Bedienungsanleitung Brawa 43007 E 42 Modellbahn

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Operating Instructions
Locomotive E 42
men die E42, die zu Zeiten der DDR die Gleise der DR nie verlassen ha-
ben, zu verspäteten internationalen Ehren.
After a ten years interruption due to the war the Deutsche Reichsbahn in
GDR resumed electric operation in 1955. Mainly prewar designs of product
lines E 04, E 44 and E 94 were being used. But the constantly enlarged
electrical network, however, soon required the procurement of new, mo-
dern locomotives. As a licensed construction of the West German lines E
10, E 40 was not possible for political reasons, construction of a new
locomotive started at LEW Hennigsdorf. It should be procured in two
versions – as an express train locomotive and a goods train locomotive
differing only by a modified gear transmission. In 1961 first the prototypes
of the express train version E 11 had been supplied, the goods train
locomotive series E 42 followed in 1963. The demand of express train
locomotives had been far higher, therefore from 1963 to 1976 in total
292 locomotives of product line E 42 were built. Of the express train
version E 11 only 96 pieces were required. After elimination of the teething
troubles usual for a new construction, the locomotives proved successfully.
The 100 km/h maximum speed of the E 42 were sufficient at German
Reichsbahn for almost all types of train. At an hourly performance of
2920 kW they had a starting tractive power of considerable 245 kN. One
could not do without the locomotives named series 242 as from 1968 in
train operation until the turning point occurred and they determined the
picture of trains on all electrified railway lines. After the turning point,
however, transport services on rail were considerably reduced so that
the locomotives of product line 142 – as they are called now at German
Bundesbahn – became more and more superfluous.
But the only 30 years old old-timers were granted the privilege of a se-
cond spring, at least some of them. Some Swiss private railways urgently
needed an extension of their train pool. As new locomotives, however,
cost approx. 8 million DM, they tried to buy used locomotives. The German
Bundesbahn offered surplus locomotives of product line 242 at only about
200,000 DM each.
Two Swiss private railways, the Mittel Thurgau Bahn (MThB) and the
Südostbahn (SOB), founded in 1994 the Lokoop AG for common
procurement and operation of the vehicles, after the Emmenthal-Burg-
dorf-Thun Bahn (EBT) had withdrawn from the project again. From German
Bundesbahn until now 21 locomotives of line 242 had been sold. In the
main factory of SOB at Samstagern 19 of them are supposed to be adapted
to the severe Swiss regulations. In particular the locomotives must be
equipped with an electric brake on the SOB network. As the demand had
been urgent, however, the first locomotives will be used without electric
brake, only driver’s cabs and dead man’s handle have been adapted to
Swiss conditions. A pantograph was omitted, which shall be replaced
later by brake resistances. In the meantime MThB applies for continuous
coupling of the oil trains Karlsruhe-Bettwiesen and the trailer trains
Munich-Brenner. These trains shall be coupled with series 476 as the
former E 11 are called now in Switzerland. Hence the E 42 which at the
times of GDR have never left the tracks of German Reichsbahn are
honoured belatedly on an international level.
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Marke Brawa
Modell 43007 E 42
Kategorie Modellbahn
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.45 MB

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