Bedienungsanleitung Asaklitt CL22289 Luftbett

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tel: 020 8247 9300 e-mail: internet: postal: Clas Ohlson Ltd, Aquilla House (First floor), 1 Becketts Wharf, Lower Teddington Road, Hampton Wick, Kingston Upon Thames, KT1 4ER
Ver. 20190919
Airbed 31-3225-1 Model CL22289
31-3225-2 CL22290
Please read theentire instruction manual before using theproduct and then save
it for future reference. We reserve theright for any errors in text or images and any
necessary changes made to technical data. In theevent of technical problems or
other queries, please contact our Customer Services.
This product is intended for indoor use only.
Do not expose the electric pump to moisture.
Never immerse the product, the mains lead or plug in water or other liquid.
The product must only be plugged into to an earthed 230 V, 50 Hz power outlet.
Unplug the pump from the mains when it is not in use.
Never plug in or unplug the product with wet hands.
Never use the product if it, the mains lead or plug is damaged or malfunctioning.
Do not place the mains lead where it can be damaged by hot surfaces, sharp
edges or be crushed.
Inspect the mains lead regularly for signs of damage. Never use the product if
the mains lead or plug is damaged.
It is not recommended that the product be used with an extension lead or
trailing socket.
Never use the product in conjunction with a timer or other timer-controlled equipment.
The product may be used by children aged 8 or over under adult supervision.
The product may be used by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities or persons with a lack of experience or knowledge which could
jeopardise their safety, provided they have been instructed in the safe operation
of the product and understand the hazards involved.
Never let children play with the product.
Use, cleaning and maintenance may be carried out by children but only under
adult supervision.
The airbed is not a toy. Do not stand or jump on it.
Keep the storage bag of the product in a cool, dry place out of children’s reach
when not in use.
Never use the product if it has been damaged in any way.
Never try to open the product, repair, dismantle or modify it in any way.
Repairs must only be carried out by qualified service technicians and only using
original spare parts.
Do not use hot air to fill the airbed, doing so might cause the airbed to melt.
The air intake/outlet of the product must not be covered in any way. Make sure
that no foreign objects block or enter into the air inlet/outlet. Blockages can lead
to fires, electric shocks or damage to the product.
Never hold the air inlet/outlet next to your eyes or hair when the pump is running.
Manual bed inflation
It is possible to inflate theairbed manually if there is no wall socket available.
1. Remove thecap from theair valve.
2. Connect ahand pump to theair valve. Don’t use acompressor or other
mechanical pump.
3. Inflate thebed manually.
4. When theairbed is fully inflated, disconnect thehand pump and put thecap
back on theair valve.
2. Turn thecontrol knob to [ INFLATE ].
2. Turn thecontrol knob to
3. When theairbed is firm but not hard,
stop thepump by turning thecontrol
knob to [ OFF ].
3. When theairbed has deflated, stop
thepump by turning thecontrol
knob to [ OFF ].
4. Unplug thepump.
Note: Theairbed might lose some of its firmness after it has been inflated be-
cause theair being pumped in becomes warm as it is pumped. Once theair has
cooled down it loses some of its volume. ThePVC can also stretch alittle as
theairbed is inflated, which can also contribute to theairbed losing some of its
firmness awhile after inflation.
4. Unplug thepump and return thelead to it storage compartment.
Care and maintenance
Note: If the airbed is used permanently with some kind of mattress topper, it
should be aired regularly. Otherwise moisture can develop between the airbed and
the mattress topper, which in time can lead to mould.
Clean the product by wiping it with a damp cloth. Use only mild cleaning
agents, never solvents or corrosive chemicals.
Make sure that the airbed is dry before folding it up for storage.
Expel all the air out of the airbed and place it in the storage bag in a dry,
indoor location.
Do not store the airbed where it could be exposed to extreme temperatures.
Responsible disposal
This symbol indicates that this product should not be disposed of
with general household waste. This applies throughout theentire EU.
In order to prevent any harm to theenvironment or health hazards
caused by incorrect waste disposal, theproduct must be handed in
for recycling so that thematerial can be disposed of in aresponsible
manner. When recycling your product, take it to your local collection
facility or contact theplace of purchase. They will ensure that
theproduct is disposed of in anenvironmentally sound manner.
Power supply 220–240V, 50Hz
Power 130 W
31-3215-1 203×97×40cm
31-3215-2 203×157×40cm
Inflating theairbed
1. Plug themains lead into awall socket.
Never run the pump for longer than 5 minutes at a time. Let the motor cool
down for 20 minutes before using it again.
Do not expose the product to direct sunlight for prolonged periods.
Keep pets away from the product.
Always place the product on a firm and flat surface.
Avoid placing the product:
- On sharp edges.
- Close to naked flames, heaters or other hot objects.
- Close to doors and stairs.
- In the rain or close to water.
The airbed is not a buoyancy aid. Do not use it on the water.
The airbed is not a lifebuoy or life-saving device.
Product description
Airbed with built-in electric pump for speedy inflation and deflation. Highly
comfortable bed with flocked top. Phthalate-free.
Deflating theairbed
1. Plug themains lead into awall socket.
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Marke Asaklitt
Modell CL22289
Kategorie Luftbetten
Dateityp PDF
Dateigröße 1.5 MB

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Mein Luftbett verliert langsam an Luft, scheint aber keine undichte Stelle zu haben. Warum? Verifiziert

Temperaturunterschiede führen häufig dazu, dass sich das Luftbett weicher anfühlt. Warme Luft dehnt sich aus und kalte Luft zieht sich zusammen. Wenn ein Luftbett tagsüber mit warmer Luft gefüllt wird und diese in der Nacht auskühlt, fühlt sich das Luftbett weicher an. Andere Gründe sind ein defektes Ventil oder altes, porös gewordenes Material. In letzterem Fall muss das Luftbett ausgetauscht werden. Im Falle eines defekten Ventils setzen Sie sich mit dem Hersteller in Verbindung.

Das war hilfreich (151) Mehr lesen

Kann ich eine undichte Stelle in meinem Luftbett mit einem Reparaturset für Fahrradreifen reparieren? Verifiziert

Es ist möglich, eine undichte Stelle in einem Luftbett mit einem Reparaturset für Fahrradreifen zu reparieren. Das bei Luftbetten verwendete PVC kann sich jedoch von dem von Fahrradreifen unterscheiden, weshalb es sein kann, dass der Kleber nicht gut am Luftbett hält. Um eine undichte Stelle dauerhaft zu reparieren, sollte am besten ein speziell für Luftbetten hergestelltes Reparaturset verwendet werden.

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Kann ich ein Luftbett mit dem Mund aufblasen? Verifiziert

Es wird davon abgeraten, ein Luftbett mit dem Mund aufzublasen. Das Aufblasen eines Luftbetts mit dem Mund braucht nicht nur sehr viel Zeit und sorgt für Schwindelgefühl, sondern führt auch dazu, dass außer Luft auch Spucke in das Luftbett geblasen wird. Dies kann mit der Zeit negative Auswirkungen auf das Luftbett haben.

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Die Dellen des Luftbetts sind beim Schlafen unbequem. Was kann ich tun? Verifiziert

Die Dellen des Luftbetts sorgen dafür, dass sich das Bett nicht wölbt, wenn es aufgeblasen wird. Wenn die Dellen zu hart sind, wurde das Luftbett zu stark aufgeblasen. Lassen Sie etwas Luft heraus, um es weicher zu machen.

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Das Luftbett fühlt sich kalt an. Was kann ich tun? Verifiziert

Ein Luftbett isoliert nicht gut, da es mit Luft aufgeblasen ist. Die Kälte vom Boden gelangt in die Luft des Luftbetts, weshalb es sich kalt anfühlt. Um dies zu verhindern, können Sie eine isolierte Matte unter dem Luftbett oder eine isolierte Decke auf dem Luftbett verwenden.

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Bedienungsanleitung Asaklitt CL22289 Luftbett

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