Bedienungsanleitung Asaklitt 31-5543 Schrittzähler

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3D Pedometer 31-5543
Please read theentire instruction manual before using theproduct
and save it for future reference.We reserve theright for any errors in
text or images and any necessary changes made to technical data.
If you have any questions regarding technical problems please
contact our Customer Services.
Button functions
[ MODE ]
1. Pressto show: number of steps + current time, distance +
walking time or calorie burn + current time.
2. Holdthebutton in for 2 seconds to show thecurrent (“SPLIT”)
data reading or theaccumulated (saved) data.
3. Pressto reduce thevalue of asetting.
[ SET ]
Hold thebutton in for 2 seconds to set: 12- or 24-hour clock display,
hours, minutes, weight and length ofstep.
[ MEMO ]
1. Withthecurrent day’s data on display, press to show thesaved
data from thepast 1–7days.
2. Withthesplit reading on display, hold thebutton in for 2 seconds
to reset thesplit data to zero. Note:Theaccumulated data will
not be reset tozero.
3. Pressto increase thevalue of asetting.
Inserting thebattery
1. Turnthebattery cover anticlockwise and remove it.
2. Insertthesupplied battery, making sure that the+ terminal
3. Refitthebattery cover.
Change thebattery when thebattery symbol appears on
thedisplay. Theappearance of thebattery symbol means that
thevoltage has fallen to below 2.7V.
The power-save mode will be entered automatically after
1minutes inactivity.
Attaching thestrap to thepedometer
Set thehour format, time, body weight and length ofstep.
1. Pressand hold [ SET ] for approx. 2 seconds. When“12Hr” or
”24Hr” starts to flash, select 12- or 24-hour clock display using
[ MEMO ] or [ MODE ]. Press[ SET ] to confirm.
2. “0:00” (hours) will start to flash, set thecurrent hour using
[ MEMO ] or [ MODE ]. Press[ SET ] to confirm. Usethesame
procedure to set theminutes.
3. “50” will flash on thedisplay, set thecorrect body weight (kg)
using [ MEMO ] or [ MODE ]. Press[ SET ] to confirm.
4. “60” will flash on thedisplay, set thelength of your normal step
(cm) using [ MEMO ] or [ MODE ]. Press[ SET ] to confirm.
Hold in [ MEMO ] or [ MODE ] to adjust thesetting quicker.
Step counting function
The pedometer has ainduction-type sensor which enables thecounting
of steps even when thepedometer is carried in apocket or abag.
The data can be displayed in 2 ways: accumulated or splitdata.
1. Thedisplay comes on automatically after
13steps in arow and goes off if youstop.
2. Holdin [ MODE ] for 2 seconds to show
thesplit data. “SPLIT” (for split data) will
appear on thedisplay. Holdin [ MODE ]
for 2 seconds to display thecurrent day’s
accumulated data (the “SPLIT” symbol will
3. Whenthecurrent day’s data is on
thedisplay, press [ MEMO ] to enter thememory of thedata
for thepast 7 days. Press[ MEMO ] repeatedly to toggle
between thedifferent days. Press[ MODE ] or [ SET ] to return
to thenormal display or wait for 30 seconds and thedisplay will
return to normal automatically.
Distance measurement
1. Holdin [ MODE ] for 2 seconds to display thesplit data:
distance walked (km) on theupper row of thedisplay and walking
time (minutes) on thelowerrow.
2. If“SPLIT” appears on thedisplay, hold in [ MODE ] for
2seconds to switch to displaying theday’s accumulated data.
3. Selecttheday (1–7) by pressing [ MEMO ] therequired number
4. Press[ MODE ] repeatedly to toggle
between thedifferent data:
- “KM”: Distance.
- “KCAL”: Burned calories.
- “STEPS”: Number of steps.
Press [ MODE ] or [ SET ] to return to
thenormal display or wait for 30 seconds and
thedisplay will return to normal automatically.
Displaying calories burned
Press[ MODE ] repeatedly until “KCAL”
appears on thedisplay. Thecalorie burn data
will be shown on theupper row of thedisplay.
Resetting thepedometer
Insert apointed object into thehole labelled
“RESET” to delete all saveddata.
Care and maintenance
Clean theproduct using asoft, moist cloth. Useamild detergent and
never use solvents or strong, abrasive cleaning agents for cleaning
as these can damage theproduct.
This product should be disposed of in accordance with local regula-
tions. Ifyou are unsure how to proceed, contact your local authority.
Description 3D sensor pedometer
Type of display LCD
Battery 1×CR2032 (3 V) (included)
Operating temperature 0–40 °C
Time 12/24 hour display
Weight 20–150kg
Length of step 30–150cm
Display content
Number of steps max99999
Time format 12/24hours
Distance travelled max 999.99km
Walking time max 9999.9mins
Calorie burn max 99999.9kcal
Memory Number of steps, calorie burn, distance
and walking time for thepast 7 days are
saved in thememory. Data is saved at
24:00 hours everyday.
Counting accuracy ± 5 %
Open thebuckle
by pulling
theinner part
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Marke Asaklitt
Modell 31-5543
Kategorie Schrittzähler
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.69 MB

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Wie viele Schritte sollte ein Erwachsener täglich gehen? Verifiziert

Um genug Bewegung zu bekommen, sollten täglich mindestens 10.000 Schritte gegangen werden. Für Menschen, die älter als 65 Jahre sind, beträgt die Anzahl 8.000 Schritte.

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Bedienungsanleitung Asaklitt 31-5543 Schrittzähler