Bedienungsanleitung Aresa AR-3451 Wasserkocher

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TRANSPORTATION. Transport the device by any kind of enclosed transport observing the rules which ensure preservation of market condition of both the
product and packaging, and its further safe operation.
CLEANING. Remove the plug from the outlet before cleaning or servicing the electric kettle. If the kettle was in use, cool it down for at least 40 minutes.
To avoid electric shock do not immerse the kettle, its stand and power cord in water. These parts of the device can be cleaned with a slightly damp,
soft cloth and without adding any cleaning agents.
In areas with a high degree of water hardness it is necessary to remove scale from the appliance regularly in order to maintain it in good condition, as excess
scale can lead to malfunction or breakage. The frequency of descaling depends on the degree of hardness of tap water in your area and on the frequency
of use of the kettle (for example, one cleaning after 200 times of use). If the water in your house is stiff, we advise you to filter it - this will reduce the formation
of scale.
STORAGE. The device must be stored indoors, in conditions that presume its further safe operation. Make sure that the appliance and all its accessories
are completely dried before storing it. Always store the device in an upright position.
When purchasing the product, make sure that it is checked in your presence. Without having a warranty card or when it is not properly filled in,
the quality claims are not accepted, and no warranty repair is performed. The warranty card should be presented at any address to the service
center during the whole warranty period. The product is accepted for service in a complete set only. The warranty period is calculated from the
moment of sale to the buyer. Keep the documents confirming the date of purchase of the product (cash receipt).
The condition of free warranty service of your product is its correct operation, which does not go beyond personal domestic needs, in accordance
with the requirements of the operating instructions for the product, the absence of mechanical damages and the consequences of careless
handling of the product.
The product is accepted for warranty service in its pure form. The warranty covers all manufacturing and construction defects (except those
listed in the "Warranty does not apply" section), identified during the warranty period. During this period defective parts, except consumables,
are subject to free replacement in the warranty service center.
1. Defects caused by force majeure.
2. Damage to the product caused by the use of the product for purposes that go beyond personal domestic needs (ie industrial or commercial purposes).
3. Consumables and accessories.
4. Defects caused by overloading, improper operation, penetration of liquids, dust of insects, ingress of foreign objects into the product.
5. Products that have been repaired outside authorized service centers or warranty workshops.
6. Damage resulting from changes in the design of the product by the user or unqualified replacement of his components.
7. Mechanical damages, including due to negligent handling, improper transportation and storage, falling of the product.
8. Violation of the operating instructions.
9. Incorrect installation of mains voltage (if required).
10. Making technical changes.
11. Damage through the fault of animals (including rodents and insects).
Information on the production date can be found on a separate package.
For warranty service, please contact your nearest service center.
Attention! Use the electric kettle only in an upright position on a dry, flat and heat-resistant surface. Place the electric kettle with the stand on a dry, horizontal
surface. Remove the electric kettle from the stand, open the lid and fill it with water. Make sure that the water level is between the maximum and minimum
marks on the water level indicator. Do not switch on the empty electric kettle. The water level must be between "min" and "max" marks.
There is the protection against overheating when switched on without water in this kettle. If you accidentally turned on the electric kettle without water and
protection activated, wait about 15-20 minutes, and it will return to working condition. The device won't turn on if it is too hot (in case when it has just boiled).
ATTENTION! Switching on the device without water can lead to damage of the protection, so before turning on the electric kettle always check if there is
any water in it. Always make sure that the water level is within acceptable limits (no less than minimum "min" and no more than the maximum "max").
Close the lid and put the electric kettle on the stand. To avoid burns with hot steam always close the lid tightly before turning on the electric kettle. Avoid
contact with hot steam. Insert the plug into the socket. Turn on the electric kettle by pressing "On / off" button. The indicator light will light up showing that
the process of boiling water is going on. ATTENTION! Never open the lid immediately before or after boiling.
The kettle will automatically turn off as soon as the water boils. Disconnect it from the mains. If you wish you can turn off the kettle manually by pressing the
button "On / off". When pouring water from the electric kettle, tilt it slightly and gradually. Do not forget that there is hot water inside.
If the water cooled down and you want to boil (or reheat) it again, just turn on the electric kettle again.
• Do not spill water on power base. • Do not plug the appliance into a power outlet while using other electrical appliances.
Always unplug the appliance from the electrical outlet when not in use.
• The appliance must be used only with the stand supplied with it. It is forbidden to use it for other purposes.
Avoid contact with hot surface of the electric kettle. Always take an electric kettle only by the handle.
• Before switching on make sure that the lid is tightly closed, otherwise the automatic switch off system will not work when boiling and water can splash out.
• Make sure that there is at least a minimum amount of water in the electric kettle. It is forbidden to use an electric kettle without water.
• Do not fill the appliance with water above the maximum level mark. Otherwise boiling water can spill out from the spout.
• WARNING: Do not open the lid while water is boiling. Be especially careful if you open the lid immediately after the electric kettle boiled: the steam coming
from the electric kettle is very hot. Boiling water can cause severe burns. Be especially careful when there is hot water in the electric kettle. Do not touch the
body of the electric kettle during and immediately after heating, because he is very hot.
ATTENTION: You should not remove the electric kettle from the stand during operation, first turn it off.
• It is recommended to use bottled or filtered drinking water.
• If hard water is used, small spots may appear on the heating element of the electric kettle. This is the result of scaling. The harder the water, the faster the
scale appears. Scale can have different colors. Although the scale is harmless to health, it can affect the operation of your electric kettle. Regularly clean the
electric kettle from scale.
• Moisture can condense on the electric kettle stand. This is normal and does not mean malfunction of the device.
• The appliance should only be used for household purposes in accordance with these operating instructions. Electric kettle is not suitable for industrial or
commercial use. The guarantee does not apply for malfunctions caused by the use of the product for purposes that go beyond personal household needs
(ie for industrial or commercial purposes.
• Keep these instructions.
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Marke Aresa
Modell AR-3451
Kategorie Wasserkocher
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.95 MB

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Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Welchen Zweck erfüllt das Sieb in meinem Wasserkocher? Verifiziert

Das Sieb ist dazu da, alle sich bildenden Kalkablagerungen aufzufangen.

Das war hilfreich (411) Mehr lesen

Der Wasserkocher hört nicht auf zu kochen. Was ist zu tun? Verifiziert

In vielen Fällen liegt dies daran, dass der Deckel des Wasserkochers nicht richtig geschlossen wurde. Wenn Hitze aus dem Wasserkocher entweichen kann, wird der Wasserkocher weiterkochen. Sollte das Problem dennoch weiterhin bestehen, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Hersteller oder einen Reparaturdienst.

Das war hilfreich (275) Mehr lesen

Kann ich auch weniger als die Mindestmenge an Wasser kochen? Verifiziert

Nein, wenn Sie weniger als die Mindestmenge an Wasser kochen, kann der Temperatursensor ausfallen. Dies kann dazu führen, dass sich der Wasserkocher möglicherweise nicht am Siedepunkt abschaltet, und eventuell gefährliche Situationen verursachen.

Das war hilfreich (119) Mehr lesen

Ist es effizient, eine Teekanne mit heißem Wasser aus der Leitung zu füllen? Verifiziert

Nein. Um warmes Leitungswasser zu erhalten, muss häufig zuerst kaltes Wasser heruntergelassen werden, wodurch es verschwendet wird. Zudem füllen sich die Rohre mit derselben Menge an heißem Wasser, die nicht verwendet wird und auskühlt, was zu Energieverlust führt. Daher ist es besser, eine Teekanne mit kaltem Wasser zu füllen.

Das war hilfreich (77) Mehr lesen

Kann ich auch mehr als die Höchstmenge an Wasser kochen? Verifiziert

Nein, wenn Sie mehr als die Höchstmenge an Wasser kochen, kann es sein, dass der Wasserkocher überläuft. Dies kann eventuell gefährliche Situationen verursachen.

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Bedienungsanleitung Aresa AR-3451 Wasserkocher

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