdoor use and is resistant
against water and snow.
The Surveillance Cam is optimized for use as a surveillance camera to
monitor the activity of humans or animals around the installed location.
A 3-way power switch is used to select the main operating modes: OFF,
SETUP, and ON (Next Page, Fig. 2).
A control key interface with six keys is primarily used in SETUP mode to
select operational functions and parameters. As shown in Fig. 2, these keys
are: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, OK and MENU. Three of the keys can also
perform a second function (shortcut operations in SETUP mode) in addition
to their main function: The DOWN key can be used to set the camera to
Photo mode (still camera icon), and the UP key can set the camera to Video
mode (movie camera icon). The RIGHT key also serves as the manual shutter
(“SHOT”) button of the camera. These secondary functions are indicated by
icons or text above the key as shown in Fig. 2.
The Surveillance Cam has an SD card slot, located near the battery
compartment (Fig. 1).
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Marke Bushnell
Modell 119519 Surveillance Camera
Kategorie Action-cams
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.78 MB

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Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Was ist ein Megapixel? Verifiziert

Ein Megapixel (MP) entspricht einer Million Pixel. Megapixel werden u.a. zur Angabe der Auflösung von Digitalkameras und Camcordern verwendet. Eine Kamera, die z.B. Bilder mit einer Auflösung von 1280 x 960 Pixeln erzeugt, hat eine Auflösung von etwa 1,3 MP. Obwohl es viele Faktoren gibt, die die Qualität eines Bildes beeinflussen, kann man verallgemeinern, dass ein Bild umso besser ist, je mehr Megapixel es hat.

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Bedienungsanleitung Bushnell 119519 Surveillance Camera Action-cam

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