Bedienungsanleitung Basetech MPCD-122C Discman

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a) Insert and change batteries
Before you can put the CD player into operation, you must rst insert two 1.5 V AA batteries (not included in
the delivery contents) into the battery compartment (1) on the rear of the unit.
Open the battery compartment and insert two batteries with the correct polarity (+/-), as indicated in the
battery compartment.
Close the battery compartment again.
The battery display symbol ashes to indicate that the batteries are almost empty and must be
The product can also be operated with an external mains adaptor, whose polarity (+/-) must correspond
with the imprint on the product, and whose jack has an inner diameter of 1.35 mm and an outer diameter
of 3.5 mm.
b) Insert and play back MP3 CD or CD
Press the Open button (6) to open the cover of the CD deck (2).
Insert an MP3 CD or a CD into the deck with the printed side facing upwards.
Close the cover of the CD deck and the MP3 CD or CD will be loaded. When a CD is inserted, "CD" (26)
ashes on the LCD display (13). When an MP3 CD is inserted, "MP3" (15) ashes on the LCD display.
Press the button (11) during playback to end the playback of the MP3 CD or CD. Press the button
again to switch the CD player off.
Connect the supplied headphones with 3.5 mm jack plug to the headphone jack PHONES (4).
Press the button (12) to start the playback of the loaded MP3 CD or CD. The electronic shock protection
is automatically activated for 40 and/or 100 seconds, and "ESP" (22) ashes on the LCD display. While the
product is exposed to vibrations, the shock protection buffer ensures uninterrupted playback.
Adjust the volume with the volume control VOLUME (5).
Press the button to interrupt the playback.
Press the button again to continue the playback from the same location.
Search and skip to the previous/next track
Press the button (7) once or repeatedly during playback to skip one or several tracks forward on the
MP3 CD or CD.
Hold the button down during playback to search forwards for a specic point on the track. As soon as
you release the button again, playback of the CD will continue.
Press the
button (8) once or repeatedly during playback to skip backwards by one or several tracks
on the MP3 CD or CD.
Hold the
button down during playback to search backwards for a specic point on the track. As soon
as you release the button again, playback of the CD will continue.
To compile your own playback programme
Press the PROG button (9). The track number "001" (25) and "PROG" (24) ash on the LCD display to
indicate that you can enter the rst track of your own playback programme.
Select the rst track of your playback programme with the or
Press the PROG button to store the selected track. "002" and "PROG" ash on the LCD display to indicate
that you can enter the second track of your playback programme.
Repeat the above steps for track programming to programme up to 20 tracks in the desired order. You can
programme up to 99 tracks, if an MP3 CD is played.
Press the button to begin the playback of your programme.
Press the button to interrupt the programme.
Press the button again to continue the programme from the same location.
Press the button once or repeatedly during playback to skip forwards by one or several tracks in
the programme.
Hold the button down during playback to search forwards for a specic point on the track. As soon as
you release the button, normal playback of the programme will resume.
Press the
button once or repeatedly during playback to skip backwards by one or several tracks
in the programme.
Hold the
button down during playback to search backwards for a specic point on the track. As soon
as you release the button, normal playback of the programme will resume.
Press the button during playback to cancel the playback of the programme.
To switch the playback mode
Press the mode button MODE (10) to switch the playback mode.
Press the mode button MODE once to continuously repeat the track that is currently playing.
"REP 1" (14, 16) is shown on the LCD display.
Press the mode button MODE again (twice) to repeat the entire MP3 CD or CD in the sequence of the CD.
"REP ALL" (14, 19) is shown on the LCD display.
Press the mode button MODE again (three times) to repeat the current folder on the MP3 CD in the
sequence of the CD. "REP DIR" (14, 17) is shown on the LCD display.
The repeat album "REP DIR" function is only available for MP3 CDs.
Press the mode button MODE again (four times) to play all tracks on the MP3 CD or CD once in random
order. "RND" (18) is shown on the LCD display.
Press the mode button MODE again (ve times) to play all tracks on the MP3 CD or CD for 10 seconds.
"INTRO" (20) is shown on the LCD display.
Press the mode button MODE again (six times). The CD player returns to the normal playback mode.
Care and cleaning
Disconnect the product from the power supply before cleaning.
Do not use any aggressive cleaning agents, rubbing alcohol or other chemical solutions as they can cause
damage to the housing and malfunctioning.
Clean the product with a dry, ber-free cloth.
a) Product
Electronic devices are recyclable waste and must not be disposed of in the household waste. At
the end of its service life, dispose of the product according to the relevant statutory regulations.
Remove any inserted batteries and dispose of them separately from the product.
b) Batteries
As the end user, you are required by law (Battery Ordinance) to return all used batteries; they
must not be disposed of in household waste!
Contaminated batteries are labelled with this symbol to indicate that disposal in household waste is
prohibited. The designations for the heavy metals involved are: Cd = Cadmium, Hg = Mercury, Pb = Lead
(the designation is on the batteries, e.g. below the trash symbol on the left).
Used batteries can be returned free of charge to collection points in your municipality, our stores or wherever
batteries are sold.
You thus full your statutory obligations and contribute to the protection of the environment.
Technical data
Input voltage/current ............................. 4.5 V/DC, 600 mA (mains adaptor not supplied)
2 x 1.5 V AA batteries (not supplied)
Max. output power ................................ 16 mW + 16 mW (32 Ω)
Frequency response ............................. 20 Hz – 20 kHz
Sampling rate ....................................... 44.1 kHz
DAC ...................................................... 16 bit
Electronic shock protection ................... 40 seconds for CDs, 100 seconds for MP3 CDs
Error correcting method ........................ CIR (Cross-Interleave Reed-Solomon)
Programmable memory ........................ 20 tracks for CDs, 99 tracks for MP3 CDs
CD playback format .............................. Audio CD, MP3 CD, CD-R
Pick-up .................................................. optical 1-beam semi-conductor laser (wave length 780 nm)
Headphone jack .................................... for 3.5 mm stereo audio jack, 16 – 32 Ω impedance
Operating conditions ............................. +5 to +35 °C, 45 – 80 % RH
Storage conditions ................................ 0 to +40 °C, 35 – 90 % RH
Dimensions (W x H x D) ....................... 145 x 25 x 132 mm
Weight ..................................................190 g
This is a publication by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240 Hirschau (
All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction by any method, e.g. photocopy, microlming, or the capture in
electronic data processing systems require the prior written approval by the editor. Reprinting, also in part, is prohibited.
This publication represent the technical status at the time of printing.
Copyright 2017 by Conrad Electronic SE. *1561340_v2_0617_02_hk_m_EN
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Marke Basetech
Modell MPCD-122C
Kategorie Discman
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.35 MB

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Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Kann ich Kratzer auf einer CD selbst reparieren? Verifiziert

Kratzer verhindern, dass der Laser die CD richtig abliest. Wenn die Kratzer nur oberflächlicher Natur sind, ist es möglich, dass Sie sie selbst reparieren können, indem Sie die CD mit einem leichten Schleifmittel polieren. Idealerweise sollten Sie ein professionelles Schleifmittel verwenden, es ist jedoch auch möglich, herkömmliche Zahnpasta zu verwenden. Nach dem Polieren muss die CD gereinigt und getrocknet werden. Es gibt spezialisierte Unternehmen, die das machen können.

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Bedienungsanleitung Basetech MPCD-122C Discman

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