Bedienungsanleitung Bodum 11160-1 Bistro Kaffeemühle

Benötigen Sie ein Bedienungsanleitung für Ihren Bodum 11160-1 Bistro Kaffeemühle? Unten können Sie das PDF-Bedienungsanleitung kostenlos auf Deutsch ansehen und herunterladen. Für dieses Produkt gibt es derzeit 2 häufig gestellte Fragen, 0 Kommentare und 1 Stimme mit einer durchschnittlichen Produktbewertung von 100/100. Wenn dies nicht das von Ihnen gewünschte Bedienungsanleitung ist, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.

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Instructions for use
Electric Coee Grinder
electric burner, or in  heted oven.
The mnufcturer rejects ny libility for dmge or
injury cused by improper or unresonble use. Do not
use pplince for other then intended use.
Do not llow children to ply with the pplince.
To use the pplince, it must be plugged into  power
point. Never use the pplince on  hot surfce.
Never touch the pplince with dmp or wet hnds. Do
not touch the mins cble or plug with wet hnds. Alwys
un-plug the pplince by holding the plug, not the cord.
Do not let cord hng over edge of tble or counter, or
touch hot surfces. Do not operte ny pplince with
 dmged cord or plug or fter the pplince mlfunc-
tions, or hs been dmged or dropped in ny mnner.
Contct the mnufcturer t their customer service
telephone number (or service website) for informtion
on exmintion, repir, or djustment.
The use of ccessory ttchements not recommended
or sold by the pplince mnufcturer my result in ire,
electric shock or injury to persons.
For USA - Cnd: This pplinces hs  polrized plug
(one blde is wider thn the other). To reduce the risk
of electric shock, this plug will it in  polrized outlet
only one wy. If the plug does not it fully in the outlet,
reverse the plug. If it still does not it, contct  quliied
electricin. Do not modify the plug in ny wy.
In the cse of  fult or mlfunction occurring, switch the
pplince o; do not ttempt to repir it yourself. Hve
repirs to the pplince crried out only by  customer
service workshop tht is uthorised by the mnufcturer.
Filure to comply with the bove sfety notes cn com-
promise the sfety of the pplince.
Never ttempt to exchnge the mins cble of the ppli-
nce s specil tools re required for this. To ensure
continued sfety of the pplince, if the cble needs to
be repired or exchnged, hve this crried out exclu-
sively by  customer service workshop uthorised by the
Unplug from outlet when not in use, before putting on or
tking o prts nd before clening.
Avoid contcting moving prts.
To protect ginst ire, electric shock nd injury to persons
do not immerse cord, plug nd coee grinder in wter
or other liquid.
Check hopper for presence of foreign object before use.
Alwys disconnect the pplince from the supply if it is
left unttended nd before ssembling, disssembling
or clening.
This pplince shll not be used by children. Keep the
pplince nd its cord out of rech of children.
Applinces cn be used by persons with reduced physi-
cl, sensory or mentl cpbilities or lck of experience
nd knowledge if they hve been given supervision or
instruction concerning use of the pplince in  sfe wy
nd if they understnd the hzrds involved.
Children shll not ply with the pplince.
Wrning! Misuse will cuse potentil injury!
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Marke Bodum
Modell 11160-1 Bistro
Kategorie Kaffeemühlen
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.3 MB

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Welche Auswirkungen hat der Mahlgrad auf den Kaffee? Verifiziert

Der Mahlgrad wirkt sich massiv auf den Geschmack des Kaffees aus. Ein feinerer Mahlgrad bedeutet generell einen stärkeren, und ein gröberer Mahlgrad einen milderen Geschmack. Ein extrem feiner Mahlgrad kann bitteren Kaffee verursachen.

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Wie wird Kaffee am besten aufbewahrt? Verifiziert

Kaffee wird am besten in einer sauberen und luftdichten Dose aufbewahrt.

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Bedienungsanleitung Bodum 11160-1 Bistro Kaffeemühle

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