Bedienungsanleitung Russell Hobbs 19006-56 Desire Küchenmaschine

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16 Put the ingredients into the jug.
17 Replace the lid.
18 Align the pips on the cap with the slots in the hole in the lid, fit the cap, and turn it clockwise
to lock it.
19 Don’t run the appliance without fitting the cap.
20 To add ingredients while the blender is working, remove the cap, pour the new ingredients
through the hole, then replace the cap.
21 Switch the appliance off (0) and unplug it.
22 Turn the jug anti-clockwise, and lift it off the motor unit.
23 For best results, full the jug with between 150ml and 500ml of ice cubes.
24 Put the lid on the blender, then:
25 Turn the speed control to Y for a second or two, then release it.
26 Check the results, and adjust.
27 You may use the processor and disc for cutting/grating for up to 2 minutes. Any other use
should be limited to 1½ minutes. After this, let the motor rest for 2 minutes.
28 Switch the appliance off () and unplug it.
29 Fit the spindle to the top of the motor unit.
30 Lower the jug on to the motor unit, then turn the jug clockwise, to lock it in place.
31 Choose the attachment you need.
32 Use the chopper for pulverizing ingredients.
33 Use the mixer to mix ingredients together.
34 Use the creamer to thicken cream, to beat eggs, and to cream eggs and sugar together.
35 Fit the attachment over the support, and slide it to the bottom.
36 Lower the support into the centre of the jug, over the spindle.
37 Put the ingredients into the jug.
38 Hold the lid with the tube slightly behind the jug handle, set it on the jug, then turn it
clockwise, to lock the tab into the top of the handle.
39 To add ingredients while the motor is running:
a) lift the pusher out of the tube
b) add the ingredients via the tube
c) replace the pusher
40 To remove the lid, turn it anti-clockwise to unlock it, then lift it off.
41 Fit the slicer or one of the graters into the disc.
42 Lower the disc over the top of the spindle.
43 Hold the lid with the tube slightly behind the jug handle, set it on the jug, then turn it
clockwise, to lock the tab into the top of the handle.
44 Remove the pusher, and drop the ingredients down the tube.
45 Replace the pusher, and use it to push the ingredients gently down the tube.
46 Don’t use fingers or cutlery to push food down the tube – only the pusher.
47 The blade(s) on top of the disc will slice or grate the food into the jug.
48 Don’t let the jug get more than about half full – stop and empty it.
49 To remove the lid, turn it anti-clockwise to unlock it, then lift it off.
50 Turn the disc over, and press one of the metal ends in and down, to remove the slicer/grater.
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Alma Selke 09-11-2019
Warum dürfen alle Knetmaschinen nur wenige Sekunden bis 1,5 min hintereinander laufen? Bei einem Brotteig muß mindestens 10 min. gekenetet werden. Viel Geld für wenig Leistung. Da kann ich gleich mein Ostmixer RG 25 behalten, denn der läuft viel länger.

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Marke Russell Hobbs
Modell 19006-56 Desire
Kategorie Küchenmaschinen
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 2.34 MB

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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Universal-Küchenmaschine und einem Mixer? Verifiziert

Universal-Küchenmaschinen dienen in der Regel dazu, Lebensmittel zu würfeln oder in Scheiben oder andere Formen zu schneiden. Mixer sind speziell zum Mahlen und Mischen von Lebensmitteln geeignet.

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Bedienungsanleitung Russell Hobbs 19006-56 Desire Küchenmaschine

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