Bedienungsanleitung ADE BA 1402 Bella Waage

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Thank you for deciding to purchase this set of high-quality body analysis scales. Please
read through this operating manual carefully before starting-up the scales for the first
time, and keep it in a safe place so that this information is available to you when you
need it.
1. How do the body analysis scales work?
With these new, revolutionary scales you will obtain information about your body
composition in terms of weight, proportion of body fat (%), proportion of body water (%),
muscle mass (%) and bone mass (in kg). Your personal data, such as sex (male or
female), age and height, must first be entered into one of the individual storage cells.
Taking a measurement is then as easy as weighing yourself on a completely normal set
of scales. You need only choose your personal storage cell, stand on the scales and
within a few seconds your current body status will be displayed for you. For measuring, a
weak current is used, which gauges the resistance. Water, which is principally stored in
the musculature, conducts very well; fat, on the other hand, does not. With reference to
the measured resistance and the stored data, the body analysis scales can calculate
your body composition very accurately.
2. How to use
A measurement should preferably be taken while you are undressed and barefoot.
Since the body is naturally subject to variations (e.g. through dehydration during sport or
after a visit to the sauna, the intake of food or fluids), it is important to take
measurements under the most consistent conditions possible, in order to obtain
comparable values.
Care should be taken to ensure that measurements are always taken at the same time of
day. In the morning, immediately after getting up, body water has still not distributed itself
throughout the body. This means that the resistance is relatively high because the
conductivity in the body is still quite poor. With increasing movement throughout the day
the water distributes itself throughout the body, the conductivity of the body increases,
the resistance and thus the proportion of fat are registered less. In order to determine the
actual change of body composition it is therefore important to measure yourself always
at the same time. The easiest way to achieve this is to take your measurements in the
morning, ¼ hour after getting up either always before or always after you go to the toilet.
Despite the minimal current strength, people with pacemakers or other implants
that transmit signals must not use these body ana lysis scales! With implants such as
a titanium plate in the knee there is no danger. Nevertheless, metals do conduct currents
extremely well, as a consequence of which the body fat value is “embellished”, thus the
actual amount of fat is higher than that displayed on the scales. Trends in body
composition can nevertheless be determined equally well. In women, periodic influences
affect the results of measurements because hormonal variations influence the water
balance of the body. If there is a lot of water in the body the fat values come out lower; if
7. Error messages
“EEEE” = Overload indicator the maximum capacity of the scales (180 kg) has
been exceeded. Remove the load from the scales immediately,
otherwise the load cell could incur damage.
Or: Faulty weighing or measuring process e.g. when the scales are
not standing stably or you are not standing still on the weighing
“Lo” = Batteries are empty please replace the batteries with the battery
type intended for your scales (4 x 1.5V AAA).
Err” = The body fat proportion is either too low (below 5% cannot be shown)
or the body fat proportion is too high (over 50% cannot be shown).
8. Technical Data
Weight-bearing capacity x division: Max. 180 kg x 100 g
Indicator resolution: Proportion of body fat: 0.1%
Indicator resolution: Proportion of body water: 0.1%
Indicator resolution: Proportion of muscle mass: 0.1 %
Indicator resolution: Bone mass: 100 g
Personal storage cells: 10
Age input: 10 – 85 years
Input height: 75 225 cm
Dimensions: approx. 305 mm x 305 mm x 22 mm
Batteries: 4 x 1.5V AAA (contained in product package)
We reserve the right to make technical modifications
9. Warranty
ADE guarantees the free correction of defects resulting from material or manufacturing
faults through repair or exchange 3 years from the purchase date. Please get your
warranty section filled out and stamped by the retailer when you make your purchase. In
case of warranty, please return the scales to your retailer along with the warranty section
indicating the reason for your complaint.
CE compliance. This device suppresses electromagnetic
interference in accordance with the applicable EC directive
Please note: Under extreme electromagnetic influences e.g. when operating a radio
device in immediate proximity to the scales, the indicator value may be affected. After the
disturbing influence has stopped, the product may once again be used as intended,
although a re-activation may be necessary.
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Joseline 05-10-2022
Es ist notwendig, die Waage zu kalibrieren oder weil die Gewichte stark variieren

Antworten | Das war hilfreich (1) (Übersetzt von Google)

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Marke ADE
Modell BA 1402 Bella
Kategorie Waagen
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.06 MB

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Häufig gestellte Fragen zu ADE BA 1402 Bella Waage

Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Meine Waage zeigt ein unrealistisch niedriges Gewicht an, wenn ich mich darauf stelle. Woran liegt das? Verifiziert

Für ein optimales Resultat sollten Sie die Waage auf eine harte, ebene Oberfläche stellen. Wenn die Waage beispielsweise auf einem Teppich steht, kann dies die Messung beeinträchtigen.

Das war hilfreich (2508) Mehr lesen

Was ist der BMI? Verifiziert

"BMI" steht für "Body-Mass-Index" und wird berechnet, indem Sie Ihr Gewicht in Kilogramm durch das Quadrat Ihrer Größe in Metern teilen. So hat eine Person mit einem Gewicht von 70 kg und einer Größe von 1,75 m einen BMI von 22,86. Ein BMI zwischen 18,5 und 25 gilt als gesund.

Das war hilfreich (1787) Mehr lesen

Eine der Batterien in meinem Gerät ist oxidiert. Kann ich es dennoch sicher verwenden? Verifiziert

Ja, das Gerät kann weiterhin sicher verwendet werden. Entfernen Sie zunächst die oxidierte Batterie. Tun Sie dies niemals ohne Handschutz. Reinigen Sie daraufhin das Batteriefach mit einem Wattestäbchen, das Sie in Essig oder Zitronensaft getränkt haben. Lassen Sie es trocknen und setzen Sie neue Batterien ein.

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Darf ich mit nassen Füßen auf eine Waage stehen? Verifiziert

Das hängt von der Waage ab. Falls Sie eine Diagnosewaage verwenden, müssen Ihre Füße trocken sein, damit die Messungen korrekt durchgeführt werden.

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Bedienungsanleitung ADE BA 1402 Bella Waage

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