Bedienungsanleitung Billing Boats set BB450 Boatkits Half moon

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Fig. 11
When the hull has been roughly sanded, cut the upper edge to shape. Parts no. 30 and 31 can
be used as a template. Sand the hull and mount the fender strips.
Fig. 12
Shape the rail and glue in position.
Fig. 13
This figure shows how the grating and chain plate, as well as the nails, are mounted. Dimensions
and positioning can be seen on the Main Drawing.
Fig. 14
Mount the railing. This is best done by first assembling all railing parts and then mounting the
unit on the model when the glue is dry. The railing’s height and length can be seen on the Main
Fig. 15
This figure shows the assembly of the figure head. Shape and try out the parts before gluing, as
the final positioning of the formed pieces depends on the shape of the hull and positioning of the
fender strips.
Fig. 16–18
Shows how to assemble and paint the hatches, capstan, top, etc. Dimensions and positioning
can be seen on the Main Drawing.
Fig. 19
Shows how the mast is cut to measure.
Henry Hudson (1565-1611) was an English explorer who received a commission from the Dutch
East India Company to find a Northern trading route to China and Japan.
In April 1609 he sailed North and East on the ship the “Halve Maen” to try and find a route
around the northern shores of Russia in order to reach the Pacific Ocean that way. After several
attempts, which always were stopped by the pack-ice, he crossed the Atlantic to try and find
a route north of America. On this voyage he sailed up the Hudson River as far as Albany. Later
this river valley was settled under the auspices of the Dutch West India Company and became
known as the New-Netherlands.
Fig. 1
Place the stems and keel on a level surface and glue together. When the glue is dry, mount the
formed pieces no. 4.
Fig. 2-4
These figures show how to assemble the frames and maststeps. See also the section “Wooden
Hull” in the “Building Tips” booklet.
Fig. 5
Mount the strips no. 15 to give the hull a greater stability. Note that the angle of the frames should
remain constant.
Fig. 6-7
These figures show how to mount the deck no. 20. The Main Drawing indicates the positioning of
the deck.
Fig. 8
The assembly of the transom is shown. Mount the formed pieces and strips, and when the glue
is dry, sand to shape with the frame.
Fig. 9
Plank the deck and bulkhead with strips; see the section “Deck” in the “Building Tips” booklet.
Fig. 10
Carry out the planking of the hull as indicated in the “Building Tips” booklet (“Wooden Hull”).
Note that it is necessary to bend the strips very considerably in the stempost. This can be done
by moistening the strip slightly and bending it carefully over e.g. a candle.
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Modell set BB450 Boatkits Half moon
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