Bedienungsanleitung First Austria FA-6408 Küchenwaage

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2 3
Please read this instruction carefully in order to use the scale correctly & keep the scale in good
1. Default real time clockindication when idle
2. Alarm timer setting, ambient temperature sensor/indication
3. Measuring uid volume vs weight for milk, water.
4. g (kg)/lb:oz convertible indication.
5. Low battery power (Lo)/Overload indication (Err)
6. Using high precision strain gauge sensor
7. Zero/Tarefunction
8. Two operation modes Mounting on wall or putting on platform
OUTLINE (see g. 1)
1. screw x 2
2. plastic anchor x 2
1. The distance between 2 screws is 87.7mm
2. Find the position on wall where to mount the scale. Use a pencil to mark position of 2 nail
holes with 87.7mm distance.
3. Drill 2 nail holes on the marks.
4. Insert the 2 provided plastic anchors to the nail holes till they are jammed tight inside the nail
holes. Then drive 2 screws, one at a time, to the anchors into the wall. Ensure the screws
xed securely.
5. Now mount the scale by tting the 2 holes on the back side of scale to the 2 screws. Once
tted, pull the scale downwards to ensure the scale is well mounted. To dismantle, simply pull
the scale upwards.
LCD DISPLAY (see g. 3)
1. Alarm timer setting.
2. Down/Unit conversion
3. Switch
4. Up/Zero or tare
1. Battery
2x3V lithium cells. Please remove isolation sheet before use.
2. To replace battery
A. Open battery case cover on the back of scale.
B. Bend the small contact outwards and the battery will come out.
C. Install new battery by putting one side of battery beneath the black tab and then pressing
down the other side until the battery is locked.
D. Close the battery case cover.
TO SET TIME (see g. 4)
1. Install battery and enter time setting mode automatically. When hour display is ashing,
press pq to set hour. Please mind AM/PM selection during setting.
2. Press „T-SET“ to conrm and prompt to minute setting. When minute display is ashing,
press pq to set minute.
3. Press „T-SET“ to nish time setting.
1. Press „ON/OFFW to cancel time setting.
2. Return to real time display after idling for 60 seconds.
TO RE-SET TIME (see g. 5)
Under real time display mode, press „T-SET“ for 3 seconds to enter time setting mode.
1. Applicable only when the scale is available in indication of Metric (g, kg) & Imperial (oz, Ib).
Press button ʻUnit‘ for 3 seconds, to convert between ʻg, kg‘ & ʻoz, Ib‘ indication anytime or
during course of weighing. (see g. 6)
2. Press button „Unit“ momentarily, to convert & cycle through measuring modes of : Weight-
Volume uid of water-Volume uid of milk. (see g. 7)
A = Metic system, B = Imperial system
Remark: The unit system of scale depends on sales destination or the requirement of
1. Current temperature is shown at the higher right corner of LCD.
2. Temperature range: 0~+40°C
3. Division: 0.5°C
Note: Temperature indication in °C or °F is preset before ex-factory & can not change.
Two operation modes: Mounting on wall or putting on platform
WEIGHING MODE (see g. 9)
1. When weighing platform is folded
2. Pull down the weighing platform to horizontal position. Scale will enter weighing mode
3. Place weighing object on the glass platform. LCD will display the weight reading. If bowl is
used, put the bowl on the glass platform, and press Z/T button to reset LCD reading to „0“
before loading weighing object on the bowl. If the weighing object is water or milk, press
UNIT button to choose volume mode to view the volume of weighing object.
4. Fold the weighing platform or press ON/OFF button to exit weighing mode LCD will return to
displaying default real time clock.
2 3
4 5
1. LCD display
2. glass weighing platform
3. (folded)
4. (unfolded)
5. battery case cover
6. Holes
7. Bowl
8. (back view)
9. (side view)
1. Timer
2. Alarm
3. Tare
4. Negative Value
5. Zero
6. Room temperature
7. Temperature in °C or °F
8. AM real time clock display
9. Weight in Kg. or lb:oz
10. PM real time clock display
11. Water volume indicator
12. Milk volume indicator
13. Fluid volume
M_6408_v02.indd 2-3 12-11-29 下午4:26
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Marke First Austria
Modell FA-6408
Kategorie Küchenwaagen
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.57 MB

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Unser Support-Team sucht nach nützlichen Produktinformationen und beantwortet Ihre häufig gestellten Fragen. Sollte Ihnen ein Fehler bei den häufig gestellten Fragen auffallen, teilen Sie uns dies bitte anhand unseres Kontaktformulars mit.

Wie viel Gramm entsprechen einer Unze? Verifiziert

Eine Unze entspricht genau 28,3495231 g. Oder aufgerundet 28,5 g.

Das war hilfreich (462) Mehr lesen

Eine der Batterien in meinem Gerät ist oxidiert. Kann ich es dennoch sicher verwenden? Verifiziert

Ja, das Gerät kann weiterhin sicher verwendet werden. Entfernen Sie zunächst die oxidierte Batterie. Tun Sie dies niemals ohne Handschutz. Reinigen Sie daraufhin das Batteriefach mit einem Wattestäbchen, das Sie in Essig oder Zitronensaft getränkt haben. Lassen Sie es trocknen und setzen Sie neue Batterien ein.

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Wie reinige ich meine Küchenwaage? Verifiziert

Eine Küchenwaage ist ein elektronisches Gerät und kann daher nicht in der Spülmaschine gereinigt werden. Verwenden Sie ein feuchtes Tuch und ein mildes Reinigungsmittel, um die Küchenwaage zu reinigen.

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Bedienungsanleitung First Austria FA-6408 Küchenwaage

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