Bedienungsanleitung Aquatic Nature Cocoon 6 Aquarium

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Close tightly (by hand) the position parts as shown on
the packaging of the Spectra.
Important : Only after installing the light system con-
nect plug on the power. The light system should be used
in combination with the glass cover.
In case of a direct contact between the light system and
the water, remove the plug from current.
9. Filter
Before installing the FLOW 60 / 200 read the included
A round foam is off ered with each fi lter and will be used
as pre fi ltration and has to be placed on the suction part
of the fi lter, it has to be cleaned frequently.
10. If fi lter and light installed, the supports of the cover glass
can be placed. These supports are partially pre-cutted
and are easy to break at the slides.
Put the cover glass on these supports.
Due to physical and technical production tolerances in
the production process of the bended frontglass, the
supports have to be placed in a proper way to carry the
The fi lter can be fi lled and connected.
When cleaning the aquarium, all plugs will be removed from
current. The aquarium shall never be moved or deplaced
lled with water, this could lean to dammage such as broken
glass, this is not a subject of warranty.
The waterlevel in the aquarium should be equal to the level
of the outlet from the fi lter, in case of a current stop the
lter is not self-aspirating. Control the fi lter and refi ll the
lter with water in the fi rst chamber to avoid it runs dry
and could dammage the fi lter. A burned motor will not be
replaced under warranty. A longer period of dry running may
lean to dammage on the motor.
Check regularly the purity of the fi ltermedium, replace when
dirty or saturated.
If chosen for a plant fertilizer on a weekly base, we advise
the use of Aqua-Plant Basic or Aqua-Plant Plus (See
picture 7).
A fertilisation of the waterplants on a daily base, use Aqua-
tic Nature’s Aqua plant 24 + Activator (See picture 8).
Bulbs lose intensity after a longer period and should be
replaced every 12 months. For this purpose only the Spectra
light bulbs are of use. They exist in several spectral colors.
Before replacing the bulb, always remove the plug from
When in use and if needed let cool down the bulb for 1⁄2
The Cocoon from Aquatic Nature is covered by a warranty
of 12 months against material or production faults. An
inadequate or wrong use will cancel this warranty.
This warranty is not valid under following conditions :
Breakage of glass is not covered by the warranty. Repair is no
longer possible.
The power cord and plug should not be cut off .
In case of warranty, this warranty will only be applied
against your completed warranty card with receipt men-
tioning the purchase date. This document shall join the
damaged product which shall be properly packed when
The warranty covers only the damage of this product and is
maximum limited to the exchange of this product.
We are under no circumstances responsible for any damage,
due to wrong use or negligence of the user.
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Marke Aquatic Nature
Modell Cocoon 6
Kategorie Aquarien
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 0.11 MB

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Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Wie viele Fische kann ich in mein Aquarium geben? Verifiziert

Es gilt die folgende Faustregel: Pro Liter Wasser kann man einen Zentimeter Süßwasserfisch oder einen halben Zentimeter Salzwasserfisch hinzufügen. Beachten Sie, dass dies auch von der Kapazität des Filters und der Anzahl der Dekorationselemente im Aquarium abhängt.

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Wie oft sollte ich ein Aquarium reinigen? Verifiziert

Es gibt spezielle Messgeräte, um die verschiedenen Mineralwerte im Wasser zu messen und zu bestimmen, ob eine Reinigung notwendig ist. Sollten derartige Messgeräte nicht verfügbar sein, ist es am besten, das Aquarium mindestens einmal wöchentlich zu reinigen.

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Bedienungsanleitung Aquatic Nature Cocoon 6 Aquarium

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